OSG Operational Services

Monday, December 23, 2013

Holliday Greetings from OSG Operations

Dear OSG Collaborators,

OSG Operations would like to wish you a happy holiday season and joyous new year!

OSG Operations will continue to provide round the clock holiday coverage in case of operational emergencies over the holiday season. You can continue to open tickets at https://ticket.grid.iu.edu/goc/open, send us mail at goc@opensciencegrid.org, or call us at +1 (317)-274-9699. However, we will be operating on holiday procedures beginning on Tuesday the 24th and resuming regular operations on Thursday, January 2nd. During this time non-emergency issues will be handled on a best-effort basis.

Thanks to everyone for another successful year! We look forward to working with everyone in 2014!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Emergency Release of OSG Software Versions 3.1.28 and 3.2.2

With the recent release of Enterprise Linux 6.5 (Red Hat, Scientific Linux,
CentOS), GRAM and GridFTP from the OSG Software Stack have stopped working
on those systems. Sites running version 6.4 will automatically update to
version 6.5 with a yum update. We are releasing updated Globus packages
that work around the problems. Sites running Enterprise Linux 6 are strongly
encouraged to update to the latest version of the OSG Software Stack, before
updating to version 6.5. Alternatively, sites can just update the Globus
packages from the OSG software repositories.

This addresses the OpenSSL issue previously reported at http://osggoc.blogspot.com/2013/12/openssl-101e-linked-to-gsi-failures.html

The updated packages are:
* globus-gatekeeper-9.6-1.12
* globus-xio-gsi-driver-8.1-4.1
* globus-gss-assist-2.1-4.1

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:

Need help? Let us know:

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Announcing OSG Software version 3.1.27 and 3.2.1

We are pleased to announce OSG Software versions 3.1.27 and 3.2.1!

Both 3.1.27 and 3.2.1 versions contain the following changes:

* Resolve install failures recently introduced by an OpenJDK update on EL6
* Add Cooperative Computing Lab's cctools (Parrot, Chirp, Makeflow, etc.)
* Update osg-info-services to version 1.0 with mostly minor bug fixes
* Update RSV with many small fixes
* Update CA packages to reflect IGTF 1.55
* Change grid-proxy-init and RSV to use 1024-bit RSA certificates

In addition, the 3.2.1 version contains the following change:

* Update glideinWMS to version 3.2.2

The OSG Software is distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

Friday, December 6, 2013

OpenSSL 1.0.1e linked to GSI failures

In the last week or so, the RHEL 6, CentOS 6, Scientific Linux 6 (collectively, “EL6”) OS repositories have updated to the 6.5 release. One significant change is that OpenSSL was updated from version 1.0.0 to 1.0.1e. The OSG Software team has found that the Globus security layer (GSI) does not seem to work with this new OpenSSL release. Thus, common commands including globus-job-run and globus-url-copy fail. The failure occurs with the Globus Toolkit available from the OSG as well as the newer release available in EPEL.

The OSG team has not found the root cause of the problem yet and are still investigating. The Globus Toolkit team has been notified, as well. In the meantime, we suggest that OSG sites do NOT update to OpenSSL 1.0.1e, in case doing so causes site-wide authentication failures. The easiest way to avoid OpenSSL 1.0.1e is to avoid upgrading to version 6.5 of the operating system.

We will send out more information as soon as it is available.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

OSG Operations Holiday Notice

From November 28 through December 1, the GOC will be operating on a Holiday
schedule. Staff will be available to respond to emergencies but
routine operations will resume at start of business Monday, December 2.

OSG Operations wishes its users and OSG staff a happy and satisfying
Thanksgiving Holiday.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, November 26th, 2013 at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, November 26th, 2013 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered. We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

All Services

There will be OS updates; reboots will be required. Downtime should be minimal, and the usual high-availability mechanisms will be used to reduce service downtime even further and eliminate it in most cases. However, services may experience degraded performance, and the services without HA mechanisms (OIM and Twiki) will still experience brief downtimes.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Workaround for OpenJDK 1.7.0_45 and BeStMan issues

The OSG Software team has found that the OpenJDK update to version 1.7.0_45 (on 21 October) tightened some security settings, thereby causing low-level authentication failures in the BeStMan server and clients.

The root cause of the failures is that Java no longer accepts RSA keys that are shorter than 1024 bits.  However, grid-proxy-init and other systems are creating proxies with 512 bits, triggering the issues.  In OpenJDK 1.7.0_25 and earlier, Java allowed 512-bit proxies to be used. OSG Security is not aware of any urgent security issues which would necessitate increasing proxy strength immediately.

For now, we have an easy workaround.  After updating to OpenJDK 1.7.0_45, which is still a recommended update, edit the Java security settings in:


Find the line that looks like this:

jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms=MD2, RSA keySize < 1024

And change it to this:

jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms=MD2, RSA keySize < 512

This change should be applied to any machine running the BeStMan server or client tools.  After the change, restart the BeStMan server, if present.

The OSG Technology and Security teams are investigating more permanent solutions to the problem, including raising the default RSA key lengths throughout the software stack to 1024 bits.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Announcing OSG Software version 3.1.26 and 3.2.0

We are pleased to announce OSG Software versions 3.1.26 and 3.2.0!

Today marks the beginning of a new 3.2 release series. The 3.2 releases will contain the entire OSG software stack, and thus are parallel to the current 3.1 release series. For now, most packages in 3.2 are identical to those in 3.1, but we expect the series to diverge over time. With a new and independent series, we can provide new or substantially updated software and can remove obsolete packages. Because these changes may be disruptive to a production site, you must take explicit action to update from the 3.1 to the 3.2 series; if you do nothing, package updates will continue to come from the 3.1 series.

The 3.1.26 and 3.2.0 releases both contain the following changes:

* CVMFS version 2.1.15
* Xrootd version 3.3.3
* VO Package v49
* OSG Info Services 0.12

The 3.2.0 release is the first in the 3.2 series and contains the
following major changes:

* glideinWMS version 3.2.0
* HTCondor version 8.0.4
* HTCondor-CE using HTCondor as a backend
* HDFS (Hadoop) version 2.0.0
* CEMon is not included (use OSG Info Services 0.12)

For further information on the new 3.2 series repositories and how
to upgrade please consult:

The OSG Software is distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

Please submit problems, requests, and questions at:

Java Security Announcement

As you may know, the free edition of Oracle JDK 1.6 is no longer supported, and no patches are being released for it, even for known security vulnerabilities.  Further, the download page clearly states, "Oracle no longer posts updates of Java SE 6 to its public download sites.  All Java 6 releases ... have been moved to the Java Archive....Oracle recommends that users migrate to Java 7 in order to continue receiving public updates and security enhancements."

Consequently, many Java 6 exploits are publicly available and have been reported as being actively exploited in news media; for example:



Therefore, we strongly recommend that all OSG sites upgrade from Java 6 to Java 7 as soon as possible.

We are aware of issues with the latest OpenJDK 1.7.0_45 release and BeStMan which will be addressed in a follow-up email very soon. 

Recently, the OSG Technology area completed a thorough review, updates, and many tests to ensure that OSG software works with OpenJDK 1.7. The Java 7 migration project was released to production in the OSG 3.1.23 release on 10 September 2013.  Hence, when updating Java to 1.7, we urge sites to update their OSG software, too, if older than 3.1.23.

For more information, see:



Need help? Let us know:


Please submit problems, requests, and questions at:

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, November 12th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.  We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

GOC Ticket 1.70
* Upgrading to RHEL6 OS. All instances(ticket1/2) will be rebuilt from the latest GOC stemcell.
* Various minor bug / cosmetic fixes.
* Updated notification tool to allow choosing preset email signature template (TICKET-74)
* Replaced comet with node/socket.io based ticket presence.

* a duplicate stratum 0 server will be created as part of the process of implementing sub-catalogs. Sub-catalogs will not be implemented with this release and the change should not be visible to users.

* Adding VO=OSG as backup to FNAL

OIM 3.25
* Added capability to enter custom key/value for misc. service group in order to allow registering OSG rpm repo mirror sites (as requested by Carl Edquist)
* Increased the acceptable range of certificate life from 395+/-10 days from 15 days in order to suppress false(?) alarm from OIM service alert.
* Added label to ask user to enter institutional email address instead of personal one ( Please use email address issued by your organization (like @fnal.gov), instead of a personal addresses like gmail, yahoo, etc (suggested by OSG/PKI team)
* Added GA/RA agreements for user cert renew (OSGPKI-178)
* Moved the user certificate download links under Action section, and move the entire action section toward the top of the page in order to make it easier for user to find appropriate button to push (OSGPKI-387)

MyOSG 2.18
* miscevent / fixed a bug where old events were not cleared from the queue
* miscuser / fixed a bug where disabled contacts are displayed on miscuser/xml when it’s shouldn’t.
* myosg2 will be moved from its current host to another host.

GratiaWeb 1.2-19 (Tentative)
* Added filter for Project Name (GRATIAWEB-42)
* Fixed a bug where FOS reports does not work for facility and probe (GRATIAWEB-44)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

OSG Operations and Global Research Network Operations Center Disaster Recovery Drill

On Saturday, November 9th, OSG Operations will be participating in a disaster recovery drill with the Global Research Network Operation Center (GRNOC). During this time internal monitoring services and ticketing services will be tested. No OSG monitoring services outside the GOC internal monitoring will be part of this drill. This will occur between the hours of 10:00 and 14:00 EST Saturday, November 9. We expect this drill to be transparent to all OSG users.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

GOC Services Update - Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.  We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

OSG Homepage
* Adding requirement x509 cert on wp-admin pages on top of wordpress user/pass authentication.
* Adding a new carousel image for OSG summer school

MyOSG 2.17+
* Updated GOC real time event page to use local nodejs/socket.io server instead of GOC comet server.
* Installing a GOC event consolidator implemented in nodejs. Installing nodejs and init script for the node-event server.

OIM 3.24
* Fixed the issue where searching with capitalized name in contact editor doesn't show all matching names (OIM-73)
* (patched) Updated from "parent" to "sponsor" for project table.
* (patched) Fixed the bug on GridAdmin notification suppression during approval

GOC Ticket 1.69
* Shorten the label “Only Visible for OIM users” which was displaying unnecessary spacing inside ticket list on ticket viewer.
* (patched) Fixed incorrect API call for REST / ticket notification suppression.

GratiaWeb 1.2-17
* Implemented changes requested in Jira GratiaWeb-40 'Field of Science Integration'

Monday, October 14, 2013

Save The Date for the 2014 Open Science Grid All Hands Meeting April 7-11th at the SLAC National Accelerator Lab

We are pleased to give you first information for the 2014 OSG All Hands Meeting. This will be April 7-11th 2014 at the SLAC National Accelerator Lab in California. http://www.slac.stanford.edu/

The schedule will follow the successful format from previous years:

* US ATLAS and US CMS distributed facility – Tier-2 and Tier-3 – and the next Campus Infrastructure Community (CIC) meetings on the Monday and Tuesday.
* Plenary talks from scientists, researchers and OSG leaders on the Wednesday.
* "Ask the Experts" and other workshops on Thursday.
* And the OSG Council face-to-face – open to Consortium members – at the end of the week.

Information about hotels and other logistics will be posted in about a month. Don't hesitate to contact us for more information, as well as if you are interested to contribute and participate in the program planning and program itself.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

CORRECTION: Announcing OSG Software version 3.1.25 (Additional Information)

The previous announcement did not have a complete set of information. The following notice is the up-to-date announcement:

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.25!

This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

This release affects the client, compute element, GUMS servers and BeStMan SEs. Changes include:

* Gratia probes now filter and log unreasonbly huge GPU times
* GUMS now gets VOMS attributes from SSL connection to facilitate glidein authentication
* Globus log rotation performed by copy and truncate
* Updated to jGlobus 2.0.6 (BeStMan and GUMS rebuilt)
* glideinWMS 2.7.2
* VO Package v48

Also with this release, we changed the internal structure of the Yum repositories in preparation for a new OSG software release series (3.2.x, coming soon). The changes are backward compatible with the old layout and should be transparent to users. Further, the osg-release RPM, which contains the repository definitions, still works and will always be the preferred way of defining the OSG repositories. Thus, this change requires no action on your part. For more information about the preparations for OSG 3.2 and beyond, see:


Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

Announcing OSG Software version 3.1.25

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.25!

This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

This release affects the client, compute element, GUMS servers and BeStMan SEs. Changes include:

* gratia probes: now filters and logs unreasonably huge CPU time values
* GUMS: now extracts VOMS attributes from SSL connection
* Globus: Log rotation now performed by copy and truncate
* jGlobus 2.0.6: new version with many bug fixes
* BeStMan recompiled with new jGlobus
* GUMS recompiled with new jGlobus
* glideinWMS 2.7.
* Log XACML failures

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered. We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

OSG Homepage
Upgrading to Wordpress 3.6.1
Updating various plugins for WP 3.6.1

Upgrading to condor 8.0.3 (by Mats Rynge)
/etc/php.ini - setting output_buffering to off

RSV-SAM Publisher
GOC has certified the proper operations of our new RSV-SAM publisher (rsv1.grid.iu.edu), and rsv1.grid.iu.edu will take over the role of production RSV-SAM publisher currently performed by rsv.grid.iu.edu. OSG RSV records will continue to be gathered at rsv.grid.iu.edu which is then replicated to rsv1.grid.iu.edu.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Announcing OSG Software version 3.1.24

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.24!

This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

This release affects the clients, compute elements, and storage elements.

Changes in the osg-release repository include

* Many bug fixes to the osg-configure package
* osg-ce now includes frontier-squid
* osg-configure warns when frontier-squid is not configured
* Completion of the Java 7 migration

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

GOC Services Update - Tuesday, September 24th, 2013 at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, September 24th, 2013 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered. We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

OIM 3.23
* Switch from jre-1.6.0-openjdk to java-1.7.0-openjdk
* Added notification suppression for host certificate request tickets if submitter is GridAdmin for the request.

MyOSG 2.16
* Updated various gratia accounting graph names to make it clear that the numbers are wall hours - not cpu hours (MYOSG-70)
* Updating to the latest Perfsonar Matrix jQuery - to fix table width issue.

GOC-TX 1.32
* Upgrading to openjdk 1.7.0
* Adding Jira accessor / converter with GOC Ticket (GOCTX-1)

Ticket 1.68
* Fixed an issue with Login button on some browsers having trouble redirecting to https.
* Added support for notification suppressor for REST interface
* Added capability to override ticket ID displayed on ticket exchange (for Jira). Added jiratest TX config.
* Updated empty object check for search controller throwing php notice

GratiaWeb 1.2-14
* Gratia query that show usage by ProjectName across OSG sites (GratiaWeb-56)
* ProjectName Daily WallHours per Site (GratiaWeb-36)

All Services

There will be OS updates; reboots will be required. Downtime should be minimal, and the usual high-availability mechanisms will be used to reduce service downtime even further and eliminate it in most cases. However, services may experience degraded performance, and the services without HA mechanisms (OIM and Twiki) will still experience brief downtimes.
We will also be switching to sssd rather than nss_ldap/pam_ldap for user authentication on all RHEL5 systems; this will provide scalability and flexibility in security as well as consistency with the RHEL6 systems, which already run sssd rather than nss_ldap/pam_ldap. This will affect only shell logins on systems located at OSG Operations. Locally-defined user logins will be unaffected in any case; we will be moving some of those users to LDAP over time.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Announcing OSG Software version 3.1.23

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.23!

This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

This release affects the clients, compute elements, and storage elements.

Changes in the osg-release repository include

* Migration of packages from using Oracle Java 6 to OpenJDK 7
* Initial release of osg-control
* VO Package v47

Changes in the osg-upcoming-release include:

* HTCondor-CE
* HTCondor 8.0.2

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

OASIS Outage

At approximately 7:00 (eastern) the file catalog of the top level oasis server was damaged making files appear to be missing. The root cause is understood, no user files were lost and recovery is underway. It is currently estimated complete recovery may take up to 24 hours.

The GOC apologizes for any inconvenience.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

GOC Services Update - Tuesday, September 10th at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, September 10th, 2013 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered. We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

OIM 3.22
* Updating fields to display under project list view on VO / CampusGrid.
* Fixed duplicate user comment issue for cancel(), and fixed missing user comment issue for re-request()

* Upgrading to version 5.2.3 (https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Confluence+5.2+Release+Notes)

SSH (All Hosts)
* Password authentication for all hosts at OSG Operations will be disabled. Authentication will be via SSH keys only. Primarily this affects only OSG Operations staff, but for those few with shell access to OSG Operations hosts, please forward your SSH public key to thomlee@iu.edu to continue to be able to connect.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

OSG Software SHA-2 Compliance Update

OSG VO and Site Administrators,

As of October 1st, 2013, Certificate Authorities (CAs) that are part of the International Grid Trust Federation (IGTF) will begin issuing certificates signed with the new SHA-2 hash algorithms. By this date you will need to update some components of the OSG middleware package to be SHA-2 compliant. At this point all software has been updated in the OSG software stack. To be fully compliant in all packages you will need to be updated to OSG 3.1.22 or greater. A full table of packages and the OSG version they are compliant at is available at https://www.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view/Documentation/Release3/SHA2Compliance. It is very important that you review this list and determine if commonly used software at your site needs to be updated.

The OSG Release Team is looking for early SHA2 adopters to help with the transition. If you have interest in being ahead of the SHA-2 curve and providing feedback to help during this transition please contact Tim Theisen at tim@cs.wisc.edu.

