OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the OIM, Ticket and MyOSG services beginning at Tuesday, January 12th at 14:00 UTC.

No service outages are expected during this upgrade but the GOC reserves 1 hour for unforeseen problems.

ITB versions are now available for testing at myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu, ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu, and oim-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test these services before the release. Attached is a change log.

OIM 2.12

- Updated the footer link for report bugs (patched to previous release already)
- Updated the DivRep framework to latest version, with latest modifications that cut UI latency in half
- Modified verbiage on the home page to indicate a certificate issued by an OSG approved CA is required (instead of the existing text that demanded DOEGrids certificate)

MyOSG 1.13

- updated the footer link for report bugs (patched to previous release already)
- Removed the invalid link in misc page (patched to previous release already)
- Changed the h3 header background - and adjusted CSS accordingly
- Set "Now" as the default for status history and links that leads to status history pages.
- Changed verbiage on Resource Group home page
- Fixed the typo reported by Brian on Resource Group filter
- Added filter by "Support Center" for VO page (related ticket: https://ticket.grid.iu.edu/goc/viewer?id=7848)

Ticket 1.12

- Updated the h3 background
- Updated the footer link for report bug (patched to previous release already)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

New VO Package

A new VO package is now available.

There are two files that have been updated:
* gums-fqan.txt (used by an RSV probe)
* vomses (modified DN for GOC run VOMS server's cert)

The GOC suggests backing up your installation before running any
update commands.

To pull the new VO Package for an OSG 1.0.x or 1.2.0 Resource please
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-package

To pull the new VO Package for the OSG Client 1.0.x or 1.2.0 please use:
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-client

GOC Service Update

The GOC has upgraded the VOMS, MyOSG, and Ticket services successfully this morning.

The change log is attached.

MyOSG 1.12

Fixed the misc/count page issue where counts are off and no active / disable filters were available.
Fixed the rgdowntime show past downtime field bug where the selection causes page refresh

Ticket 1.11

Added new form for reporting bugs / feature request for GOC applications (MyOSG / OIM / Ticket)
Reorganized the front page.

OIM 2.11

(No changes)


GOC's ITB VOMS running at https://voms.grid.iu.edu:8443 has been
updated to latest available release of VOMS

Please submit problems, requests, and questions at:

Thank You,
OSG Grid Operations Center (GOC)
Email/Phone: goc@opensciencegrid.org, 317-278-9699
GOC Homepage: http://www.opensciencegrid.org/ops
RSS Feed: http://osggoc.blogspot.com

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, December 8th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the GOC VOMS, Ticket and MyOSG services beginning at Tuesday, December 8th at 14:00 UTC.

No service outages are expected during this upgrade but the GOC reserves 1 hour for unforeseen problems.

ITB versions are now available for testing at myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu, ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu, and https://voms-dev.grid.iu.edu:8443; we encourage users to test these services before the release. Attached is a change log.

MyOSG 1.12

Fixed the misc/count page issue where counts are off and no active / disable filters were available.
Fixed the rgdowntime show past downtime field bug where the selection causes page refresh

Ticket 1.11

Added new form for reporting bugs / feature request for GOC applications (MyOSG / OIM / Ticket)
Reorganized the front page.

OIM 2.11

(No changes)


GOC's ITB VOMS running at https://voms-dev.grid.iu.edu:8443 has been
updated to latest available release of VOMS (ITB - please test!)
Production VOMS serving MIS, OSGEDU VOs will be updated to
above version on Dec 8th.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

GOC Service Update

The GOC has upgraded the OIM, MyOSG, and Ticket services successfully this morning.

The change log is attached.

OIM 2.10 (oim-itb.grid.iu.edu)

Upgraded DivRep framework which includes various bug fixes such as

Fixed carriage return character issue with DivRepFormElement for IE
Added new DivRep common controls.
Added new parameter to divrep() function to accept action override
(Patch) set minimum window width

MyOSG 1.11 (myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu)

Moved rsvprocess to a new dedicated VMware instance.
Added Google Wave Widget URL
Added Google Calendar subscription option for RG downtime
Simplified CSS dependencies for mobile content
Fixed the RSV status map detail overflow issue.
(Patch) set minimum window width

Ticket 1.10 (ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu)

Added ability to log user access to GOC
Set shorter network timeout for FP call in order to detect n/w issue and present more user friendly error message.
Made GOC notification form's RSS check box to be checked by default.
(Patch) set minimum window width

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

OSG 1.2.4 Release Announcement

OSG Operations and Integration are pleased to announce the release of OSG version 1.2.4. This update affects all CE installations and OSG based installs of XRootd, XRootdFS, Bestman, XRootd-GridFTP, and GridFTP, GUMS, and VOMS.

This update adds a RSV probe to monitor the status of Gratia probes as well as the ability to specify which ReSS, BDII, or Gratia servers a CE should send information to. Other changes include support for configuring standalone instances of several storage components (xrootd, xrootdfs, bestman, xrootd-gridftp, and gridftp). This allows configure-osg to be used to configure these components.

Sites not planning on using the RSV gratia probes or not interested in configuring the storage components mentioned above can skip this update.

The following packages have been updated:

* osg-config
* osg-version
* Xrootd
* XrootdFS
* Xrootd-GridFTP
* Tomcat
* VOMS Admin
* EDG-Make-Gridmap

The following packages have been added to the production cache:

* GridFTP

Complete update instructions can be found at https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/OSG124UpdateInstructions

GOC Service Update 11-24-2009

The GOC will upgrade the OIM, MyOSG, and Ticket services beginning at Tuesday, November 24th at 14:00 UTC. No service outages are expected during this upgrade. ITB versions are now available for testing at myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu, ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu, and oim-itb.grid.iu.edu and we encourage users to test these services before the release. Attached is a change log.

OIM 2.10 (oim-itb.grid.iu.edu)

Upgraded DivRep framework which includes various bug fixes such as

Fixed carriage return character issue with DivRepFormElement for IE
Added new DivRep common controls.
Added new parameter to divrep() function to accept action override
(Patch) set minimum window width

MyOSG 1.11 (myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu)

Moved rsvprocess to a new dedicated VMware instance.
Added Google Wave Widget URL
Added Google Calendar subscription option for RG downtime
Simplified CSS dependencies for mobile content
Fixed the RSV status map detail overflow issue.
(Patch) set minimum window width

Ticket 1.10 (ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu)

Added ability to log user access to GOC
Set shorter network timeout for FP call in order to detect n/w issue and present more user friendly error message.
Made GOC notification form's RSS check box to be checked by default.
(Patch) set minimum window width

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Indianapolis BDII server maintenance (Nov 4th and 5th 2009)

On Nov 4th 2009, 19:00 UTC, the GOC will be removing the Indianapolis-based BDII server (is2.grid.iu.edu) off of round-robin (is.grid.iu.edu) to perform a network re-configuration; the Bloomington based BDII server (is1.grid.iu.edu) will continue to serve BDII users.

On Nov 5th 2009, 21:00 UTC, the GOC will be restore is2.grid.iu.edu back into round-robin (is.grid.iu.edu), assuming the above maintenance goes as planned.

No user-level outage is expected.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Update: OSG GOC Services experiencing intermittent difficulties.

The OSG GOC was experiencing intermittent difficulties with services including, but not limited to, BDII, GOCTicket, OIM, MyOSG and the OSG TWiki.

The network outage affected the IUPUI campus as noted here:


Most services returned to availability shortly after 17:00 Eastern Time, while GOCTicket returned to service at a later time as it waited for underlying systems to return to the network.

Any Bloomington-based services were still available during this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience this caused.

Notification for Tuesday November 10th Service Maintenances

The GOC will upgrade the MyOSG, Ticket, and OIM services beginning at
Tuesday, November 10th at 14:00 UTC. No service outages are expected
during this upgrade. ITB versions are now available for testing at
myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu, ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu, and oim-itb.grid.iu.edu
and we encourage users to test these services before the release.
Attached is a change log.

