OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Announcing OSG Software version 3.1.25

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.25!

This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

This release affects the client, compute element, GUMS servers and BeStMan SEs. Changes include:

* gratia probes: now filters and logs unreasonably huge CPU time values
* GUMS: now extracts VOMS attributes from SSL connection
* Globus: Log rotation now performed by copy and truncate
* jGlobus 2.0.6: new version with many bug fixes
* BeStMan recompiled with new jGlobus
* GUMS recompiled with new jGlobus
* glideinWMS 2.7.
* Log XACML failures

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!