The OSG Production and Software Teams are available to answer your questions and support you during upgrade. Please open a ticket at http://ticket.grid.iu.edu/goc/submit if you have any questions or need assistance.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

GOC Services Update - Tuesday, August 27th at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, August 27th, 2013 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered. We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

MyOSG 2.15
* Update perfsonar mesh config parameters to match that of WLCG mesh config.

GratiaWeb v1.2-12
* (v1.2-9) Modification made to resolve GOC ticket 15719 titled "Unable to retrieve transfer data for USCMS-FNAL-WC1-SE
* (v1.2-10) Changes were made to resolve GratiaWeb-35 (^Batch$)
* (v1.2-11) Final changes made to resolve jira ticket Request-56, titled 'Need Gratia query that shows usage by ProjectName across OSG sites'. The changes required to replace '@' for ',' in the final data result set.
* (v1.2-12) These changes resolve GOC ticket 15713, titled "BNL disappears from data transfer gratia report'.

All Services
* There will be OS updates; reboots will be required. Downtime should be minimal, and the usual high-availability mechanisms will be used to reduce service downtime even further and eliminate it in most cases. However, services may experience degraded performance, and the services without HA mechanisms (OIM and Twiki) will still experience brief downtimes.

Initial production release of osg-control

The OSG Software team will be cutting an initial production release of
osg-control this Friday. The initial osg-control announcement is included
below if you missed it.

Please send any feedback you may have this week to
or and we
will attempt to incorporate it into the release.


The OSG Software team would like to announce a beta release of
osg-control, a new software tool for managing OSG services. Many thanks
to Tony Tiradani for writing and contributing this software to OSG!

In OSG 1.2, most OSG services could be managed with a tool called
vdt-control, providing an easy way to view services and enable/disable
them. To provide some of this functionality to OSG 3.x, osg-control was
written as a wrapper around osg-configure and the services it manages. The
new tool allows querying the status, starting/stopping, and
enabling/disabling OSG services individually or all at once.

We have released a beta version of osg-control in the osg-testing
repository and are inviting community testing and feedback. If you
currently use osg-configure for OSG services, it should be an easy

yum install --enablerepo=osg-testing osg-control

For more background and discussion on this topic, see:


We welcome any feedback at or

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

osg-control announcement

The OSG Software team would like to announce a beta release of osg-control, a new software tool for managing OSG services. Many thanks to Tony Tiradani for writing and contributing this software to OSG!

In OSG 1.2, most OSG services could be managed with a tool called vdt-control, providing an easy way to view services and enable/disable them. To provide some of this functionality to OSG 3.x, osg-control was written as a wrapper around osg-configure and the services it manages. The new tool allows querying the status, starting/stopping, and enabling/disabling OSG services individually or all at once.

We have released a beta version of osg-control in the osg-testing repository and are inviting community testing and feedback. If you currently use osg-configure for OSG services, it should be an easy install:

yum install --enablerepo=osg-testing osg-control

For more background and discussion on this topic, see:


We welcome any feedback at or .

New VO Package - New VOs ENRM and Darkside

A new VO package is now available. This package includes newly enabled VOs ENMR and Darkside. The NWICG VO has also been removed from the package. It also includes updates to the NYSGrid and Belle VOs.

A detailed list of changes is available at:

This release is part of the OSG 3.1.22 Software Release, which was released yesterday 8/13/2013. Instructions are available at:

A change log is available at:

With the recent deprecation of Pacman, we will no longer release a Pacman version of the update files. Though for legacy reasons the raw configuration files can still be found at:

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Announcing OSG Software version 3.1.22

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.22!

This release affects most OSG installations. Changes include:

* All known issues with OSG Software and SHA-2 certificates have been fixed
* In the Upcoming series, all Java packages are built & tested on OpenJDK 7
* Update to CVMFS 2.1.14
* VO package v46
* RSV has many improvements and bug fixes, plus a new Java reporting probe
* SLURM is supported as a resource management system via PBS emulation
* osg-configure has many improvements and bug fixes
* HDFS 2 packaging was fixed (available in Upcoming series)

Early adopters are already using SHA-2 signed certificates.
Our CAs may issue SHA-2 signed certificates starting October 1st.

OpenJDK 7:
Early adopters have already replaced their Java installations with
OpenJDK 7. We plan to fold the OpenJDK 7 changes into the 3.1
repository in the next release on September 10th.

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


As a reminder, the OSG Software 3.1 is available as RPMs or client tarballs
for Enterprise Linux versions 5 and 6.

Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

GOC Services Update - Tuesday, August 13th at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, August 13th, 2013 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.  We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

OSG Homepage (www.opensciencegrid.org)

Current twiki homepage will be replaced by a dedicated OSG homepage. You can see the ITB version of the new OSG homepage at http://www-itb.opensciencegrid.org.
The OSG homepage will have following URL redirections for backward compatibilities with existing twiki URLs.
* https://www.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view > https://twiki.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view
* https://www.opensciencegrid.org/twiki/bin/view > https://twiki.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view
(similar for http:// URLs)
All other URLs will be served by new OSG homepage.

GOC Ticket 1.67

* Switching spam filter to Akismet. Added submitter IP/Agent to submission metadata to better filtering
* Updating a label on ticket submit form to include “Others” (GOC Ticket 14610)
* Updated to the latest bootstrap lib
* Added submitter IP/Agent to submission metadata.

OIM 3.21

* PKI / Updated user certificate renew process to re-key user certificate issued using user provided password. Also updated REST API to require password field and return pkcs12 output (OSGPKI-387)
* PKI / Hide disabled VO inside user certificate request form, and GridAdmin request form (OSGPKI-388)
* Releasing Project Registration forms (https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/Accounting/FOSAccounting) (OIM-68)
* Updating to the latest bootstrap CSS library in order to fix IE10 GridAdmin dialog box issue.
* Hidden certificate request counter for contact that has no DN associated.Added support for java.sql.Date as well as java.util.Date for RecordBase
* Fixed an issue reported by Alain Deximo where fiu.edu matches GridAdmin for iu.edu.
* Fixed incorrect wording of invalid date range warning

MyOSG 2.14

* Added project page to export OIM’s project registration (ref. OIM-68)

OSG BDII (is1/is2.grid.iu.edu)

* Enabling LVS. is.grid.iu.edu will be a LVS alias to vip-is.grid.iu.edu

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Java 7 announcement

OSG community:

To help OSG admins migrate from the now-unsupported free edition of Oracle
JDK 1.6, the OSG Software team has prepared and tested new builds of all
Java packages using Java version 7 (specifically, using OpenJDK 7). Today,
we announce that the new packages are available in (Upcoming) production
and that we are seeking volunteers to be the first to deploy them.


The Java 7 packages are available now in the Upcoming area. Eventually, we
will incorporate these updates back into the main OSG Software 3.1 area, so
that they become the default packages for all users. The timeline for this
transition is as follows:

* now - 30 August 2013: Early adopters use packages from Upcoming
* 13 August 2013: Fix remaining known issues in Upcoming (see below)
* 10 September 2013: Release Java 7 packages in main OSG Software 3.1 area

Of course, if a number of issues arise, we may elect to delay the release
until the planned 8 October release.

Please let us know soon if you want and are able to be an early adopter of
the Java 7 packages. We would like your feedback on how the packages are
working for you and how the upgrade process goes. Contact information is


Because sites may not want to install the Java 7 packages right away, they
are available from the Upcoming area, described here:


Specific installation instructions for the Java 7 packages are here:



Today, there are a few known issues with the Java 7 packages in Upcoming:

* The jGlobus package (used by BeStMan 2) needs bug fix updates
* HDFS 2 installs fail due to a missing bigtop-utils package

Both issues are expected to be fixed in OSG 3.1.22 on 13 August 2013.


The main software components affected by this project are:

* BeStMan 2
* dCache and BeStMan SRM clients
* Gratia service
* HDFS (aka hadoop-0.20)
* Pegasus
* VOMS (specifically, VOMS Admin)

For earlier information about our migration project, see:



We welcome feedback on issues you encounter with the new packages at
osg-software@opensciencegrid.org or goc@opensciencegrid.org

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013 at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.  We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

MyOSG 2.13

* Added check for empty contact list for Resource Summary XML which was generating PHP notice alerts.
* Update email addresses for OSG mesh configs (full and VOs) to OSG GOC staff.


Updating osg-measurements-metrics-web/db version from 1.2-5 to 1.2-8

1.2-6 Release Notes

1) config/GratiaWeb: in response to GratiaWeb-34 change request (exit 0 changed to 'exit $?')
2) osg-mesurements-metrics-web.spec: corrected a program 'requirements' line to include python-simplejson'
3) setup/setup_Web.cfg: modified a program 'requirements' line to include 'python-simplejson'
4) src/gratia/web/__init__.py: in response to GratiaWeb-35 change request in reference ('^Batch$')
* added 'NotContainsRegex' function to test for regex expression characters
* modified code to implement regex tests on the fields filter_dict['facility'] and filter_dict['vo']

1.2-7 Release notes

This version contains changes responding to GratiaWeb-39 'Disable Monitoring Pages'. The primary files impacted by these changes are: src/gratia/web/__init__.py and src/gratia/web/navigate.py.
Additional file changes are those needed to modify version-release information 'setup/*.cfg' and the associated '*-db.spec' and '*-web.spec' files.

