OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Announcing OSG Software versions 3.2.20 and 3.1.44

We are pleased to announce OSG Software versions 3.2.20 and 3.1.44.

OSG 3.2.20 contains:
* GIP now produces information about the HTCondor-CE for BDII
(See release notes for a manual configuration step)
* HTCondor 8.2.7
* GlideinWMS 3.2.8 (improved monitoring and bug fixes)
* Based on request of OSG VOs, a subset of EGI.EU CVMFS repositories
are now accessible by default with the oasis-config RPM
* Several updates to osg-configure
* Security fixes for HTCondor 8.3.2 in upcoming

At this time, OSG 3.1 receives critical updates only and
will be completely unsupported after April 30th, 2015.

OSG 3.1.44 contains:
* Added TLS support to edg-mkgridmap
* Security fixes for HTCondor 7.8.8

JAVA UPDATE AND OSG SOFTWARE: Around January 20th, OpenJDK 7u75 was released;
this update to OSG’s preferred Java implementation was notable in that it
disabled SSL communication by default, thereby relying on TLS for all secure
connections. This change caused edg-mkgridmap 4.0.0 and earlier fail to connect
to VOMS Admin, because it lacked TLS support. OSG 3.2 already contained
edg-mkgridmap 4.0.1 with TLS support, and with today’s release of edg-mkgridmap
4.0.1 in OSG 3.1, we believe that all OSG software in Java or uses Java services
is ready for TLS. As always, if you find issues with OSG software, due to SSL or
other causes, please email us at .

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!