MyOSG 1.10

Important changes:
Updated the all XML exports to include XSD schema location.
Updated the home page.
Changed the past downtime check box to a select box in order to allow
user select the range of past downtime to display. (Added a check to
port old query to interpret as show all downtime)

Minor changes:
Patched some internal warnings messages
Updated the top banner
Added check to make sure XML content exists when user request CSV (CSV
depends on XML)

Ticket 1.9

Important changes:
(no important changes)

Minor changes:
Updated the top banner

OIM 2.9

Important changes:
Added capability to set confirmation dates for VO, SC, and Resource
similar to Contact confirmation.
Made the contact association information in the contact list to be
only available for GOC.
Added user's associated contact information on home page
Updated the divrep.jar to include the latest bug fixes for UTF-8
Added Ruth to the CC-list for all FP registration tickets (Resource,
VO, and SC)
Fixed various unicode handling issues.

Minor changes:
Added link to OIM hierarchy presentation on the OIM hompage.
Updated the top banner

Bug Fixes (already applied to current production):
Fixed for the downtime editor's oddness where minute won't be reset.
Updated Footprints registration message template
Moved the htmlview template to the right location

Monday, November 2, 2009

GOC Maintenance (Bloomington)

The GOC will be performing emergency maintenance on the secondary power
supply to our machine rack in Bloomington at 8AM (15:00 UTC) on Tuesday,
November 3rd.

No GOC service -- including BDII, MyOSG, and the Software Cache that are
hosted jointly in Indianapolis -- are expected to be affected by this

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New VO Package - Addition of GlueX VO and CMS Update

A new VO package is now available. This package includes the new GlueX VO and an update to the gums.template entry for CMS. Please remember to update your local configuration to include the "gluex" account mapping.

The GOC suggests backing up your installation before running any
update commands.

To pull the new VO Package for an OSG 1.0.x or 1.2.0 Resource please
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-package

To pull the new VO Package for the OSG Client 1.0.x or 1.2.0 please use:
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-client

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New release 1.10 of CA Certificates

A new release of the CA certificates is available at
This is version 1.10 and uses IGTF 1.32 as the basis.

===== Version 1.10 ===================
Released 27-Oct-2009

Updated to IGTF 1.32:
* Updated country TLD in URLs and email for AEGIS CA (RS)
* Updated contact information for CALC CA (LV)
* Extended life time and updated profile or TR-Grid CA cert and CRL URL (TR)
* Updated and added references to CP and CPS documents for the following
authorities: HellasGrid (GR), ROSA (RO), DutchGrid (NL), IRAN-GRID (IR),
and BYGCA (BY)
* Withdrawn obsolete CAs SWITCH-Personal-2007, SwissSign-Root, SWITCH,
SwissSign-Bronze, SwissSign-Silver, SWITCH-Server-2007 (CH)
* Withdrawn expired and discontinued CA RMKI (HU)

Monday, October 19, 2009

ticket.grid.iu.edu Upgrade October 21

The GOC will be upgrading GOCTicket (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu) on October 21st, 2009 at 3 PM EDT (1900 UTC). The change log:

* Fixed bug related to faulty resetting of ticket-type from Security_Notification to Problem-Request.
* Added a "Security" or "Security Notification" tag display on the ticket list if the ticket type is Security (incident) or Security_Notification respectively.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

GOC Machine Room Move Completed

The GOC data center move is now complete. All community facing services have been restored, including the RSV collector and SAM transfer.

During the maintenance users contacting is1.grid.iu.edu directly or via DNS round robin may have seen intermittent service outages.

Some GOC internal services, including the MIS and OSGEDT VOMS, are still being brought online and will be available shortly.

Friday, October 16, 2009

MyOSG 1.9 Release October 19

The GOC will be upgrading MyOSG on October 19th, 2009 at 3 PM EDT (1900 UTC).
This update should not affect any current usage of MyOSG. The change log is
listed below:

* CSV Output:
- Added ability to export MyOSG content in CSV (UTF-8) created by
flattening the XML output.
- The ordering and number of columns in the CSV file will change based
on the data.
- We do not recommend the CSV output for programattic use - it is meant
mainly for management to be able to import into a tool like Microsoft
Excel for further manipulation

* VO/Activation:
- Fixed the bug where VO id can be incorrect.

* UTF-8 Encoding issues:
- Fixed any place view that was not handling UTF-8 characters correctly.

* Mobile Content:
- Added Mobile Content subscription link that allows users who are
having trouble consuming UWA content on their mobile devices to render
MyOSG data on the web browser installed on the device
- This is an experimental feature, and has not been tested extensively yet.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

REMINDER: OSG GOC Service Maintenance - Oct. 17, 2009

This is a reminder that Saturday, October 17, 2009, the GOC will perform the following maintenance:

Machine Room Move in Bloomington - 7 AM to 5 PM EDT. GOC will attempt to make it as short as possible.

* GOC has put in place instances of critical services BDII, MyOSG, GOCTicket, Software cache -- and non-critical services OIM , Twiki -- on IUPUI based servers.
* RSV collector will be down. Records will be picked up when the server comes back up. RSV-SAM uploads will resume when the server comes back up.
* GOC VOMS will be down.
* http://www.grid.iu.edu will be down.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

OSG GOC Services Experiencing Difficulties

OSG GOC Services are experiencing intermittent outages due to a problem with a core router at the IU-Bloomington campus. This may cause problems connecting to MyOSG, GOCTicket and other services. System Engineers are investigating and hope to have service stabilized as soon as possible.

Monday, October 5, 2009

New VO Package - New GPN VOMS Address

A new VO package is now available. This package reflects a change of address for the GPN VOMS.

The GOC suggests backing up your installation before running any
update commands.

To pull the new VO Package for an OSG 1.0.x or 1.2.0 Resource please
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-package

To pull the new VO Package for the OSG Client 1.0.x or 1.2.0 please use:
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-client

Upcoming GOC Maintenance

The GOC will be performing the following maintenance this week:

1) On October 7, 2009 at 11 AM EDT (15:00 UTC), we will be upgrading the
GOCTicket application (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu). This release is
mainly an update to the Security ticket notification system (Related
ticket: https://ticket.grid.iu.edu/goc/viewer?id=7498). No outage is
expected but the GOC reserves 30 minutes for any unforeseen problems.

2) On Oct 7, 2009 at 2:00 PM EDT (18:00 UTC), we will be modifying the
DNS to point the following services at respective Indianapolis based

- myosg
- oim
- software
- ticket
- twiki

No outage is expected but the GOC reserves one hour for unforeseen problems.

Upcoming maintenance: On Oct 21, 2009 at 2:00 PM EDT (18:00 UTC), the
GOC will be modifying the DNS to round-robin the following services
between two instances, one hosted at Bloomington, and the other at

- myosg
- software
- ticket

No outage is expected but the GOC reserves one hour for unforeseen problems.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

MyOSG 1.8/OIM 2.8 Upgrade 10-2-09

The GOC will be upgrading MyOSG and OIM October 2, 2009 at 3 PM EDT. This update will consists of several minor bug fixes and feature requests. It will not affect any current usage of MyOSG.

A full change log can be found at https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/Operations/MyOSG18.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

GOC Ticket System Maintenance

On Sep 29th between 22-23:00 hours Eastern Time (Sep 30th 2-3:00 UTC), OSG Ticket System is expected to be down due to an scheduled upgrade/maintenance to the underlying Footprints server. Users of https://ticket.grid.iu.edu/goc/ will be unable to create/view/modify tickets during that time.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

OSG 1.2.3 has been released

The OSG has released version 1.2.3 into production - this corresponds to VDT update release 2.0.0p10. To see a complete list of update please see:


This update applies only to resources that are at OSG version 1.2.x and does not affect resources using 1.0.x.

For detailed instructions for updating please visit:

Monday, September 21, 2009

VDT Software Cache Maintenance

The computer that hosts the VDT web site and software caches
(vdt.cs.wisc.edu) is having a disk problem and maintenance will be
performed on it at 4:00pm Central Time today.

We hope that the maintenance will not cause downtime for the VDT web
site, but it might. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this
might cause for you, and we'll get things back online as quickly as

In the event that an interruption in service occurs for the VDT
software cache, the OSG software cache will also be unavailable.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

OSG 1.2.2 Release Announcement

The OSG has released version 1.2.2 into production - this corresponds to VDT update release 2.0.0p9. To see a complete list of update please see:


This update applies only to resources that are at OSG version 1.2.x and does not affect resources using 1.0.x.

For detailed instructions for updating please visit:

Upcoming Service Name change in OIM (Topology) - GOC Ticket # 7457

The OSG will be removing the service named "BestmanXRootd" and replacing
associated resources with an existing entry named SRMv2.