1.2-8 Release Notes

This version contains changes responding to resolve GratiaWeb-38 'Disable Authentication Warnings': these changes were achieved by commenting out /src/gratia/templates files: bysite.tmpl, byvo.tmpl, main.tmpl in the
initial 'is_authenticated' section.

All Services

There will be OS updates; reboots will be required.  Downtime should be minimal, and the usual high-availability mechanisms will be used to reduce service downtime even further and eliminate it in most cases.  However, services may experience degraded performance, and the services without HA mechanisms (OIM and Twiki) will still experience brief downtimes.  Updates include, but are not limited to:
* [RHSA-2013:1050-01] Critical: php53 security update
* [RHSA-2013:1049-01] Critical: php security update
* [RHSA-2013:1034-01] Low: kernel security and bug fix update
* [RHSA-2013:1014-01] Important: java-1.6.0-openjdk security update
* [RHSA-2013:0963-01] Critical: java-1.7.0-oracle security update
* [RHSA-2013:0958-01] Important: java-1.7.0-openjdk security update
* [RHSA-2013:0957-01] Critical: java-1.7.0-openjdk security update

Friday, July 12, 2013

OSG Software SHA-2 Compliance

OSG VO and Site Administrators,

As of October 1st, 2013, Certificate Authorities (CAs) that are part of the International Grid Trust Federation (IGTF) will begin issuing certificates with new SHA-2 hash algorithms. By this date you will need to update some components of the OSG middleware package to be SHA-2 compliant. At this point all software except the dCache SRM Client has been updated in the OSG software stack. The dCache SRM Client is scheduled for release in the OSG stack on August 13th, 2013. To be fully compliant in all packages you will need to be updated to OSG 3.1.22 or greater. A full table of packages and the OSG version they are compliant at is available at https://www.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view/Documentation/Release3/SHA2Compliance. It is very important that you review this list and determine if the commonly used software at your site needs to be updated.

The OSG Production and Software Teams are available to answer your questions and support you during upgrade. Please open a ticket at http://ticket.grid.iu.edu/goc/submit if you have any questions or need assistance.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Intermittant access problems with MyOSG

Starting July 9th, 2013, MyOSG users may have encountered intermittent, short outages.

The service has been reverted to a previous version (2.10 from 2.12) until a complete investigation as to the cause of the problem can be completed.

The GOC apologizes for any inconvenience.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

New VO Package - New VOs Added

A new VO package is now available. This package includes new VOs GLAST and Auger. The NEBioGrid VO has also been removed from the package, NEBioGrid has been absorbed into the SBGrid VO.

A detailed list of changes is available at:

This release is part of the OSG 3.1.21 Software Release, which was released yesterday 7/9/2013. Instructions are available at:

With the recent deprecation of Pacman, we will no longer release a Pacman version of the update files. Though for legacy reasons the raw files can still be found at:

Announcing OSG Software version 3.1.21

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.21!

This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

Changes in the osg-release repository include:

* IGTF 1.54 CA certificates
* VO package V45
* VOMS logrotate bug fix
* HTCondor init script enhancements

Changes in the osg-upcoming-release repository include:

* OpenJDK 7 support (many packages updated)
* HDFS 2 (Hadoop)
* HTCondor 8.0.0

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, July 9th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, July 9th, 2013 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered. We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

GOC-TX 1.31

(Update will be released on 7/10 instead of 7/9 to coincide with GGUS update)
Updating GGUS accessor with latest GGUS SOAP WSDL which updates GGUS_HISTORY interface.

OSG Homepage (www.opensciencegrid.org)

Current twiki homepage will be replaced by a dedicated OSG homepage. You can see the ITB version of the new OSG homepage at http://www-itb.opensciencegrid.org.
The OSG homepage will have following URL redirections for backward compatibilities with existing twiki URLs.
https://www.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view > https://twiki.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view
https://www.opensciencegrid.org/twiki/bin/view > https://twiki.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view
(similar for http:// URLs)
All other URLs will be served by new OSG homepage.

GOC Ticket 1.66

Updated “Campus Grid VO Registration” to “Campus Grid Registration” and added an extra label to prevent user from accidentally using this sub-form to submit VO related issues.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Announcing OSG Software version 3.1.20

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.20!

This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

This release affects the CA certificates. Changes include:

* Update OSG CA packages with the IGFT 1.53 distribution

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

The next release (3.1.21) is expected on July 9th.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

UW-Madison CompSci infrastructure outages Wed, June 19 6:30AM Central

I apologize for the late notice, but the University of Wisconsin-Madison's
Computer Sciences department will be performing scheduled maintenance to
our infrastructure early tomorrow morning (6:30AM - 8:00AM Central). There is a 1.5 hour maintenance window, during which time a few
OSG resources may be unavailable. We believe that this outage will not
cause significant problems for OSG users in general, mostly just OSG
Software staff. Affected systems include:

* The old VDT website (vdt.cs.wisc.edu, largely deprecated now)
* The VDT Pacman caches (now end-of-lifed)
* The OSG Subversion repository (mostly used for development)
* The OSG Software upstream cache (used for OSG Software builds in koji)

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, June 25th at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, June 25th, 2013 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.  We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.


* 'gratia-fix-unknown-vo'; and a correction to the 'apel_url'. This apel_url correction allows the wlcg_reporting and jot_reporting pages to successfully query APEL data (GRATIA-108)
* Unspecified updates made for GratiaWeb version 1.2-5.

GOC Ticket 1.65

* Disabling /itb and /storage URLs which were deprecated in February (TICKET-57)  
* (patched) removed unnecessary sql value escape for Data model
* Updated the close icon on alert message
* Fixed the way Apache Solr indexer URL was configured

MyOSG 2.12

* Releasing Perfsonar VO Matrix page which displays Perfsonar mesh result in a single view for all endpoints participating in a particular VO.
* Added perfsonar test result parameters for OSG full matrix popover.
* Updated the close icon on alert message
* Fixed the issue with CSV export where newline characters inside RSV detail was not escaped (MYOSG-68)
* Added display for Virtual Organization / cert only indicators (OIM-67)


* Updates to the OSG stack

OIM 3.20

* Adding “Certificate Issue Only” check box for Virtual Organization (OIM-67)
* Add validation to only allow ascii char for user certificate requester name (OIM-63)
* Updating Apache POI library (For exporting Excel doc) and running tomcat server as “headless” to prevent issues associated with X Window / Display parameters.
* Allowing admin_gridamdin to revoke host cert, and admin_ra to revoke user cert.
* (patched) added user cert DN contact ID reset code if it doesn't match with the requester

Confluence 5.1.3 - https://confluence.grid.iu.edu
* Upgrading from 5.0.1 to 5.1.3 (jumping 6 releases - https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Confluence+Release+Notes)

All Services

There will be OS updates; reboots will be required.  Downtime should be minimal, and the usual high-availability mechanisms will be used to reduce service downtime even further and eliminate it in most cases.  However, services may experience degraded performance, and the services without HA mechanisms (OIM and Twiki) will still experience brief downtimes.  Updates include, but are not limited to:
* [RHSA-2013:0847-01] Moderate: kernel security and bug fix update
* [RHSA-2013:0869-01] Important: tomcat6 security update
* [RHSA-2013:0870-01] Important: tomcat5 security update
* [RHSA-2013:0911-01] Important: kernel security, bug fix, and enhancement update

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

OSG 3.1.19 Released

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.19!

This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

This release affects the cvmfs, frontier-squid, glideinwms, gratia-probe, npad, oasis-config, ost-ca-scripts, osg-test. Changes include:

* CVMFS updated to version 2.0.19
* GlideinWMS updated to version 2.7.1
* gratia-probes do not report over 100% efficiency

This release also contains HTCondor 7.9.6 in the upcoming repository.

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, June 11th, 2013 at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, June 11th, 2013 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.  We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.


* Port 80 will be placed behind a reverse (accelerated) proxy. The change will be transparent to our existing users (OO-1)


* (postponed from May 28th) Switch production SAM publisher from rsv.grid to rsv1.grid

Jira - https://jira.opensciencegrid.org

* Upgrading to Jira 6.0 (https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/JIRA+6.0+Release+Notes)

MyOSG 2.11.2 - https://my.opensciencegrid.org

* Added Perfsonar Mesh Configurations page (no xml yet)
* Fixed a bug where empty resource ids results in selecting all resources in various models.
* (patched) fixed rgpf controller issues

Perfsonar Datastore / Collector

* Updating datastore to the latest version which fixes various bugs and add meshconfig loader.

