OSG Operational Services

Thursday, October 15, 2009

REMINDER: OSG GOC Service Maintenance - Oct. 17, 2009

This is a reminder that Saturday, October 17, 2009, the GOC will perform the following maintenance:

Machine Room Move in Bloomington - 7 AM to 5 PM EDT. GOC will attempt to make it as short as possible.

* GOC has put in place instances of critical services BDII, MyOSG, GOCTicket, Software cache -- and non-critical services OIM , Twiki -- on IUPUI based servers.
* RSV collector will be down. Records will be picked up when the server comes back up. RSV-SAM uploads will resume when the server comes back up.
* GOC VOMS will be down.
* http://www.grid.iu.edu will be down.