The GOC has devised a plan of action towards this, and is tracking the
change in ticket https://ticket.grid.iu.edu/goc/viewer?id=7457

The steps the GOC will take include:

1) For each resource providing a Bestman/Xrootd service, GOC staff will
enable the SRMv2 service at least 1 week before Oct 1st 2009
(a) For WLCG-interop sites, make sure the SRMv2 service is reporting
fine to SAM

2) On Sep 30th 2009, GOC will remove the Bestman/Xrootd service from
OIM's list of services
(a) For WLCG-interop sites, SAM developer will remove the
Bestman/Xrootd services manually from SAM's DB on Oct 1st 2009.
(b) GridView team will be responsible for reviewing the computed
statistics for the first week of the month.

Please see ticket 7457 at:

Monday, September 14, 2009

OIM and MyOSG Updates

The GOC will be updating OIM and MyOSG at 2 PM EDT (18:00 UTC). No
downtime is expected.

All updates in this release will be transparent to users of MyOSG's
critical components. Several feature requests and minor bug fixes have
been addressed. These include the ability to set local timezone on one's
profile, and afterward schedule maintenance using local times, both on
OIM; And on MyOSG the ability to view downtime details in local times,
and exporting of the downtime schedule to several popular calendar formats.

MyOSG 1.7 Updates

* (RSV Status Map - Promotional View): Groups nearby sites into one
location to reduce overlap on GIF export. Also added Google Earth
export (.kml) so that user can export OSG facility information to
Google Earth.
* (Resource Group Downtime): Added ability for user to export the
downtime information in iCal format. Tested with Google Calendar,
Thunderbird Calendar plugin, Apple iCAL.
* (ResourceGroup Downtime): Added FQDN and resource group information
* (GIP) Updated GIP validation XML script to print LDIF URLs. Fixed bug
related to use of wrong URL for GIP issue detail link
* Added support for display of user-specific timezone where applicable,
information if set on OIM (for that user)

OIM 2.7 Updates

* (Timezone) Added timezone to contact list, ability to add downtime in
user's local timezone, timezone tags to downtime start/end times;
resource downtime uses user's local timezone to display time
* (Contacts):
- Filter added to not show disabled contact for contact editor
- Fixed the ghost auto complete box issue on contact editor
- Changed the mailing list / personal contact icons
- Added phone number column to report confirmation export
* (Comment field) Added comment entry field for Resource, VO, and SC editor.
* (Resource) Added validation to make sure only one service of the
same type can be added to a resource.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

OSG GOC Service Outage - Friday, Sept 11, 2009

Services hosted from the IUB (Bloomington) Machine Room will be temporarily unavailable on Friday, September 11, from 4:00am to 5:00am EDT due to scheduled maintenance.

This maintenance will cause the following services to experience an outage:

RSV Collector

The Bloomington BDII Server (is1.grid.iu.edu) will also be down during this time. We will configure DNS to point at is2.grid.iu.edu well in advance of this maintenance.

Monday, August 31, 2009

MyOSG 1.6 Release Notice

The OSG Operations Center will be updating the MyOSG to the latest release (version 1.6) on Tuesday, September 1st at 3:00PM EDT. A short outage (few minutes) is expected but the GOC reserves one hour for unexpected problems, to allow roll-back.

This release includes the following bug fixes and features:

  • Added Resource Group based pages. We have retained original Resource-based pages(/wizardXXXX) for backward compatibility though the resource menu item has been removed We expect to gradually phase out the Resource pages.
  • Changed various inter-page links to point to the new resource group pages (instead of resource pages)
  • Changed the way item selectors worked. Previously it was a big list of checkboxes. Now users can search for values in any item by typing the name, or hit the down arrow key to show the entire list of values. Applied this selector to all applicable instances, except the old resource page.
  • Updated RSV Status Map with new Terrain map type and updated icons to make it easier to see the RSV status. Changed structure to allow map type to be retained inside the URL. Fixed bug related to downtime information display.
  • Added "User contributed MyOSG view" section on the home page which pulls content from one of our Twiki pages.

This version is currently available at myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu for testing, please feel free to browse and test against this site.

NOTE: The myosg.grid.iu.edu hostname will have a new IP following this change. Please ensure local DNS caches are cleared/updated so you get the new IP.

Please direct any questions, issues, or future development requests to the GOC.

Friday, August 28, 2009

OSG v1.0.5 released

The OSG has released version 1.0.5 into production. This update
contains several security updates and bug fixes. To see a complete
list of update please see: http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/vdt/releases/1.10.1/release-p24.html

This update applies only to resources that are at OSG version 1.0.x
and does not affect resources using 1.2.x.

Detailed instructions for updating your 1.0.x installation to 1.0.5
can be found at: https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/OSG105UpdateInstructions

Monday, August 24, 2009

OSG 1.2.1 Release Announcement

The OSG has released version 1.2.1 into production. This update fixes a
bug associated with pyOpenSSL and the ability of RSV to find it, as
well as other bug and security updates. To see a complete list of update please


This update applies only to resources that are at OSG version 1.2.0
and does not affect resources using 1.0.x.

For detailed instructions for updating please visit:


Thursday, August 20, 2009

VORS Turn Down - August 24, 2009 - Final Notice

The OSG Grid Operations Center will turn down the VORS (http://vors.grid.iu.edu) status monitoring service on August 24th. VORS status probing will be replaced by RSV probes and data presentation will be provided in the MyOSG pages (https://myosg.grid.iu.edu).

If you are still using VORS please contact the GOC as soon as possible so we can help facilitate your move.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

OSG GOC Services Restored - GOC Ticket # 7309

The OSG GOC was experiencing multiple service outages. The following services were down: OIM, Twiki, Software cache, Ticket, and the main GOC webpage. The services were down for varying lengths of time, from 50 minutes to 75 minutes.

The outages were due to a network outage in the Bloomington machine room instead of the IUPUI machine room, as previously stated.

Service has been fully restored.

Please see ticket 7309 at:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New VO Package - Mariachi VO Removed and NEBioGrid Correction

A new VO package is now available. This package removes the new
defunct Mariachi VO. It also updates a mistake in the NEBioGrid VO
entry in the gums.template.

The GOC suggests backing up your installation before running any
update commands.

To pull the new VO Package for an OSG 1.0.x or 1.2.0 Resource please
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-package

To pull the new VO Package for the OSG Client 1.0.x or 1.2.0 please use:
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-client

Also remember the local account mapping for Mariachi will need to be

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


A new release of the CA certificates is available at
This is version 1.9 and uses IGTF 1.31 as the basis.

===== Version 1.9 ====================
Released 28-Jul-2009

Updated to IGTF 1.31:
* Removed expired root certificate for BEGrid (03aa0ecb) (BE)
* Removed expired and discontinued User and Server issuing CAs
for DFN (fe102e03 and 34f8e29c) (DE)

Monday, July 27, 2009

OSG 1.2.0 Release Announcement

After several months of work, we are pleased to announce the availability of version 1.2.0 of the OSG middleware stack. This release brings several new
features including support for debian 5.0, more efficient upgrading between minor releases, and features to make it easier to setup, use, and maintain installations based on the OSG middleware stack.

Documentation for the OSG release can be found at https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/.

For details about the release please visit the Overview document at https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/OSG12Overview.

Packages Available:
ce - Compute Element
wn-client - Worker Node Client
client - Desktop Client
gums - GUMS
voms - VOMS
vomrs - VOMRS

Job Manager Setup Packages:

Optional Packages:
ManagedFork - Condor Managed Fork
squid - Squid Web Caching Service
Bestman - Bestman Storage
Xrootd - XRootD

To install these packages use the following pacman syntax:

# pacman -get http://software.grid.iu.edu/osg-1.2:

Example for the compute element use:
# pacman -get http://software.grid.iu.edu/osg-1.2:ce

Please Contact the OSG Operations Center with any questions or concerns by opening a ticket at https://ticket.grid.iu.edu/goc/open.

Rob Quick
OSG Operations Coordinator
Suchandra Thapa
OSG Integration Coordinator
Alain Roy
OSG Software Coordinator

Monday, July 13, 2009

Clarification of 7/10 VORS Notification

In the attached message sent on Friday, July 10th, the GOC used the word "deprecate" to describe the VORS turndown on Monday, August 3rd. To clarify the status of VORS beginning on August 3rd, it will be turned down and unavailable to the public.