OIM 3.19 - http://oim.grid.iu.edu

Note: OIM update will cause a brief service outage on OSG PKI interface which is part of OIM.
* Allowing GOC to switch hash algorithm requested to DigiCert via configuration (we will stay on sha1 until further notice)
* Allowing OSG PKI staff to cancel user/host certificate requests

Display - http://display.opensciencegrid.org
ITB version is available at http://display-itb.grid.iu.edu

* (postponed from May 28th) Upgrading UI wrapper to the new version.

Blogs - http://blogs.opensciencegrid.org/

* Added Rob Gardner’s Blog.

Monday, June 3, 2013

REMINDER: Power maintenance in the Indiana University - Bloomington Data Center - June 4, 2013

Tomorrow, June 4th, from 8:00 to 17:00 EDT there will be extensive work in the Bloomington data center involving power maintenance. The portion of the data center hosting GOC services should not be affected and OSG operations staff will be available in the unlikely event of an inturruption.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Power maintenance in the Indiana University - Bloomington Data Center - June 4, 2013

On June 4th from 8:00 to 17:00 EDT there will be extensive work in the Bloomington data center involving power maintenance. The portion of the data center hosting GOC services should not be affected and OSG operations staff will be available in the unlikely event of an inturruption.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Announcing test of Java 7-based packages

OSG community:

To help OSG admins migrate from the now-unsupported Java version 6, the OSG
Software team has prepared and tested new builds of all Java packages using
Java version 7 (specifically OpenJDK 7). Today, we are announcing that the
new packages are ready for broad testing by the community.

Because sites may not want to install the new Java packages immediately, we
are providing the packages in our separate Upcoming repositories. That is,
the packages are currently in the "osg-upcoming-testing" repo and will move
to production initially in the "osg-upcoming" repo.

If you are eager to migrate away from Java 6, please help us by testing the
new Java 7 packages! For documentation on installing or upgrading, see our
preliminary instructions at:


The main software components affected by this project are:

* BeStMan 2
* dCache and BeStMan SRM clients
* Gratia service
* HDFS (aka hadoop-0.20)
* Pegasus
* VOMS (specifically, VOMS Admin)

The full list of packages undergoing testing is provided below.

The following packages were rebuilt and put in osg-upcoming-testing:


For more information, please see:


We welcome feedback on issues you encounter with the new packages at
or .

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, May 28th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, May 28th, 2013 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.  We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

* Adding symlink to cern cvmfs per CMS request
* Add listen ports on oasis-replica

* increase physical memory from 48 to 144 GB. (pending arrival of parts)

OIM 3.18
* PKI / Adding check for user certificate left un-issued for more than 15 days (send reminder), and 30 days (close ticket) [OSGPKI-377]
* Added a check to prevent user from re-requesting user certificate if there is another user certificate request that is in Requested or Approve states with the same DN requested.
* Updated user cert CSR generation help text based on Horst's input (GOC Ticket 15072)

MyOSG 2.11
* Upgrading to Zend Framework 1.12.3 (To fix Zend_Session issue)
* (Tentative) Publishing beta version of perfsonar mesh config

Ticket 1.64
* Increasing memory size on ticket1 to be 3G
* (patched) Fixed the issue where metadata values were not SQL escaped
* (patched) Fixed the issue where not all search results were displayed

* Switch production SAM publisher from rsv.grid to rsv1.grid

OSG Display - ITB version is available at http://display-itb.grid.iu.edu
* Upgrading UI wrapper to the new version.

All Services:

There will be OS updates; reboots will be required.  Downtime should be minimal, and the usual high-availability mechanisms will be used to reduce service downtime even further and eliminate it in most cases.  However, services may experience degraded performance, and the services without HA mechanisms (OIM and Twiki) will still experience brief downtimes.  Updates include, but are not limited to:
* [RHSA-2013:0769-01] Low: glibc security and bug fix update
* [RHSA-2013:0770-01] Important: java-1.6.0-openjdk security update
* [RHSA-2013:0772-01] Important: mysql security update
* [RHSA-2013:0815-01] Moderate: httpd security update
* [RHSA-2013:0822-01] Critical: java-1.7.0-ibm security update
* [RHSA-2013:0823-01] Critical: java-1.6.0-ibm security update
* [RHSA-2013:0830-01] Important: kernel security update
* [RHSA-2013:0831-01] Moderate: libvirt security and bug fix update

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Announcing OSG Software 3.1.18

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.18!

This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

This release affects the SET-OF-METAPACKAGES (client, compute element, etc...). Changes include:

* Condor updated to version 7.8.8
* Oracle Java updated to version 1.6p45
* jGlobus fix for CRL reloading in BeStMan 2.3
* osg-ca-scripts fix logrotation

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, May 14th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, May 14th, 2013 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered. We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

GOC Ticket 1.63
* Disallowing search bots to access our ticket search interface which was causing a lot of false goc-alerts.
* Added capability to show "all tickets" in the search page.
* Increased the ticket count to be displayed on a single search page from 10 to 25
* Updated Campus Grid ticket submission form to assign campus grid support center.
* Fixed the problem where user couldn’t select menu item while Google analytics is loaded.

MyOSG 2.10
* Real Time Event / Updated the way OIM logs are displayed
* RSV Status Map / Update z-index logic to place sites with more resources on top of others [GOC Ticket 12911]

OIM 3.17
* Switching to OpenJDK6. Sun JDK6 is causing timeout issues while generating pkcs12.
* Added capability to specify which column should not be logged to OIM log table. Added user certificate retrieval passwords as non-log fields. Added capability to suppress log notification to AMQP.
* PKI / Added check to prevent OIM authenticated user from re-requesting someone else's certificates in terminal state.
* PKI / Updated notification message sent to the owner of expired user certificate to be more descriptive.
* PKI / Replaced GOC Ticket link with Request Time on certificate list [OSGPKI-356]
* PKI / Updated user certificate request to display all associated DN to let user know why they can’t submit the request with the specified email [OSGPKI-339]
* PKI / Added 2nd authentication checks before actually executing requested action; request status could change between when user display the certificate detail and when user performs an action.
* PKI / Added a link to a document explaining what to do if user forget his retrieval password inside user certificate issue action controller.
* PKI / Updated default sponsor selection from first one in the list to primary sponsor [OSGPKI-371]
* Setting default Next Action Date to the submit time instead of submit time + 7 days by default [OIM-60]
* (patched) PKI / Removed console.log() which was preventing host/user search form to not search properly on IE
* (patched) PKI / Fixed the bug where re-requesting didn’t reset CSR field which prevents OIM from issuing new CSR / private key
* (patched) PKI / Added sorting on VO names field in user certificate search form.

* Added Marco’s Blog. Updating OSG GOC group image.

CAMon (camon.grid.iu.edu)
* This service will be shutdown.

* Upgrading to osg-measurements-metrics-db/web 1.2-1
* Added new Campus page (GRATIAWEB-32)
* Modified name of Factory Frontend Accounting page (GRATIAWEB-33)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Oasis special maintenance announcement

The OASIS stratum-0 server (oasis.opensciencegrid.org) will be unavailable for 24 hours starting at 8:00 (eastern) Tuesday May 7. The maintenance is to increase the usable size of the repository. The stratum-1 (oasis-replica.opensciencegrid.org) will remain available during this period.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Announcing OSG Software version 3.1.17

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.17!

This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

This release affects the client, the compute element, and the storage element. Changes include:

* GSI-OpenSSH updated to version 5.6 to fix a security issue
* jGlobus updated to version 2.0.5
* VOMS 2.0.8 clients patched to support SHA-2 proxies
* Pegasus updated to version 4.2.0
* XRootD updated to version 3.3.1
* OSG-Configure bugfixes

Version 3.1.17 also contains the first release of the tarball installs for the
worker-node-client and the client. These tarballs contain a complete
installation of the client or worker-node-client software that can be installed
by an unprivileged user, or into a non-standard location such as an NFS share.

Installation guides are available at:
for the worker-node-client, and:
for the full client.

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

- Matyas Selmeci
OSG Software Team

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

REMINDER: Pacman End of Life

Dear OSG Site Admins,

As we previously announced, the OSG has reached a point where 70% of all resources have updated to the new RPM based packaging of the OSG software stack. Thank you to everyone that contributed to make this a successful transition. As you know from previous emails, Pacman soon will no longer be supported.

The End of Life (EOL) date for Pacman is May 31, 2013. An important driver for this date is that the OSG will be transitioning to SHA2 based certificates in mid August and these will cause a number of compatibility issues with Pacman software; there are no plans to retrofit OSG 1.2 (the Pacman distribution) with SHA2 capabilities.

If you have concerns, we need to hear from you. We are aware of the need for a non-root worker node installation option required at some resources. The OSG Software Team is working hard to make sure this option is available well before the EOL date. If there are other issues that might prevent you from upgrading before the EOL date, please let us know so that we can help you make a smooth transition.

