OSG Operational Services

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

VORS Deprecation Plans

The OSG Grid Operations Center is planning the deprecation of the VORS status monitoring service. VORS status probing will be replaced by an RSV probing system and presentation will be encompassed in the MyOSG pages.

Here are the important dates:

April 15th - MyOSG moves to production.
May 29th - New Resources coming into OSG will no longer be added to the VORS monitoring system.
August 3rd - VORS will be turned off for good.

An OSG Advisory committee has been formed for the smooth transition of the data provided by VORS. Anyone who is using VORS is encouraged to contact the GOC and open a ticket to be sure the functionality being used is replaced in a new form. All other concerns about the deprecation should be forward to the GOC.