OSG Operational Services

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

MyOSG Production Release!

The OpenScienceGrid Operations group is proud to release MyOSG (http://myosg.grid.iu.edu/) as a production service starting today. Listed below are some highlights of the initial production release, a small set of use-cases, and upcoming updates you can expect to see.

  • Goal: MyOSG is designed with the primary goal of providing users, administrators, VO managers, and everyone else, a one-stop location for various pieces of OSG related information.
  • Contents of Initial Release: The first production release of MyOSG includes RSV-based status information, status history graphs, availability metrics; resource downtime schedule [set on OIM by site administrators]; a presentation of GIP validation results; and limited Gratia-accounting information.
  • Other Useful Links: First release's home page also includes links to commonly used OSG services that the GOC provides; we will be happy to add any other links that users would find useful.
  • Data Formats: MyOSG allows users to quickly select and filter information they are looking for, and then practically every page allows the user to export the selected/filtered data in their preferred format: HTML; Netvibes, Google, etc.; and XML for programmatic interfaces.



Let us say, you are a CDF (VO) user who wants to run jobs on the OSG. You probably want a list of production resources that provide a CE and an SRM, support your VO, and are up at the moment. This link will likely help you get that information. If you care about the validity of GIP information, then you all will need to do is add an additional filter requiring GIP validation status of OK. Once you have the information you are looking for, click the XML link to get the same information in a machine-readable XML format.

Let us say, you are the admin of three resources: AGLT2. BNL_ATLAS_2, BNL_ATLAS_2, and you want to follow the health of your resources at one central location. This link will likely help you; and you can subscribe to the feed on your Netvibes home page using the Netvibes subscription link!

Let us say, you are the manager of the ATLAS VO. You probably are only interested in knowing if any of the resources your VO owns is having problems. This link will likely give you that information -- it lists all resources that are in down, unknown, maintenance states, and are owned at least partially by your VO. The ownership percentage is shown as well.

Let us say, you are a top level management person at Indiana University. and you want to keep an eye on all resources in your facility. You probably want to view the state of all your resources every morning on your iGoogle home page. This link provides that information. And the iGoogle subscription link lets you subscribe to this content on your iGoogle home page. VO ownership, VOs supported, and GIP validation status is shown as well.

This link provides availability history graphs for the above resources.

GOC staff and top-level management are always concerned about the health of the grid, and watch for resources that are having trouble at any given moment. This link provides information about production resources that are down or under maintenance currently, along with RSV metric information that will help clearly pin-point what in particular in wrong with the resource.

This link provides usage information by various VOs (Gratia-based accounting information) yesterday. This link provides transfer volume information by various VOs, once again based on Gratia-derived accounting information.

Software service providers like the GIP team might want to keep an eye on GIP validation status of all resources in case a major bug is creeping up on a large proportion of resources. In their case, this link will likely help them.

The above use-cases are just a sample set of the potentially large group of audience that might benefit from MyOSG, and are provided to give readers of this post an idea of how they could use MyOSG. Please send comments/suggestions to GOC.


We plan to implement the following updates in the near future
  1. RSV-based status information for all registered production resources, and ultimately ITB as well. ETA: April 30th 2009
  2. Environment variable type information (OSG_APP, OSG_DATA, etc.) in the resource summary for users of the soon-to-be-deprecated VORS system (like LIGO, ATLAS). We also expect to add service end-point (a.k.a serviceUri) information in place of, or in addition to the FQDN that is currently displayed. ETA: April 30th 2009
  3. In the medium term future (summer), we also expect to put in place an OIM hierarchy selector for the facilities -> sites -> resource_group -> resource hierarchy.
  4. In the medium term future (summer/fall), we also expect to add a presentation layer for ReSS based service information


If you would like additional features in MyOSG, please put in a request at http://code.google.com/p/osggoc/issues/ and we will consider your request's feasibility.

Once again, please contact the OSG GOC if you have any questions using the contact links on MyOSG!