The OSG Grid Operations Center is planning the deprecation of the VORS (http://vors.grid.iu.edu) status monitoring service on August 3rd. VORS status probing will be replaced by RSV probes and data presentation will be provided in the MyOSG pages (https://myosg.grid.iu.edu).

We have been working hard to identify and move VORS users to the new MyOSG interface for status data. If you are still using VORS please contact the GOC as soon as possible so we can help facilitate your move. Our goal is to have all external programmatic users fully functioning using MyOSG or other OSG information services by July 27th.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Friday, July 10, 2009

VORS Deprecation Scheduled August 3rd, 2009

The OSG Grid Operations Center is planning the deprecation of the VORS (http://vors.grid.iu.edu) status monitoring service on August 3rd. VORS status probing will be replaced by RSV probes and data presentation will be provided in the MyOSG pages (https://myosg.grid.iu.edu).

We have been working hard to identify and move VORS users to the new MyOSG interface for status data. If you are still using VORS please contact the GOC as soon as possible so we can help facilitate your move. Our goal is to have all external programmatic users fully functioning using MyOSG or other OSG information services by July 27th.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

IMPORTANT: Please restart tomcat on your CE immediately

The GOC requests all OSG production site administrators to restart their
Tomcat service as soon as possible!

The IP address of is1.grid.iu.edu changed yesterday - this was part of
the final set of transitions of GOC servers to a new VLAN before the September
2009 machine room move. The CEMon clients running on most OSG CEs have
not picked up this change of IP address - this is a well known bug in
the Tomcat configuration that has supposedly been fixed in very recent
VDT releases (for more information please contact the VDT or file a GOC
ticket). Restarting Tomcat will ensure that your CE uploads data to both
servers is1 and is2.

The GOC has setup a temporary rsync of CEMon data files from is2 to is1
-- this will remain in place for the next 24-48 hours while we monitor
whether all sites have restarted uploading data to is1.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Completed: July 8 Maintenance on MyOSG and is1.grid.iu.edu

The GOC has completed maintenance on is1.grid.iu.edu and MyOSG.

We request site administrators to restart their tomcat so that CEMon will start uploading to is1.grid.iu.edu at its new IP address.

Additionally, during this maintenance, OIM (https://oim.grid.iu.edu) and the Ticket (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu) were unavailable for a few minutes. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. We expect to not have such outages in the future - this network maintenance is a required process as the GOC moves towards moving its servers to a new machine room in September 2009.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

New VO Package - GUGrid VO Removed, CDF and JDEM updates - GOC Ticket # 7106

A new VO package is now available. This package removes the new defunct GUGrid VO who is conducting future OSG business under the Engage VO. It also updates a malformed vomses file entry for JDEM and the ordering of CDF entries in the edg-mkgridmap.conf.

The GOC suggests backing up your installation before running any update commands.

To pull the new VO Package for an OSG 0.8 or 1.0.x Resource please use:
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-package

To pull the new VO Package for the OSG Client 0.8 or 1.0.x please use:
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-client

Also remember local account mapping for GUGrid will need to be removed.

Please see ticket 7106 at:

Monday, July 6, 2009

OIM Emergency Maintenance

The GOC will be applying a bug fix to OIM from 4:45 PM EDT to 5:00 EDT. No downtime is expected.

* This update fixes an issue with browsing the data change log.

July 8 Maintenance on MyOSG and is1.grid.iu.edu

On July 8th 2009 18:00-19:00 UTC, the OSG Operations Group will be performing maintenance on the following production services:

BDII users will be unaffected - is.grid will be reconfigured to point to only is2.grid.iu.edu during this maintenance period. The real outages on myosg and is2 are expected to last only few minutes but the GOC reserves the entire hour for maintenance. We will let you know when the maintenance is complete.

Resolved: OIM Outage

The GOC was experiencing an OIM outage. Service has been restored.

OIM Outage

The GOC is currently experiencing an OIM outage. Engineers are currently investigating. We will send another announcement when service has been restored.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

CORRECTION: New release 1.8 of CA Certificates

A new release of the CA certificates is available at
This is version 1.8 and still uses IGTF 1.30 as the basis.

We had previously supplied the SVN address in error and we apologize.

===== Version 1.8 ====================
Released 1-Jul-2009

Removed obsolete expiring CAs:
* DFN-Verein User CA Grid - G01, hash 34f8e29c
* DFN-Verein Server CA Grid - G01, hash fe102e03

GOC Staff Holiday July 3-5

The Open Science Grid Operations Center will be operating on weekend/after-hours procedures on July 3rd for Independence Day holiday. Please submit issues normally via the webform at  https://ticket.grid.iu.edu/goc/open. All non-critical tickets will be addressed on Monday, July 6th.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

New release 1.8 of CA Certificates

A new release of the CA certificates is available at
This is version 1.8 and still uses IGTF 1.30 as the basis.
===== Version 1.8 ====================
Released 1-Jul-2009

Removed obsolete expiring CAs:
* DFN-Verein User CA Grid - G01, hash 34f8e29c
* DFN-Verein Server CA Grid - G01, hash fe102e03

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June 30 Maintenance on OIM, RSV, TWiki and Other GOC Production Services

The OSG GOC has completed their maintenance and all systems are functioning as expected.

Some users may experience outages due to DNS propagation not having yet happened.

Also, you may try clearing your local DNS Cache in one of the methods listed here:


Monday, June 29, 2009

June 30 Maintenance on OIM, RSV, TWiki and Other GOC Production Services

On June 30th 2009 19:00-20:00 UTC the OSG Operations Group will be performing maintenance on the following production services:


The real outages are expected to last a few minutes but the GOC reserves the entire hour for maintenance. We will let you know when the maintenance is complete.

Friday, June 26, 2009

MyOSG 1.4.1 released

MyOSG 1.4.1 release includes

  • Standardized the header / footer style with other GOC application
  • Made ITB part of GIP information optional on GIP validation page
  • Improved error handling due to catastrophic failures
  • Decommissioned long deprecated /history page (replaced by http://myosg.grid.iu.edu/wizardstatushistory)
  • Fixed the current downtime issue where it was not displaying all of current downtimes.
  • Made page style to be more consistent at http://myosg.grid.iu.edu/vosummary?datasource=summary&all_vos=on&active_value=1
If you need need any new features in MyOSG, then please open a feature request at http://code.google.com/p/osggoc/issues/entry

Monday, June 22, 2009

Tomcat Restart Request for Affected Resources

Many resources are not reporting to ReSS after it was recently moved to a new IP address. Please go to http://osg-ress-1.fnal.gov:8080/ReSS/ReSS-prd-History.html to determine if your resource was affected. The issue can be resolved by restarting tomcat.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

VDT 1.10.1y released


The release instructions follow:

The VDT team has released an update to VDT 1.10.1.

This release includes:
- a security update for Java

Show More

- bug fix updates for Bestman, the SRM Fermi client, the Generic
Information Provider (GIP), and RSV.
- an update to the PPDG cert scripts

Further details and instructions to update the affected VDT packages
are located here:

Once again, the new VDT Updater can be used to update your software.
See the URL above for more information.

After updating the VDT packages on your installation, you will need to

pacman -update osg-version

in order to update your osg-version number.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

ReSS Collector Maintenance 6-18-2009

The OSG production collector osg-ress-1.fnal.gov will change ip numbers on 6/18/2009. There will probably be some delay for the DNS to propagate to the rest of the network. Also anyone running anything less than vdt-1.10.1v will have to restart their tomcat so that the correct osg-ress-1 ip is used.

http://myosg.grid.iu.edu/wizarddowntime/index?datasource=downtime&summary_attrs_showservice=on&summary_attrs_showrsvstatus=on&summary_attrs_showfqdn=on&gip_status_attrs_showtestresults=on&gip_status_attrs_showfqdn=on&account_type=cumulative_hours&ce_account_type=gip_vo&se_account_type=vo_transfer_volume&start_type=7daysago&start_date=06%2F16%2F2009&end_type=now&end_date=06%2F16%2F2009&r=on&r _238=on&gridtype=on&gridtype_1=on&active_value=1&disable_value=1

Monday, June 15, 2009

SWITCH SLCS CA Service downtime June 21

Due to a power upgrade the SWITCH SLCS service will be in downtime next
Sunday June the 21st from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. CET: during this time the
service as a whole will not be available and therefore the root and
online CAs CRLs will also not be downloadable.

