OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, November 12th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.  We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

GOC Ticket 1.70
* Upgrading to RHEL6 OS. All instances(ticket1/2) will be rebuilt from the latest GOC stemcell.
* Various minor bug / cosmetic fixes.
* Updated notification tool to allow choosing preset email signature template (TICKET-74)
* Replaced comet with node/socket.io based ticket presence.

* a duplicate stratum 0 server will be created as part of the process of implementing sub-catalogs. Sub-catalogs will not be implemented with this release and the change should not be visible to users.

* Adding VO=OSG as backup to FNAL

OIM 3.25
* Added capability to enter custom key/value for misc. service group in order to allow registering OSG rpm repo mirror sites (as requested by Carl Edquist)
* Increased the acceptable range of certificate life from 395+/-10 days from 15 days in order to suppress false(?) alarm from OIM service alert.
* Added label to ask user to enter institutional email address instead of personal one ( Please use email address issued by your organization (like @fnal.gov), instead of a personal addresses like gmail, yahoo, etc (suggested by OSG/PKI team)
* Added GA/RA agreements for user cert renew (OSGPKI-178)
* Moved the user certificate download links under Action section, and move the entire action section toward the top of the page in order to make it easier for user to find appropriate button to push (OSGPKI-387)

MyOSG 2.18
* miscevent / fixed a bug where old events were not cleared from the queue
* miscuser / fixed a bug where disabled contacts are displayed on miscuser/xml when it’s shouldn’t.
* myosg2 will be moved from its current host to another host.

GratiaWeb 1.2-19 (Tentative)
* Added filter for Project Name (GRATIAWEB-42)
* Fixed a bug where FOS reports does not work for facility and probe (GRATIAWEB-44)