Notice of voms-admin-client output changes

OSG Software upgraded voms-admin-client from 2.0.16 to 2.0.17 in the 3.1.13
release on 29 January 2013. It was recently discovered that the output
format of various CLI commands, such as "voms-admin list-users", changed in
that release. Users who rely on the voms-admin CLI output format should
adjust accordingly.

Thanks to Steve Timm for pointing out this change.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

GOC Services Update - Tuesday, April 23rd at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.  We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

* Placing a deprecation banner on the homepage [GOC Ticket 14581]

OIM 3.16
* PKI / Completed user certificate re-request functionality [OSGPKI-363]
* PKI / Made password fields to not reset during user certificate request [OSGPKI-370]
* PKI / Added request_comment parameter for host revoke API [OSGPKI-369]
* PKI / Added RSA key size validation during host certificate request [OSGPKI-316]
* PKI / Added capability to add more than 1 CSR in host certificate request web form
* PKI / Fixed ticket/update to set nextaction correctly, and send assignee update
* Added "What is (NoCert)" link and documented what it means. [OSGPKI-336]
* (patched) PKI / Fixed incorrect checking of certificate request DN instead of DN record during user certificate approval / request

MyOSG 2.9
* Upgrading to PHP 5.3
* Added Perfsonar Matrix page (experiemental) which displays perfsonar matrix result
* Added Perfsonar Hoststatus page (experimental) which displays current perfsonar host status.
* Improved the way LDIF bdii information XML is cached and made it to reuse old cache in case of connection timeout.
* Updated MiscEvent page to use dynamic timestamp
* Redesigned voactivation page, and rggipstatus page.

All Services
There will be OS updates; reboots will be required.  Downtime should be minimal, and the usual high-availability mechanisms will be used to reduce service downtime even further and eliminate it in most cases.  However, services may experience degraded performance, and the services without HA mechanisms (OIM and Twiki) will still experience brief downtimes.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Proposed non-RPM clients for OSG Software

With OSG Software version 3, the OSG has moved to RPMs as the primary means of distributing software to sites. However, we understand that some users need to install client tools without RPMs, either because the install must be performed without root access or because the installed software must be contained within a single, separate directory hierarchy (or both).

The OSG Software team will soon provide non-RPM client packages that can be installed anywhere by anyone. Specifically, each package will install into a single directory on a filesystem and the installation process will work for any user with appropriate permissions. There will be separate packages for the worker node client and full client.

The new packages will be downloadable tarballs (i.e., compressed archives), one for each kind of client (worker node and full), major operating system release (EL5 and EL6), and architecture (32- and 64-bit). The new tarballs will be derived from the corresponding production RPMs of osg-wn-client and osg-client.

Users will download and unpack an appropriate tarball, then run a script contained therein to finish the installation. Before actual use, each user will need to source a setup script, as was done with Pacman installations.

Because we cannot assume much about the host system, the tarballs and their resulting installations will necessarily contain some software components from the underlying OS and EPEL repositories. We will strive to minimize the number of such components, but some will remain. Site administrators should understand that we will not issue updates to our tarballs every time the underlying OS and EPEL repositories change, but instead only as part of normal OSG Software releases. This policy applies to security and non- security package updates from the OS and EPEL.

Administrators will be responsible for updating from one tarball release to another. Mostly, this process will simply be to download and unpack each new release to a separate directory. A symbolic link can be used to provide a consistent path to the current release. Manual modifications to package files will have to be applied for each release or copied over.

Technical work is nearly complete on this project, and we are aiming for a April 30th release. That date should leave ample time to complete updates well before the planned May 30 End-Of-Life for OSG 1.2 (Pacman).

We welcome feedback on this plan at goc@opensciencegrid.org or osg-software@opensciencegrid.org.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Update on OSG PKI Outage

Dear OSG RA agent, GridAdmins,

The PKI outage reported late Friday afternoon (5/Apr) was resolved as of 7:04 pm (eastern) Friday. Please resume normal use of the PKI and the GOC apologizes for any inconvenience.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

OSG Software version 3.1.16 Released

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.16!

This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

This release affects most sites. Changes include:
* Update osg-ca-scripts (that is, 'osg-ca-manage' and 'osg-update-certs')
* A bug fix in the 'osg-ca-certs-updater' service
* Various fixes for LSF support to osg-configure, the LSF Gratia
probe, and the LSF Globus GRAM Jobmanager
* Upgrade the OSG PKI Tools to 1.1.0
* Update VO client data to v44.

Important: Due to a change in the EPEL repositories that we depend on,
if you already have xrootd-server installed on a system, you must
update that system by running
"yum update --exclude='xrootd*'" instead of just "yum update".

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

GOC Services Update - Tuesday, April 9th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, April 9th, 2013 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered. We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

* Installing Jira Subversion plugin [JIRA-17]

OIM 3.15
* Removing duplicate DNs registered in OIM.
* Allowing OIM user to cancel guest submitted request if given valid password.
* Changed the timing of DN insertion and when to enable contact to after certificate is issued.
* Added a better label asking to remember certificate password.
* (patched) Fixed request after/before bug on certificate request search page.

GratiaWeb 1.1-12
* https://jira.opensciencegrid.org/browse/GRATIAWEB-30

removed filter for proxy and added a change to displayName function
dn=re.sub('/CN=proxy$', '', dn) and also a fix for blank names with if attr == 'CN'
and not val.isdigit(): in file database/query_handler.py

MyOSG 2.8
* Removing ExportCertData parameter from Apache SSL config
* Added “available software” information in bdii browser / cluster page
* Updating VOMS Status Monitor Consolidator to use vo-client-edgmkgridmap RPM instead of pacman [MYOSG-65]

GOC Ticket 1.62
* Removing ExportCertData parameter from Apache SSL config.
* Added check for empty Solr search result to suppress error message.
* Added attachment controller that exposes attachments via application controller. Added public read-only attachment interface, and switched attachment url to the goc ticket attachment [TICKET-65]
* Added a spam filter for guest ticket submission (only on /submit for now) [TICKET-73]
* Added element to AMQP publisher to be consumed by MyOSG real time event viewer.
* Installing awstats

OSG Repo / MyOSG / Blogs / GratiaWeb / Web / GOC Ticket
* Allowing access to awstats pages with DigiCert certificates.
* Installing awstats on GOC Ticket

Thursday, March 28, 2013

New VO Package - New VOs and VOMS Cert Updates

A new VO package is now available. This package includes new VOs UC3, MCDRD, and LQCD. It also includes updates to the OSG, GlueX, Engage, CSIU, MIS, Dream, Suragrid, and OSGEDU VOs.

A detailed list of changes is available at:

This will be part of the OSG 3.1.16 Software Release, which is scheduled to be released on 4/2/2013. Instructions will be available at:

OSG Operations suggests backing up your installation before running any update commands.

To pull the new VO Package for an OSG 1.0.x or 1.2.0 Resource please use:
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-package

To pull the new VO Package for the OSG Client 1.0.x or 1.2.0 please use:
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-client

Thursday, March 21, 2013

*IMPORTANT REMINDER on DOE GRIDS CA Service Transition and OSG PKI Availability*

*IMPORTANT REMINDER on DOE GRIDS CA Service Transition and OSG PKI Availability*

As previously announced the DOEGrids CA will cease providing certificate services on March 23rd, 2013 and is now in the final stages of transitioning services to the new CA managed by the Open Science Grid (OSG). Most DOEGrids CA communities have already transitioned to the new OSG service and many users have begun using the OSG CA. As of the March 23rd date it will no longer be an option to renew your DEOGrids certificate and all OSG issued certificates will use the OSG PKI located at https://idmanager.opensciencegrid.org. 

Please contact your RA soon with any questions or concerns you may have to ensure continuation of your certificate services after March 2013. Please review the transition website for comprehensive information on the service transition it is located at http://www.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view/Security/OSGCATransition2012. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

GOC Services Update - Tuesday, March 26th at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, March 26th, 2013 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours (13:00 - 21:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.  We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

* Updating osg-measurements-metrics-db/web to version 1.1-10
* Updating graphtool to version 0.6.6-16
* Installing gratia-bdii-probe ( bdii_cese_record component only)
* Installing new GOC soft-backup script

OIM 3.14 (Tentative)
* Allow VO contacts to edit VO sponsors
* Allow user to specify sponsor while submitting user certificate request
* Splitting sponsor from RA contact types.

* Adding http to https forwarding

All Services
* There will be OS updates; reboots will be required.  Downtime should be minimal, and the usual high-availability mechanisms will be used to reduce service downtime even further and eliminate it in most cases.  However, services may experience degraded performance, and the services without HA mechanisms (OIM and Twiki) will still experience brief downtimes.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Upcoming changes to OSG PKI interface regarding RA sponsors

We are planning to make an update to the OSG PKI interface in regards to how sponsor information is stored in OIM, and how it is used during a user certificate request. Currently, sponsors can be edited only by OSG PKI staff, and OSG users are asked but not required to enter a name of sponsor inside a comment section while submitting a user certificate request. We'd like to make following changes.

