OSG Operational Services

Monday, July 27, 2009

OSG 1.2.0 Release Announcement

After several months of work, we are pleased to announce the availability of version 1.2.0 of the OSG middleware stack. This release brings several new
features including support for debian 5.0, more efficient upgrading between minor releases, and features to make it easier to setup, use, and maintain installations based on the OSG middleware stack.

Documentation for the OSG release can be found at https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/.

For details about the release please visit the Overview document at https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/OSG12Overview.

Packages Available:
ce - Compute Element
wn-client - Worker Node Client
client - Desktop Client
gums - GUMS
voms - VOMS
vomrs - VOMRS

Job Manager Setup Packages:

Optional Packages:
ManagedFork - Condor Managed Fork
squid - Squid Web Caching Service
Bestman - Bestman Storage
Xrootd - XRootD

To install these packages use the following pacman syntax:

# pacman -get http://software.grid.iu.edu/osg-1.2:

Example for the compute element use:
# pacman -get http://software.grid.iu.edu/osg-1.2:ce

Please Contact the OSG Operations Center with any questions or concerns by opening a ticket at https://ticket.grid.iu.edu/goc/open.

Rob Quick
OSG Operations Coordinator
Suchandra Thapa
OSG Integration Coordinator
Alain Roy
OSG Software Coordinator