The service will be resumed immediately afterwards.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

MyOSG 1.4 released!

The GOC is pleased to announce the release of MyOSG 1.4 -- this release includes fixes and content in the support center / VO and miscellaneous sections.

Here is a detailed list of changes:

Resource section
  • Resource to display list is more user friendly - users do not have to uncheck "All Resource" button to select another option

Resource Summary (WizardSummary)
  • Presents FQDN aliases if applicable for any resource, if "Show FQDN" checkbox is checked
  • In WLCG section, fixed LDAP URI issue to use resource group name instead of resource name
Status Map:
  • Using different map type; and defaults to zoom level of continental U.S
  • User's pan/zoom location is embedded in URL, and can be bookmarked or added to iGoogle/Netvibes
  • Added additional filters/selectors including default "production resource group" filter

Support Center and VO sections
  • Added contact information.
  • Secure web URL provides email and phone number to authorized personnel.

Resource RSV Current Status
  • Improved the style on expired / not reported metrics

Miscellaneous section:
  • Added a resource-service count option in "Information to Display"

Home page
  • Updated the content of the home page. Quick links give results for all production resources; VO-user use-case includes environment variables.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

RSV Brief Outage

The production RSV collector (rsv.grid.iu.edu) experienced a brief service outage shortly before 3pm EDT today. Service has now been restored. No RSV records are expected to be lost -- the RSV clients will resend the records when the server comes back up, and RSV-SAM transport will also catch up by itself.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Security updates: VDT 1.10.1x and 2.0.0p2

The VDT team announces the immediate availability of VDT 1.10.1x and 2.0.0p2, which contain an important security update to Glexec. You can read about the VDT updates and the security advisory on these pages:


We recommend updating installations of VDT 1.10.1 and 2.0.0 right away.

Friday, June 5, 2009

VDT 1.10.1w released

The VDT team has released an update to VDT 1.10.1.

This release includes:
- a security update for Java
- bug fix updates for Bestman, the SRM Fermi client, the Generic
Information Provider, and RSV
- an update to the PPDG cert scripts

Further details and instructions to update are located here:

Once again, the new VDT Updater can be used to update your software.
See the URL above for more information.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

OSG CA distribution v1.7 Released

The OSG security team has released an update to the OSG CA package. This update should be picked up by vdt-ca-update or 'yum update', assuming you are using one of those mechanisms to receive CA certificate updates from the GOC.

References for OSG CA package distribution:

MyOSG 1.3 Released

MyOSG 1.3a has been released.

Following are the changes made.

- Display version number at the bottom of MyOSG page.
- Fixed bug caused by adding new authentication types.
- Added associated services check box under Misc / RSV Metric page.
- Improved Resource / Downtime page and added optional "past downtime"
- Added missing field for Resource / Downtime XML page.
- Added class / severity / DN fields for Resource / Downtime page.
- Added VO parent information on VO / Summary page.
- Added label for non-critical services on Misc / RSV Metric page

Friday, May 29, 2009

MyOSG 1.2 Released!

MyOSG 1.2 has been released with some bug fixes and minor cosmetic changes.

Following are the detailed list of changes:

  • Updated the content of the home page.
  • Fixed jQuery related bugs.
  • Added initial sets of filters / sites selectors to Status Map page
  • Added more links to URL, Email address etc.
  • Added code to remember scroll position via cookie.
  • Added DN filter for contact / phone, email so that sensitive information won't get indexed by search engines.
  • Fixed the datepicker issue where it goes out of the browser window.
  • Added hidden flag display for service and re-formatted to match the style of contact_info
  • Added site name for site map bubble (to show that it's grouped for site and not resource group)
  • Fixed the service filter bug on resource page
  • Added miscellaneous menu, and added RSV metric and CPU info pages.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

OIMv2 released!

The OSG GOC is pleased to announce the release of OIM version 2.0 (to production status) at https://oim.grid.iu.edu.

This is a complete re-write of the OIM application with an updated database backend. Major changes include:
  1. WLCG Installed Capacity: Coordinators of VO that are part of the WLCG interoperability (and/or resource contacts) can enter/modify Installed Capacity information for resources their VO owns
  2. VO Reporting and Subscription; VO contacts can add/modify VO reporting names, associated FQAN and report subscribers
  3. Fields of Science: VOs can associate with field(s) of science(s)
  4. VO Ownership of Resources: Resource contacts can set VO ownership of their resource
  5. Hidden and/or Central Service Registration: Resources can be mapped to multiple services, and tagged hidden if applicable. For example, if the service is a hidden CE.
  6. Over-riding serviceUri: A resource-service's URI can be overridden if applicable. For example, if an SRM runs on foo.grid.iu.edu:60443
  7. Ability to Edit Resource Groups, Sites, Facilities: Registered OIM users are allowed to modify administrative facility and site information as well as resource group information
  8. Multiple Auth-Levels for Users: Registered users can be associated with more than one authorization level; This allows us to provide granular authorization capabilities for various other services like the ticket system, MyOSG, etc.
  9. Comprehensive Audit Capabilities: Changes to various entities are logged, and easily made available to GOC staff and other authorized users. This will help with security as well as various contacts of a resource or a VO knowing what was changed in their registration by who, and when.
  10. New UI: Brand new look for the user interface!


Public views that used to be available at http://oim.grid.iu.edu/pub have mostly been removed from the OIM web interface; these pieces of information are available via MyOSG (http://myosg.grid.iu.edu); Legacy public views, chosen based on past usage, have still been made available at the above link with a warning that they will be phased out as we follow usage or lack of usage. We will be contacting users of the legacy public OIM views to help them towards migrating to MyOSG-provided data.

OIM maintenance complete, and GOC ticket interface restored

OIM service was restored at approximately 18:15 UTC today. (We will send a follow up release notification shortly!)

The OSG GOC apologizes for the inconvenience, but during the OIM maintenance today, GOCTicket had to be taken down for a short period of time time. The ticket interface at https://oim.grid.iu.edu/gocticket was restored at approximately 18:50 UTC.

Again, we apologize for any inconvenience the unexpected ticket interface outage may have caused.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

OIM Maintenance Wednesday, May 27 2009 18:00 UTC

OIM will be under maintenance on Wednesday, May 27 2009 18:00 UTC - 19:00 UTC as the Open Science Grid Operations Center releases OIM version 2. The GOC will work to ensure as little downtime as possible, but reserves the entire window for maintenance. We will send a followup announcement when this maintenance has completed.

While OIM will be affected, the following related services will NOT be affected by this maintenance:
* GOCticket

The GOC will also send out an announcement with information about new features in version 2, migration that may be necessary, legacy links and how long they will be available, etc.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

OSG TWiki Maintenence Completed

The OSG Operations Center has finished its maintenance of the OSG TWiki. Editing capabilities have been restored. If, for some reason, you cannot access the TWiki or edit, you may need to clear your DNS cache. Please alert the GOC if you notice any other odd behaviors.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

MyOSG 1.1 released!

The OSG GOC is pleased to announce the release of MyOSG 1.1 (to production status) at http://myosg.grid.iu.edu/

Major changes include:

  1. Resource summary page (Resource -> Resource Summary) now provides:
    • ServiceURIs for OSG services like CE, SRM, GridFtp
    • Environment Parameter values for OSG resources
    • WLCG Interoperability information including Interop LDAP list as applicable
    • Contact Information (such as report contact, admin contact, etc.). NOTE: Email address might be removed from a future release.
    • Deprecated feature: A legacy CSV URL link for users who wish to continue to use a CSV listing of resources similar to what is shown on VORS' text listing. NOTE: This link will be removed on Nov 30 2009, and is provided to ease transition from VORS to MyOSG.

  2. New filters for resource pages: Active Status, WLCG Information availability
  3. Allows display of permanently deactivated (for anyone who does any kind of reporting against resources including removed ones)
  4. Support Center summary is now available (via link on top menu)
  5. Virtual organization summary is now available (via link on top menu). This page includes ability to additionally:
    • Show member resources
    • Show field(s) of science
    • Show reporting group information. FQANs and contacts. NOTE: Email address might be removed from this display in the future.
  6. Additional explanation at the top of each XML page, and a URL back to original (HTML) MyOSG page at the bottom of each XML page
This version of MyOSG uses updated OIM (v2) database. Until the production release of OIMv2, the data will be synchronized from OIMv1's database on a daily basis.

Sample Pages
  1. ATLAS VO users who are interested in using CEs and SRMs(v2) can go to following link http://tinyurl.com/okvpkg. This page shows ATLAS resources that are under OK status, with service URIs, and environment variables.
  2. Fermilab VO users in VO Reporting Groups information can go to http://tinyurl.com/rbdaud . This page shows information about groups that are stored in OIM (v2). NOTE: The VO registrations on OIM will need to go through a round of clean up (when OIMv2 is released) before this information can be said to be useful.
As usual, any page you see on MyOSG can be exported to XML by clicking the XML link under the Subscription section. On the other hand, if you already have XML, as stated previously, comments at the end of each XML page contains link back to a human readable MyOSG view with the exact query settings that you used to generate the XML so that you can modify or update the query.

New VO Package - NEBioGrid VO Added - GOC Ticket # 6848

A new VO package is now available. This package includes the new VO NEBioGrid.

The GOC suggests backing up your installation before running any update commands.

To pull the new VO Package for an OSG 0.8 or 1.0.x Resource please use:

# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-package

To pull the new VO Package for the OSG Client 0.8 or 1.0.x please use:

# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-client

Also remember a 'nebiogrid' local account mapping will be necessary, so please set up NEBioGrid using your local procedures.

Operations Webpage Maintenance- May 19 - Complete

The OSG Operations Center has completed maintenance on the Operations web page. All pages are working as expected. If you notice any problems, please notify us as soon as possible.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Operations Webpage Maintenance- May 19

The Open Science Grid Operations Center will be performing routine maintenance on the www.grid.iu.edu server on Tuesday, May 19 2009 19:00 UTC. The maintenance will only affect the operations web pages on www.grid.iu.edu and not any other services such as yum.grid.iu.edu or is.grid.iu.edu. The maintenance is expected to last less than one hour, and we will let you know when it is complete.

OSG TWiki Maintenance - Wednesday, May 20

The Open Science Grid Operations Center will be performing maintenance on the OSG TWiki (twiki.grid.iu.edu) server on Wednesday, May 20 2009 from 12:00 to 15:00 UTC. The TWiki will become read-only at 12:00 in an effort to ensure no outages occur during editing. The TWiki may experience intermittent connectivity starting at 13:00 UTC while a DNS change propagates. Once the change is done, we will reactivate editing on the TWiki and announce the end of maintenance to the OSG Community.

Monday, May 11, 2009

OSG BDII Maintenance, Thursday, May 14, 2009

The OSG Operations Center will be performing maintenance on the BDII on Thursday, May 14th from 1:00 PM EDT to 2:00 PM EDT. During this time BDII traffic will be rerouted by DNS to another BDII Server which will remain active and functional. Users using the is.grid.iu.edu address should see no interruption in service.

OSG BDII Maintenance, Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The OSG Operations Center will be performing maintenance on the BDII on Wednesday, May 13th from 10:00 AM EDT to 11:00 AM EDT. During this time BDII traffic will be rerouted by DNS to another BDII Server which will remain active and functional. Users using the is.grid.iu.edu address should see no interruption in service.

Friday, May 8, 2009

BDII Instability

An instance of BDII at the GOC is experiencing an outage. BDII information remains available from the other instance of BDII. We will alert the community when service has been restored.

OSG CA Certificates Version 1.6

Version 1.6 of the OSG CA certificates distribution is
available from <http://software.grid.iu.edu/pacman/cadist/>.

===== Version 1.6 ====================
Released 5-May-2009
Updated to IGTF 1.29:
* Restored NGO-Netrust CA with hash d1737728 (SG)
* Updated AIST Grid (CRL) URL metadata (JP)
* Added accredited MD-Grid CA with hash 9ff26ea4 (MD)
* Added accredited HKU Grid CA with hash 4798da47 (HK)
* Updated signing policy file of APAC Grid CA (AU)
* Added accredited classic BYGCA (Belarus) with hash 709bed08 (BY)
* Updated namespace for the APAC CA (AU, NZ)

Changes to this and past releases can also be found at this link:


Monday, May 4, 2009

New VO-Package Released - Updated CDF, GROW, Fermilab, and CompBioGrid Information

A new VO package is now available. This package includes the new updates and changes to the CDF, GROW, Fermilab, and CompBioGrid VOs.

The GOC suggests backing up your installation before running any update commands.

To pull the new VO Package for an OSG 0.8 or 1.0.x Resource please use:

# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-package

To pull the new VO Package for the OSG Client 0.8 or 1.0.x please use:

# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-client

Monday, April 27, 2009

OSG Version 1.0.1 Release

The Open Science Grid Operation Center (GOC), OSG Integration Team,
and VDT are pleased to announce the availability of OSG Version 1.0.1
of the OSG middleware stack. Documentation for the OSG release can be
found at https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/.

Please see the "Why Upgrade?" document at https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/twiki/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/WhyUpgrade
for details about what has been added and changed from version 1.0.0
to 1.0.1.

This VDT update is provided as an incremental update. As most of you
know, incremental updates have proven to be troublesome in the past.
We believe this update to be significantly better and more likely to
succeed, but we would like to proceed with caution.

We would like a couple of patient, willing system administrators to
try out the new update process and provide us feedback. (Are you one
of them?) Until then, we will consider the update process to be beta
quality. We'll note here when it leaves beta. There is no harm in not
taking this update immediately if you are not willing to try it out
right away.

Incremental updates (whether done with the new system, or by hand with
Pacman as we used to recommend) are likely to fail if any of a few
conditions are true. Here are the signs you should be aware of:

1) Did you install the VDT from more than one VDT cache? (Look in
$VDT_LOCATION/trusted.caches to see if there is more than one VDT URL
listed there.) Or did you install from more than one OSG cache? If you
are unsure, mail your trusted.caches file to vdt-support@opensciencegrid.org
, and we'll help you out.

2) If you run services (like a CE), did you install as anything other
than root? There are some cases where this might cause problems.
Client installations should be fine.

3) Did you install OSG 1.0 before its official release?

4) Did you install a versionsed ce package. That is, when you run
"pacman -lc", do you see a package named "ce" (which is good) or a
package named ce-1.0.0 (which is bad.)

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you're better off doing
a fresh installation.

Packages Available:
ce - Compute Element
wn-client - Worker Node Client
client - Desktop Client
gums - GUMS
voms - VOMS
vomrs - VOMRS

Job Manager Setup Packages:

Optional Packages:
ManagedFork - Condor Managed Fork
squid - Squid Web Caching Service
Glexec - Glexec

We'd like to thank the members of the OSG ITB and VTB teams for the
effort they've put into getting this release ready.

Please Contact the OSG Grid Operations Center with any questions or
concerns at goc@opensciencegrid.org.

Rob Gardner
OSG Integration Coordinator

Rob Quick
OSG Operations Coordinator

Alain Roy
OSG Software Coordinator

Suchandra Thapa
Integration Testbed Coordinator

OSG TWiki, BDII and GOC YUM Repository Instability (Resolved)

The OSG TWiki, BDII and GOC YUM repository experienced some instability today between 14:11 and 14:32 UTC due to a firewall problem in the Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis machine room. The issue has been resolved by network engineers.

We appreciate your understanding.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

VDT and OSG Software Caches Maintance - GOC Ticket # 6724

The VDT and OSG will be updating their software caches in preparation for the OSG 1.0.1 release. During this maintenance period we are asking the OSG community not to pull any software from the OSG software cache. This includes any command beginning 'pacman -get OSG:'. While the cache will be available for internal testing the packages will be in flux and results of any pulled packages may be unstable. We expect this maintenance to last through today and tomorrow.

The GOC will announce the end of this maintenance period and the release of the OSG 1.0.1 package when it is ready.

VDT and OSG Software Caches Maintance - GOC Ticket # 6724

The VDT and OSG will be updating their software caches in preparation for the OSG 1.0.1 release. During this maintenance period we are asking the OSG community not to pull any software from the OSG software cache. This includes any command beginning 'pacman -get OSG:'. While the cache will be available for internal testing the packages will be in flux and results of any pulled packages may be unstable. We expect this maintenance to last through today and tomorrow.

The GOC will announce the end of this maintenance period and the release of the OSG 1.0.1 package when it is ready.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

MyOSG Production Release!

