OSG Operational Services

Friday, February 27, 2015

OSG All Hands Meeting Registration

OSG Collaborators,

We are currently experiencing problems with the OSG All Hands Meeting registration system, due to these difficulties we cannot currently collect registration fees. If you are planning to attend the AHM but have not yet registered, please email Pam Villalovoz (pmv@northwestern.edu) including your name and the dates you wish to attend. We will contact you again when registration is fully available. This is expected to be within the next few business days.

If your name appears here http://sites.northwestern.edu/osg-ahm2015/attendees/ you are already registered and you do not need to take any action.

Thank you. See you in March at Northwestern!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Gratiaweb data is not current

The gratia service will be restarted at approximately Noon (eastern time) today. A outage of approximately 5 minutes is anticipated.

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, February 24th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, February 24th, 2015 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.


• The oasis-replica CVMFS Stratum 1 will be upgraded to the latest versions of cvmfs, oasis, and frontier rpms.  Also, the process of adding new repositories will be automated based on OIM registration.

GOC-TX 1.45

• Added capability to merge ticket metadata prior to the reverse ticket update. This prevents GOC-TX from resolving GGUS ticket unnecessarily just to synchronize the ticket status in a rare occasion (https://ggus.eu/index.php?mode=ticket_info&ticket_id=111495)

OIM 3.41

• PKI / Made various changes to user certificate request / renewal interfaces requested by super-RA (Alain Deximo) and GOC support staff. For a full list of changes made, please see http://confluence.grid.iu.edu/display/CHANGE/UI+updates+surrounding+user+certificate+workflow+UI

All Services

• Operating system updates; reboots will be required. The usual HA mechanisms will be used, but some services will experience brief outages.
• Major update to internal Puppet configuration management: the same configuration stated in different terms, separating site-specific data from configuration code.  This is a step toward being able to share that code as well as to employ Puppet in provisioning.  No fundamental changes to the actual configuration should happen.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

UPDATE: Difficulties accessing GratiaWeb

Users were experiencing difficulties accessing GratiaWeb. Administrators traced the problem back to the Gratia database and restored service around 12:00pm EST. We apologize for any inconvenience this caused.

Difficulties accessing GratiaWeb

Users are currently experiencing difficulties accessing GratiaWeb. Administrators are currently investigating and working to resolve the problem. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

OSG announcement: Executive Director

Dear all,

Click here to read the latest OSG newsletter!  Among other articles, you can read a message from Lothar Bauerdick on stepping down as the OSG Executive Director, and a message (re-)introducing the new Executive Director, Frank Würthwein.

If you would like to sign up to the OSG newsletter.  Please email osg-contact@opensciencegrid.org.

Best wishes,

Clemmie Jones

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Announcing OSG Software versions 3.2.20 and 3.1.44

We are pleased to announce OSG Software versions 3.2.20 and 3.1.44.

OSG 3.2.20 contains:
* GIP now produces information about the HTCondor-CE for BDII
(See release notes for a manual configuration step)
* HTCondor 8.2.7
* GlideinWMS 3.2.8 (improved monitoring and bug fixes)
* Based on request of OSG VOs, a subset of EGI.EU CVMFS repositories
are now accessible by default with the oasis-config RPM
* Several updates to osg-configure
* Security fixes for HTCondor 8.3.2 in upcoming

At this time, OSG 3.1 receives critical updates only and
will be completely unsupported after April 30th, 2015.

OSG 3.1.44 contains:
* Added TLS support to edg-mkgridmap
* Security fixes for HTCondor 7.8.8

JAVA UPDATE AND OSG SOFTWARE: Around January 20th, OpenJDK 7u75 was released;
this update to OSG’s preferred Java implementation was notable in that it
disabled SSL communication by default, thereby relying on TLS for all secure
connections. This change caused edg-mkgridmap 4.0.0 and earlier fail to connect
to VOMS Admin, because it lacked TLS support. OSG 3.2 already contained
edg-mkgridmap 4.0.1 with TLS support, and with today’s release of edg-mkgridmap
4.0.1 in OSG 3.1, we believe that all OSG software in Java or uses Java services
is ready for TLS. As always, if you find issues with OSG software, due to SSL or
other causes, please email us at .

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

Monday, February 9, 2015

2015 OSG All-Hands Meeting

Registration for the 2015 Open Science Grid all-hands meeting closes a month from today on Monday, March 9.  Register now to secure your place!  http://sites.northwestern.edu/osg-ahm2015/register/
Remember, you can sign up for the whole week or in daily increments, depending on how long you can attend.  The draft agenda is available here:  https://indico.fnal.gov/conferenceTimeTable.py?confId=8580#20150323
If you have any questions or suggestions for the agenda, please do not hesitate to contact us (mailto:osg-contact@opensciencegrid.org).
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

GOC Services Update - Tuesday, February 10th, 2015 at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, February 10th, 2015 at 14:00 UTC.
The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

GOC Ticket 1.87
* Fixed the issue where EventNotifier sometimes doesn't set proper submitter name (TICKET-115)

GOC-TX 1.44
* Added url to error message used for getnextassignee in case of error.
* Improved exception handling for test class.
* Updated Footprints accessor to set ticket-type by default (GOCTX-31)

Glidein Factory
* As happened with the ITB Glidein factory on January 20, the production Glidein factory will be upgraded to RHEL 6 by request of the Glidein group.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Save the Date March 17-19, 2015 Clemson University

Advancing Research Computing on Campuses: Best Practices Workshop
Professionals involved in operating and supporting campus shared research computing infrastructure are invited to participate in this sharing of experience and expertise. Proposed topics include:

·      Best practices in advanced computing resources
·      The condo model
·      Business models
·      Collaboration with researchers
·      Return on investment
·      Interactions with national data centers and infrastructures

In Partnership with Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Research and Education Facilitators (ACI-REF) and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)

If you are interested in giving a lightening talk on your current practices and issues facing your research computing infrastructure please submit an abstract using the form located on the workshop registration page: http://citi.clemson.edu/arcc/register.html.

For more information on the workshop, hotels, and registration, please visit our website http://citi.clemson.edu/arcc/.

Barr von Oehsen: joehsen@clemson.edu

perfSONAR Infrastructure Monitoring and 3.4.1 Update Reminder

Dear All,

This is a reminder to all WLCG sites to reinstall or upgrade their perfSONAR instances to version 3.4.1 if they haven't done so already. The deadline for sites to upgrade is 16th of February. We'd like to stress, that after updating, it's very important to reconfigure your instances following the instructions at https://twiki.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view/Documentation/InstallUpdatePS

We'd also like to ask ALL sites to reboot their instances in order to ensure that the latest security updates are applied and to check if you have correctly whitelisted the OSG subnet, which is now hosting the core infrastructure for WLCG perfSONAR.

Finally, we would like to announce availability of the perfSONAR infrastructure monitoring at: http://pfomd.grid.iu.edu

To access it, you will need to have your personal certificate loaded in the browser. You can check status of your perfSONAR instances by typing hostname (or just domain) in the quick search bar. Detailed information on the metrics and troubleshooting is available at https://twiki.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view/Documentation/TroubleFAQPS

For any issues, please open GGUS ticket for WLCG perfSONAR Support or contact wlcg-perfsonar-support@cern.ch.

Best regards,
perfSONAR Support Team