OSG Operational Services

Thursday, February 12, 2009

VDT 1.10.1t has been released


The VDT team is pleased to announce that VDT 1.10.1t has been released.

This release contains updates for:

1. Generic Information Provider - This update fixes a bug in the dCache admin-interface provider.
2. The Gratia probes - Highlights of this update include improved detection of GRAM jobs when using GRAM 4 and bug fixes in reporting PBS/LSF jobs.
3. Gratia-Services and Gratia-Reporting

Further details, including update instructions, are online at:

Please submit problems, requests, and questions at:

Thank You,
OSG Grid Operations Center (GOC)
Submit a GOC ticket: https://oim.grid.iu.edu/gocticket
Email/Phone: goc@opensciencegrid.org, 317-278-9699
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