The OpenScienceGrid Operations group is proud to release MyOSG (http://myosg.grid.iu.edu/) as a production service starting today. Listed below are some highlights of the initial production release, a small set of use-cases, and upcoming updates you can expect to see.

  • Goal: MyOSG is designed with the primary goal of providing users, administrators, VO managers, and everyone else, a one-stop location for various pieces of OSG related information.
  • Contents of Initial Release: The first production release of MyOSG includes RSV-based status information, status history graphs, availability metrics; resource downtime schedule [set on OIM by site administrators]; a presentation of GIP validation results; and limited Gratia-accounting information.
  • Other Useful Links: First release's home page also includes links to commonly used OSG services that the GOC provides; we will be happy to add any other links that users would find useful.
  • Data Formats: MyOSG allows users to quickly select and filter information they are looking for, and then practically every page allows the user to export the selected/filtered data in their preferred format: HTML; Netvibes, Google, etc.; and XML for programmatic interfaces.



Let us say, you are a CDF (VO) user who wants to run jobs on the OSG. You probably want a list of production resources that provide a CE and an SRM, support your VO, and are up at the moment. This link will likely help you get that information. If you care about the validity of GIP information, then you all will need to do is add an additional filter requiring GIP validation status of OK. Once you have the information you are looking for, click the XML link to get the same information in a machine-readable XML format.

Let us say, you are the admin of three resources: AGLT2. BNL_ATLAS_2, BNL_ATLAS_2, and you want to follow the health of your resources at one central location. This link will likely help you; and you can subscribe to the feed on your Netvibes home page using the Netvibes subscription link!

Let us say, you are the manager of the ATLAS VO. You probably are only interested in knowing if any of the resources your VO owns is having problems. This link will likely give you that information -- it lists all resources that are in down, unknown, maintenance states, and are owned at least partially by your VO. The ownership percentage is shown as well.

Let us say, you are a top level management person at Indiana University. and you want to keep an eye on all resources in your facility. You probably want to view the state of all your resources every morning on your iGoogle home page. This link provides that information. And the iGoogle subscription link lets you subscribe to this content on your iGoogle home page. VO ownership, VOs supported, and GIP validation status is shown as well.

This link provides availability history graphs for the above resources.

GOC staff and top-level management are always concerned about the health of the grid, and watch for resources that are having trouble at any given moment. This link provides information about production resources that are down or under maintenance currently, along with RSV metric information that will help clearly pin-point what in particular in wrong with the resource.

This link provides usage information by various VOs (Gratia-based accounting information) yesterday. This link provides transfer volume information by various VOs, once again based on Gratia-derived accounting information.

Software service providers like the GIP team might want to keep an eye on GIP validation status of all resources in case a major bug is creeping up on a large proportion of resources. In their case, this link will likely help them.

The above use-cases are just a sample set of the potentially large group of audience that might benefit from MyOSG, and are provided to give readers of this post an idea of how they could use MyOSG. Please send comments/suggestions to GOC.


We plan to implement the following updates in the near future
  1. RSV-based status information for all registered production resources, and ultimately ITB as well. ETA: April 30th 2009
  2. Environment variable type information (OSG_APP, OSG_DATA, etc.) in the resource summary for users of the soon-to-be-deprecated VORS system (like LIGO, ATLAS). We also expect to add service end-point (a.k.a serviceUri) information in place of, or in addition to the FQDN that is currently displayed. ETA: April 30th 2009
  3. In the medium term future (summer), we also expect to put in place an OIM hierarchy selector for the facilities -> sites -> resource_group -> resource hierarchy.
  4. In the medium term future (summer/fall), we also expect to add a presentation layer for ReSS based service information


If you would like additional features in MyOSG, please put in a request at http://code.google.com/p/osggoc/issues/ and we will consider your request's feasibility.

Once again, please contact the OSG GOC if you have any questions using the contact links on MyOSG!

Friday, April 10, 2009

GUMS Bug when using &quot;vorole&quot; and &quot;role&quot;

Dear OSG Site Administrators,

We are passing along this message from the GUMS development team:

It has been found that the use of "vorole" and "role" for matchFQAN within a VomsUserGroup exposes a bug in GUMS versions 1.2 - 1.3.14. You must therefore NOT use "vorole" or "role" until upgrading to GUMS 1.3.15 (not yet available) or above. Please verify your configuration.

This problem was found because the OSG GUMS template recently used "vorole" in the "geant4-lcgadmin" usergroup, which caused many users from several VOs to not be mapped. This has been changed to "exact" in the OSG GUMS template, so updating using the "gums-create-config --osg-template" command will ensure everything is back on track. NOTE: only use this script if you do not use a custom configuration!

In a year or so, the OSG template may start using "vorole" and "role" with the assumption that people have upgraded their GUMS to 1.3.15+ by then. A warning will be sent out before this is done.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

VORS Deprecation Plans

The OSG Grid Operations Center is planning the deprecation of the VORS status monitoring service. VORS status probing will be replaced by an RSV probing system and presentation will be encompassed in the MyOSG pages.

Here are the important dates:

April 15th - MyOSG moves to production.
May 29th - New Resources coming into OSG will no longer be added to the VORS monitoring system.
August 3rd - VORS will be turned off for good.

An OSG Advisory committee has been formed for the smooth transition of the data provided by VORS. Anyone who is using VORS is encouraged to contact the GOC and open a ticket to be sure the functionality being used is replaced in a new form. All other concerns about the deprecation should be forward to the GOC.

Monday, March 30, 2009

CERN VOMS FYI and Clarification

Please note the previous message regarding the CERN VOMS was an FYI for OSG. It does not take action for most of OSG. Those who do run services that interact directly with the CERN VOMS should get further instruction from their VOs. The message from EGEE Operations is included again below.

Redistributed from EGEE:

Dear grid site administrators

As previously announced, gLite 3.1 UPDATE 42 contained the new host certificate of the VOMS server < lcg-voms.cern.ch >.

The old certificate expires on 7 April. However, as several VOs use VOMS proxies that have a lifetime of 7 days, and to avoid voms-proxy-init requests from failing, it is imperative that all services be updated with the new VOMS server certificate *BEFORE 1st APRIL*.

*** ***
*** Therefore, please can all sites upgrade ***
*** their services with the new VOMS server ***
*** certificate, ***
*** ***
*** ----------------------------- ***

Our apologies for the late announcement of this urgent action. The procedures are being updated to avoid this happening again in the future.

The Grid Middleware and Operations teams

--------- Link to this Broadcast -----------

Thursday, March 26, 2009

New VO-Package Released - ALICE and JDEM VOs Added

A new VO package is now available. This package includes the new OSG VOs ALICE and JDEM. It also includes several minor changes in the gums.template, edg-mkgridmap.conf, and vomses files.

The GOC suggests backing up your installation before running any update commands.

To pull the new VO Package for an OSG 0.8 or 1.0 resource please use:

# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-package

Please remember to make local user accounts to map the new 'alice' and 'jdem' VOs.

To pull the new VO Package for the OSG Client 0.8 or 1.0 please use:

# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-client-0.6

Friday, March 20, 2009

TWiki Server Maintenance - 12:00pm EDST, March 20, 2009.

The OSG GOC will restart the OSG TWiki server at 12:00pm Eastern Daylight Savings Time on Friday, March 20th, 2009. This restart will be used to bring configuration changes into effect. No service outages are expected, but if there are outages, then we will roll back the changes within a 1 hour maintenance window.

Monday, March 16, 2009

CERN network scheduled maintenance

The network at CERN will undergo maintenance on March 19th, 01:00 EDT to 07:00 EDT. During this time there are expected to be intermittent outages of the CERN network and LCG services.