1) Allow any contacts listed as VO contacts to add/remove sponsors for that VO.
2) Require a user to specify a sponsor from the VO sponsor list, or manually enter name/email address of a sponsor if not listed.
3) Notification ticket template will be updated to indicate if user has selected an existing sponsor from VO's sponsor list, or if user has manually entered name/email.

More details about this change can be found in following document.

> https://confluence.grid.iu.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=7897105

The prototype of these changes can be tested in OIM-ITB instance, and we plan to release these updates on 3/26 unless we hear objections, or encounter any issues.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

AHM Poster Session Voting


If you are currently attending the OSG All Hands Meeting, please stop by the Poster session. Attendees should vote for their favorite posters by emailing steige@iu.edu

Thank You,
OSG Grid Operations Center (GOC)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


If you could access thousands, maybe millions, of hours of computing, how
would it transform your research? What discoveries would you make?

We are looking for qualified students to attend the 2013 Open Science Grid
(OSG) User School, where they will learn how to use high-throughput
computing to harness vast amounts of computing power for research.

Using lectures, discussions, roleplays, and lots of hands-on work with OSG
experts in high-throughput computing, students will learn how HTC systems
work, how to run and manage many jobs and huge datasets to implement a full
scientific computing workflow, and where to turn for help and more info.

Worried about costs? Successful applicants will get financial support to
attend the OSG School (June 24-27) at the beautiful University of Wisconsin
in Madison. Plus, some students will receive financial support to attend
XSEDE13 (July 22-25) in San Diego, California.

Ideal candidates are science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
(STEM) graduate students whose research demands large-scale computing.
Also, advanced undergraduates are encouraged to apply. Others may apply
too; funding is tight this year, but we consider all great candidates!


Application Period: March 4-29
OSG User School: June 24-27
XSEDE13 Conference: July 22-25


Web: https://www.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view/Education/OSGUserSchool2013
Email: osg-school-2013-info@opensciencegrid.org

Please forward this announcement to help us reach potential students. And
consider posting our flyer where appropriate:


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

CORRECTION: Announcing OSG Software version 3.1.15

The text of the last message was truncated and the correct text follows. We apologize for the inconvenience.

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.15!

This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

This release affects a variety of systems, especially ones running services. Changes include:

* Switch to Fetch CRL v3 (by default) on EL5 systems (see below)
* Added "Upcoming" software repository for disruptive updates (see below)
* Upgrade GridFTP to 6.14
* Upgrade gLExec and LCMAPS to current versions
* Reworked LCMAPS configuration in the gatekeeper, GridFTP, GSI-OpenSSH, etc.
* Upgrade to very latest Java 1.6 release (6u43)

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Note that there are two larger changes with this release that have separate documentation:

* Fetch CRL: With this release, we recommend that users on Enterprise Linux 5 systems (SL5, CentOS 5, and RHEL 5) switch from Fetch CRL version 2 to version 3. We have documentation on the change, including the reasons for doing so, here:


* Upcoming repositories: We are adding a new set of optional repositories to supplement our existing ones. They will be used in the future to provide software updates that could cause disruptions if added to the normal repositories. More information is available here:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

Announcing OSG Software version 3.1.15

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.15!

This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

This release affects a variety of systems, especially ones running services. Changes include:

* Switch to Fetch CRL v3 (by default) on EL5 systems (see below)
* Added "Upcoming" software repository for disruptive updates (see below)
* Upgrade GridFTP to 6.14
* Upgrade gLExec and LCMAPS to current versions
* Reworked LCMAPS configuration in the gatekeeper, GridFTP, GSI-OpenSSH, etc.
* Upgrade to very latest Java 1.6 release (6u43)

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Note that there are two larger changes with this release that have separate documentation:

* Fetch CRL: With this release, we recommend that users on Enterprise Linux 5 systems (SL5, CentOS 5, and RHEL 5) switch from Fetch CRL version 2 to $


* Upcoming repositories: We are adding a new set of optional repositories to supplement our existing ones. They will be used in the future to provide$


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

OSG 1.2.32 Update Notification

OSG 1.2.32 Update Notification

Date: March 5, 2013

Affected Components

The following components are affected:

* Java (affects all OSG installs)


This release contains the following updates to address security

* Java 1.6.0_43

Update instructions can be found on the OSG Twiki under the OSG
1.2 update instructions ( https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/OSG12UpdateInstructions ).

Additional Information
The release notes for the VDT 2.0.0p39 release underlying this
release can be found here ( http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/releases/2.0.0/release-p39.html ).

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

OSG Software plans for migration from Java 6

OSG community:

The OSG Software team is requesting feedback on its plan to migrate packages from Oracle JDK 6 to OpenJDK 7. Some background is copied below, and then all supporting documents are on the OSG TWiki.

You may wonder about timelines and effort for the project. We are working on that, but there is much that we do not know yet. Nonetheless, this project is a top priority. The goal is to have a clearer picture of the effort required by the All Hands Meeting. So far, we have made solid progress on rebuilding Java components and are about to embark on the first significant round of testing.

BACKGROUND: Many packages in the OSG Software stack are based on Java. To date in OSG 3.x, we have distributed the Oracle JDK 6 implementation of Java, and built and distributed Java packages using it. At the end of February, 2013, Oracle will discontinue public support of the Java 6 series, including any further security or bug fixes. Due to the frequent discovery of security flaws in Java, we must migrate away from Oracle JDK 6 to a supported Java implementation. We intend to update OSG Software 3.1.x with new Java packages, based on a new implementation, as quickly as possible to reduce our exposure to security risks in Java. The page that is linked below describes our plan to do so at a high level and is intended for site administrators and other stakeholders who are interested in the change.

For more information, please see:


We welcome feedback on this plan at goc@opensciencegrid.org or osg-software@opensciencegrid.org

Brief BDII Outage

At 14:25 UTC (9:25 eastern time) during scheduled maintenance, the BDII service experienced a brief outage due to incorrect scheduling of the maintenance process. Full service was restored at 14:32 (9:32 eastern)

The GOC apologizes for any inconvenience and has taken steps to insure this will not recur.

Monday, February 25, 2013

OSG All Hands Meeting - Please Register Today!

We are less than two weeks away from the start of the 2013 OSG All Hands Meeting!  We would kindly request that if you plan to attend and have not registered you register as soon as possible so that we can get a proper count for meals and activities.  You can find registration information at: http://pti.iu.edu/osgahm-2013/registration.  Registration will allow your hosts to provide a comfortable, timely, and overall enjoyable experience at this years OSG All Hands Meeting.

The OSG Operations Center and Indiana University will be hosting the annual OSG All Hands Meeting on the week of March 11th on the downtown Indianapolis campus of IUPUI. Indiana University has been a long term core partner of the OSG and has provided operational infrastructure and support services since the inception of the project.

The scheduled topics include:
* Monday, March 11th: US ATLAS and CMS Tier 2/Tier 3 Facilities Meeting; Interoperations with EGI and WLCG
* Tuesday, March 12th: Campus Infrastructures Community Workshop
* Wednesday, March 13th: State of the OSG; Scienctific Highlights; Technology Discussion
* Thursday, March 14th: Technology Discussions and User/Admin Hands-On Sessions; Meetings will conclude at approximately lunchtime.
* OSG Council Meeting: Thursday afternoon and Friday morning

A detailed schedule is under constructions at https://indico.fnal.gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=5610

Please visit the 2013 OSG AHM site at http://pti.iu.edu/osgahm-2013 for information, details, and registration.

Lothar Bauerdick, OSG Executive Director
Bill Barnett, IU Research Technologies Director of Science Community Tools
Fred Luehring, IU HEP Research Scientist
Therese Miller, Manager of Collaboration and Engagement for Research Technologies
Rob Quick, OSG Operations Area Coordinator

OSG yum repository change for disruptive upgrades

Sometimes, the OSG Software team upgrades software to new versions that could disrupt production sites. At very least, such changes could require site downtime and manual intervention before returning to service. On one hand, we want to avoid sites upgrading to disruptive versions by accident. But for adventuresome sites that want or need to upgrade, we want to offer easy access to the new packages along with the same assurance of quality as for other production releases.

Other software distributions typically reserve disruptive upgrades for completely new and distinct releases, such as Fedora 16 vs. Fedora 17. But for OSG, starting a new release series, such as 3.2 or 4.0, is itself more disruptive than is justified by the few packages that currently need this special attention. Certainly, OSG will start a new software series eventually, but for now, we plan to complement the existing OSG 3.1 series with an "Upcoming" repository: a separate, production-ready repository just for disruptive upgrades.

Technically, there will be many Upcoming repositories; most are for development and testing, but two are for use by production sites:


All repositories will be included in the osg-release RPM (which defines our repositories to yum), and all of them will be disabled by default. Thus, each one can be enabled independently and temporarily or permanently as desired. Because each Upcoming repository contains ONLY new, disruptive updates, it must be used together with a standard OSG 3.1 repository (e.g., el5-osg-release) to get a full software stack. The OSG Software team will ensure that Upcoming packages integrate with standard ones.

