Thursday, March 26, 2009

New VO-Package Released - ALICE and JDEM VOs Added

A new VO package is now available. This package includes the new OSG VOs ALICE and JDEM. It also includes several minor changes in the gums.template, edg-mkgridmap.conf, and vomses files.

The GOC suggests backing up your installation before running any update commands.

To pull the new VO Package for an OSG 0.8 or 1.0 resource please use:

# source
# pacman -update vo-package

Please remember to make local user accounts to map the new 'alice' and 'jdem' VOs.

To pull the new VO Package for the OSG Client 0.8 or 1.0 please use:

# source
# pacman -update vo-client-0.6