Details of the intervention along with a list of services affected can be found at http://it-support-servicestatus.web.cern.ch/it-support-servicestatus/ServiceChangeArchive/090319-Network-Intervention.htm

Thursday, March 12, 2009

OSG CA Certificates Version 1.5

Version 1.5 of the OSG CA certificates distribution is
available from http://software.grid.iu.edu/pacman/cadist

Note that this release removes "unused non-IGTF CAs" as previously
announced. For sites wanting to continue to support these CAs, they  
distributed by TeraGrid (http://security.teragrid.org/TG-CAs.html) and
can be added using the "include" option in vdt-update-certs:

===== Version 1.5 Changes ====================
Released 10-Mar-2009

Updated to IGTF 1.28:
* Added accredited classic ULAGrid CA (VE)
* Added accredited TACC Root and TACC Classic CAs (US)
* Updated NERSC CRL URL download location (US)
* Updated DOEGrids CRL URL download location (US)
* Extended life time of NorduGrid CA (1f0e8352) (DK,SE,NO,FI,IS)
* Added SigmaNet CALG CA (LV)
* Updated AEGIS CA root certificate to reflect TLD name change (RS)
* Added CRL for SWITCH-SLCS issuing CA (304cf809) (CH)

Removed unaccredited CAs:
* PSC Kerberos CA (290a3b29)
* PSC Root CA (9b88e95b)
* PSC Hosts CA (acc06fda)
* SDSC (3deda549)
* NPACI (b89793e4)
* TACC (9a1da9f9)
* old NCSA CA (4a6cd8b1)

OSG GOC Rack Maintenance 2pm - 3pm

The OSG GOC will be performing some minor maintenance on a server rack in the machine room. No services outages are expected, but we are advising that a minor downtime of some GOC services is possible.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

VDT 1.10.1u has been released

The VDT team is pleased to announce the release of VDT 1.10.1u. This release contains two small updates:

* We rebuilt cURL 7.18.0 (no version change) to avoid referencing any /home/condor paths and to refer to the system's CA certificate bundle.

* We improved the robustness of the VDT script that helps with uninstalling packages (especially for updates). The case in question is probably very rare in practice.

Further details, including update instructions, are online at:


Thursday, February 26, 2009

OSG Software Cache, GOC Web Pages and VORS Restored - GOC Ticket # 6442

There was an outage to the OSG Cache, GOC Web Pages, and VORS this evening. Service is now restored. The outage time began at 17:10 EDT and ended at 17:49 EDT.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Production BDII server updated (No service interruption)

BDII users,

This morning, we updated various pieces on the central CEMon-BDII service to the latest release that has been under testing on the dev/ITB servers. There was no service interruption - we did the upgrade one server at a time while the other continued to serve users.

Major updates include

1) Use of resource_group name instead of resource in BDII DNs per CMS request. See http://code.google.com/p/osggoc/issues/detail?id=16

2) Resource_alias from OIM is being considered when processing raw cemon LDIF files; For example, NERSC should see their resource's files in the status page.

3) OIM data caching moved out of translation script;
- Caching script also caches Interop BDII LDAP URI list; i.e. [http://oim.grid.iu.edu/pub/get_osg_interop_bdii_ldap_list.php?format=plain-text] is cached on both BDII servers [http://is.grid.iu.edu/osg_interop_bdii_ldap_list.txt]; we are still following up on how WLCG's top level BDII uses this list, and if it is even necessary.

4) Status CGI page [http://is.grid.iu.edu/cgi-bin/status.cgi] prints XML for consumption by MyOSG, GIP Validator, etc.

5) BDII upgraded to 4.0.2-2 - no noticeable change functionality but this upgrade allowed us to get rid of a hack we had to put into the BDII update script previously to allow two BDIIs to run on different ports.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

GOC services: OIM, MyOSG services restored

> The server that hosts OIM and MyOSG has been down for the last 10
> minutes or so; GOC staff are investigating, and will keep you updated.
> Any systems that depend on OIM data may fail depending on whether they
> cache the OIM data or not.

MyOSG and OIM services have been restored.

The approximate downtime was 35 minutes due to a hardware failure - one that is being investigated further using standard practices (contact hardware vendor, etc.). We apologize for the inconvenience.

Aside: This downtime has lead GOC staff to a better understanding of dependencies between OIM and some other services [most obviously the Interop BDII listing] that should be replicated or cached. We will implement those features, that increase survivability, in the very near future.

Monday, February 23, 2009

New VO Package - Updates to GROW, LIGO, FNAL, and LIGO

There is a new VO package which includes the re-entrance of the GROW VO, a change in address of the LIGO VOMS, updated mappings for the Fermilab VO, and the removal of the SDSS VO.

All OSG resources are encouraged to upgrade. Please remember to backup your OSG installation before proceeding with an update.

For resources that have updated to 0.8.0 and 1.0.0 please use:

pacman -update OSG:vo-package

For OSG Client users please use (Note: This not for wn-client and works for both 0.8 and 1.0.0 releases of the OSG Client.):

pacman -update OSG:vo-client-0.6

Please contact the GOC with any questions.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Grid Site Administrators Workshop

Here is an announcement of the upcoming Grid Site Administrators Workshop for the OSG Education Coordinator.

I would like to inform you of a focused, hands-on workshop/school for
OSG site administrator :


which will take place at Clemson University March 19-20 (1.5 day course)

There is no registration fee and limited travel support is available from OSG.

The goal of the workshop is to introduce you to the OSG software
stack, its setup, maintenance and operation with the goal of bringing
*your site* up on the Open Science Grid and opening your
science/education to the grid.

We require each participant to have access to *at least one server* on which you can perform the installation.
(pre-course set up will be necessary)

Lectures will be minimal and the focus will be on the hands-on part, where
we expect you to have (root) access to one or two servers at your home

Interested candidates should send an email to gsaw09@opensciencegrid.org
and also apply online (see instructions on the workshop page).

Please submit problems, requests, and questions at:

Thank You,
OSG Grid Operations Center (GOC)
Submit a GOC ticket: https://oim.grid.iu.edu/gocticket
Email/Phone: goc@opensciencegrid.org, 317-278-9699
GOC Homepage: http://www.opensciencegrid.org/ops
RSS Feed: http://www.grid.iu.edu/news

Thursday, February 12, 2009

VDT 1.10.1t has been released


The VDT team is pleased to announce that VDT 1.10.1t has been released.

This release contains updates for:

1. Generic Information Provider - This update fixes a bug in the dCache admin-interface provider.
2. The Gratia probes - Highlights of this update include improved detection of GRAM jobs when using GRAM 4 and bug fixes in reporting PBS/LSF jobs.
3. Gratia-Services and Gratia-Reporting

Further details, including update instructions, are online at:

Please submit problems, requests, and questions at:

Thank You,
OSG Grid Operations Center (GOC)
Submit a GOC ticket: https://oim.grid.iu.edu/gocticket
Email/Phone: goc@opensciencegrid.org, 317-278-9699
GOC Homepage: http://www.opensciencegrid.org/ops
RSS Feed: http://www.grid.iu.edu/news

Monday, February 9, 2009

Welcome to new OSG Operations RSS feed

Welcome! This is the new OSG operations notifications' RSS feed!


If you have not already done so, then please update your feed reader to subscribe to this news feed.

Please submit problems, requests, and questions at:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The GOC hosted VOMS was unavailable today, Tuesday, February 3rd, from
12:13 PM to 1:36 PM due to an internal firewall change. The GOC-hosted
VOMS serves the MIS and OSGEDU VOs. This outage did not affect any other OSG VO. The outage was observed during routine monitoring of all OSG VOMS services by the GOC, and corrected.

Please submit problems, requests, and questions at:

Thank You,
OSG Grid Operations Center (GOC)
Submit a GOC ticket: https://oim.grid.iu.edu/gocticket
Email/Phone: goc@opensciencegrid.org, 317-278-9699
GOC Homepage: http://www.opensciencegrid.org/ops
RSS Feed: http://www.grid.iu.edu/news

Friday, January 30, 2009

Notification of BDII Redundancy Completion

OSG Collaborators,

The Open Science Grid Operations Center has completed the BDII Redundancy Project [1]. We now have production BDIIs at the IU Campus in Bloomington, Indiana and the IUPUI campus in Indianapolis. Both are fully functional and operating smoothly. With completion of this project, we now have redundancy in case of a major network, power, or physical disaster on either campus.
Thank you to everyone in the community who has worked to help making this project a success, especially to site-administrators for updating their CEs to report to both the servers.

We still have a few resources out there not reporting correctly, the GOC has been, and will continue to contact you to offer assistance.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Rob Quick
Manager Grid Technologies - Indiana University
Operations Coordinator - Open Science Grid

[1] https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/Operations/BdiiRoundRobinPlan

Please submit problems, requests, and questions at:

Thank You,
OSG Grid Operations Center (GOC)
Submit a GOC ticket: https://oim.grid.iu.edu/gocticket
Email/Phone: goc@opensciencegrid.org, 317-278-9699
GOC Homepage: http://www.opensciencegrid.org/ops
RSS Feed: http://www.grid.iu.edu/news