We are pleased to announce OSG Software versions 3.1.30 and 3.2.4.
The 3.2.4 version contains the following change:
* Update to Globus Toolkit 5.2.5 (many minor bug fixes and performance improvements)
In addition, both 3.1.30 and 3.2.4 versions contain the following changes:
* Update to xrootd version 3.3.5 (pick up bug fixes from 3.3.4 and 3.3.5)
* Update to VO Package v51 (DigiCert: Fermilab, SBGrid; GOC VOMS server reference)
* Update to RSV version 3.7.14 (provide support for contributed zabbix consumer)
Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:
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We welcome feedback on this release!