In most cases, Upcoming packages will form the nucleus of the next OSG release series (e.g., OSG 3.2 or 4.0). However, in some cases and after ample testing by some production sites, we will migrate Upcoming packages back into the standard release. For instance, this is our plan for migrating packages from Java 6 to Java 7.

We plan to have the Upcoming repositories in place and ready for production use (albeit with no released packages at first) in our next release, scheduled for Tuesday, 5 March 2013.

We welcome feedback on this plan at or .

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, February 26th, 2013

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, February 26th, 2013 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours (14:00 - 22:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered. We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

Installing bdii_probe which will read data from OSG BDII, and post data to FNAL gratia DB/collector. GratiaWeb will then access that DB to pull data for various graphs.
Updating osg-measurements-metrics-db/web to version 1.1-5 per Ashu Guru’s request.
Installing new GOC soft-backup script
OSG Web (web.grid.iu.edu)

Setting up web-itb.grid.iu.edu on 2/19. Installing new wordpress instance for new OSG homepage project.
OIM 3.13

Installing user/host certificate expiration notifier. Resetting cert_expiration dates for all host certificate requests previously requested.
GOC Ticket 1.61

Updating configuration structure used by Apache Solr indexer (used by ticket search).
Added various checks for missing parameters on REST interface.
Adding deprecation notice for /storage and /itb
Installing new GOC soft-backup script
MyOSG 2.7

Updated layout for search result page.
Updated resource group / status history page to use user’s browser local timezone in order to correct inconsistent timezone display [part of OIM-46]
All Services

There will be OS updates; reboots will be required. Downtime should be minimal, and the usual high-availability mechanisms will be used to reduce service downtime even further and eliminate it in most cases. However, services may experience degraded performance, and the services without HA mechanisms (OIM and Twiki) will still experience brief downtimes.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Pacman End of Life

Dear OSG Site Admins,

As we previously announced, the OSG has reached a point where two thirds of all resources have updated to the new RPM based packaging of the OSG software stack. Thank you to everyone that contributed to make this a successful transition. As you know from previous emails, Pacman soon will no longer be supported.

The End of Life (EOL) date for Pacman is May 31, 2013. An important driver for this date is that the OSG will be transitioning to SHA2 based certificates in mid August and these will cause a number of compatibility issues with Pacman software; there are no plans to retrofit OSG 1.2 (the Pacman distribution) with SHA2 capabilities.

If you have concerns, we need to hear from you. We are aware of the need for a non-root worker node installation option required at some resources. The OSG Software Team is working hard to make sure this option is available well before the EOL date. If there are other issues that might prevent you from upgrading before the EOL date, please let us know so that we can help you make a smooth transition.

Thank you,
The Production Team: Dan Fraser, Marco Mambelli, and Rob Quick.

OSG All Hands Meeting - Please Register Today!

We are less than a month away from the 2013 OSG All Hands Meeting!  We would request that you please register as soon as possible so that we can get a proper count for meals and activities.  Additionally, the special rate for the hotel has been extended to February 16th, but you will need to call the hotel at 1-317-822-9029 instead of using the block code published at the AHM web site. Online booking will not honor this pricing.

The OSG Operations Center and Indiana University will be hosting the annual OSG All Hands Meeting on the week of March 11th on the downtown Indianapolis campus of IUPUI. Indiana University has been a long term core partner of the OSG and has provided operational infrastructure and support services since the inception of the project.

The scheduled topics include:
* Monday, March 11th: US ATLAS and CMS Tier 2/Tier 3 Facilities Meeting; Interoperations with EGI and WLCG
* Tuesday, March 12th: Campus Infrastructures Community Workshop
* Wednesday, March 13th: State of the OSG; Scienctific Highlights; Technology Discussion
* Thursday, March 14th: Technology Discussions and User/Admin Hands-On Sessions; Meetings will conclude at approximately lunchtime.
* OSG Council Meeting: Thursday afternoon and Friday morning

A detailed schedule is under constructions at https://indico.fnal.gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=5610

Please visit the 2013 OSG AHM site at http://pti.iu.edu/osgahm-2013 for information, details, and registration.

Lothar Bauerdick, OSG Executive Director
Bill Barnett, IU Research Technologies Director of Science Community Tools
Fred Luehring, IU HEP Research Scientist
Therese Miller, Manager of Collaboration and Engagement for Research Technologies
Rob Quick, OSG Operations Area Coordinator

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Announcing OSG 3.1.14 release

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.14!
This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

This release affects all OSG installations using CA certificates and Hadoop SEs . Changes include:

* Updated CA certs packages
* Updated hadoop packages
* Addition of frontier-squid

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

OSG All Hands Meeting - Final Days to Get Special Lodging Rates

We are less than 5 weeks away from the OSG All Hands Meeting! The deadline for reserving rooms at the negotiated conference rate is February 9th. This hard deadline is fast approaching. If you want to obtain a room at the special rate, you must book by this coming Saturday! Details for accommodations can be found at http://pti.iu.edu/osgahm-2013/hotel_transportation. If you plan on attending please register and make your lodging arrangements soon.

The OSG Operations Center and Indiana University will be hosting the annual OSG All Hands Meeting on the week of March 11th on the downtown Indianapolis campus of IUPUI. Indiana University has been a long term core partner of the OSG and has provided operational infrastructure and support services since the inception of the project.

The scheduled topics include:
* Monday, March 11th: US ATLAS and CMS Tier 2/Tier 3 Facilities Meeting; Interoperations with EGI and WLCG
* Tuesday, March 12th: Campus Infrastructures Community Workshop
* Wednesday, March 13th: State of the OSG; Scienctific Highlights; Technology Discussion
* Thursday, March 14th: Technology Discussions and User/Admin Hands-On Sessions; Meetings will conclude at approximately lunchtime.
* OSG Council Meeting: Thursday afternoon and Friday morning

A detailed schedule is under constructions at https://indico.fnal.gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=5610

Please visit the 2013 OSG AHM site at http://pti.iu.edu/osgahm-2013 for information, details, and registration.

Lothar Bauerdick, OSG Executive Director
Bill Barnett, IU Research Technologies Director of Science Community Tools
Fred Luehring, IU HEP Research Scientist
Therese Miller, Manager of Collaboration and Engagement for Research Technologies
Rob Quick, OSG Operations Area Coordinator

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

GOC Service Update Tuesday, February 12th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, February 12th, 2012 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours (14:00 - 22:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered. We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

OIM 3.12
Increased maximum gridadmin count from 10 to 30 as requested by Alain Deximo.
Stopped assigning Alain Deximo to secondary RA on all new VO.
Fixed the home icon issue on certificate page
Added setter for SUPPORTING_SC_NAME ticket metadata on resource and vo registration notification
Updated help link label based on Von's suggestion [OSGPKI-306]
Assign GOC infrastructure member in case of certificate issue failure. [OSGPKI-254]
Updated host certificate CSR help content and hidden under a help link.
PKI Rest API / Updated exception detail to reflect the error condition more accurately.
PKI Rest API / Reformatted user certificate request ticket title to be more consistent with other tickets.
PKI Rest API / Added request_comment support for various APIs.
PKI / Removed RENEW_REQUESTED state and transitions which are no longer necessary.
PKI Host Certificate / Removed renew/request-renew methods from host cert model
PKI User Certificate / Implemented renew method
PKI User Certificate GUI / Made "Generating CSR" indicator to display only when it actually needs generate CSR.
PKI User Certificate GUI / Added last approved time indicator
PKI REST API / removed host_certs_renew and implemented user_cert_renew user_cert_retrieve/user_cert_approve user_cert_reject user_cert_cancel user_cert_revoke user_cert_issue APIs (no user_cert_request)
(released) Updated certificate redirector (/certificate) into a normal page, and made it editable by admin and admin_ra(to allow osg pki staff to edit)
Event (AMQP)

Postponed from 1/22 update due to VM infrastructure issue.
Upgrading to RHEL6/RabbitMQ 3.0.1
Clustering with event1/2.grid.iu.edu

OSG Jira
Upgrade to version 5.2.5 (See what’s new with Jira 5.2 https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/JIRA+5.2+Release+Notes)
Changing status order as per software group request

MyOSG 2.6
Removed unused/deprecated code from BDII information browser page.
Modified rgdowntime to look for disabled DNs in order to show DN information on old downtimes with already disabled DNs.

Ticket 1.60
Updating to pecl amqp-1.0.9 for event publishing.
Allowing GOC staff to edit metadata (R/RG/VO/SC) [TICKET-11]
Updated metadata displayed for guest users.
Fixed inconsistencies on successful ticket create/update messages.
Added capability to reset assignee via REST/update [for OSGPKI-254]

Installed Capacity Report
Upgrading to version 1.0-13 [GOC Ticket 13345] (http://koji-hub.batlab.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=3007)