OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

GOC Services Update - Tuesday, April 23rd at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.  We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

* Placing a deprecation banner on the homepage [GOC Ticket 14581]

OIM 3.16
* PKI / Completed user certificate re-request functionality [OSGPKI-363]
* PKI / Made password fields to not reset during user certificate request [OSGPKI-370]
* PKI / Added request_comment parameter for host revoke API [OSGPKI-369]
* PKI / Added RSA key size validation during host certificate request [OSGPKI-316]
* PKI / Added capability to add more than 1 CSR in host certificate request web form
* PKI / Fixed ticket/update to set nextaction correctly, and send assignee update
* Added "What is (NoCert)" link and documented what it means. [OSGPKI-336]
* (patched) PKI / Fixed incorrect checking of certificate request DN instead of DN record during user certificate approval / request

MyOSG 2.9
* Upgrading to PHP 5.3
* Added Perfsonar Matrix page (experiemental) which displays perfsonar matrix result
* Added Perfsonar Hoststatus page (experimental) which displays current perfsonar host status.
* Improved the way LDIF bdii information XML is cached and made it to reuse old cache in case of connection timeout.
* Updated MiscEvent page to use dynamic timestamp
* Redesigned voactivation page, and rggipstatus page.

All Services
There will be OS updates; reboots will be required.  Downtime should be minimal, and the usual high-availability mechanisms will be used to reduce service downtime even further and eliminate it in most cases.  However, services may experience degraded performance, and the services without HA mechanisms (OIM and Twiki) will still experience brief downtimes.