OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Announcing OSG Software version 3.1.26 and 3.2.0

We are pleased to announce OSG Software versions 3.1.26 and 3.2.0!

Today marks the beginning of a new 3.2 release series. The 3.2 releases will contain the entire OSG software stack, and thus are parallel to the current 3.1 release series. For now, most packages in 3.2 are identical to those in 3.1, but we expect the series to diverge over time. With a new and independent series, we can provide new or substantially updated software and can remove obsolete packages. Because these changes may be disruptive to a production site, you must take explicit action to update from the 3.1 to the 3.2 series; if you do nothing, package updates will continue to come from the 3.1 series.

The 3.1.26 and 3.2.0 releases both contain the following changes:

* CVMFS version 2.1.15
* Xrootd version 3.3.3
* VO Package v49
* OSG Info Services 0.12

The 3.2.0 release is the first in the 3.2 series and contains the
following major changes:

* glideinWMS version 3.2.0
* HTCondor version 8.0.4
* HTCondor-CE using HTCondor as a backend
* HDFS (Hadoop) version 2.0.0
* CEMon is not included (use OSG Info Services 0.12)

For further information on the new 3.2 series repositories and how
to upgrade please consult:

The OSG Software is distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

Please submit problems, requests, and questions at: