OSG Operational Services

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

OSG 3.1.5 Has Been Released


We're pleased to announce OSG Software version . This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for Scientific Linux 5 and 6, CentOS 5 and 6, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6. The changes in this release include changes that affect the client, compute element, RSV, and Bestman2 based storage elements.

* Security update to java (java 1.6.0_33)
* CVMFS now included
* Updates to bestman2 and xrootd
* Updates to the CE including osg-configure, globus gram jobmanager updates for condor
* Condor updated to 7.8.1
* RSV updates and bug fixes
* GIP updates
* Updated VO packages

Release notes and pointers to documentation can be found at: https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/Documentation/Release3/Release

Need help? Let us know: https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/Documentation/Release3/HelpProcedure

We look forward to your feedback on this new release.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

OSG 1.2.29 Has Been Released

OSG 1.2.29 Update Notification

Date: June 26, 2012

Affected Components

The following components are affected:

* Java


This release contains the following updates to address security

* Java 1.6.0_33

Update instructions can be found on the OSG Twiki under the OSG
1.2 update instructions ( https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/OSG12UpdateInstructions ).

Additional Information
The release notes for the VDT 2.0.0p36 release underlying this
release can be found here ( http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/releases/2.0.0/release-p36.html ).

New VO Pakcage - COUPP Addition and LSST Update

A new VO package is now available. This package adds the COUPP VO and makes an address change to the LSST VO in the gums.template.

A detailed list of changes is available at:

OSG Operations suggests backing up your installation before running any
update commands.

To pull the new VO Package for an OSG 1.0.x or 1.2.0 Resource please
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-package

To pull the new VO Package for the OSG Client 1.0.x or 1.2.0 please use:
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-client

This will also be part of the OSG 3.1.5 Software Release, which will be released later today. Instructions will be available at:

Please see tickets at:

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, June 26th at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, June 26th, 2012 at 13:00 UTC.
The GOC reserves 8 hours (13:00 - 21:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems
are encountered. We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

MyOSG 1.52

ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu

Fixed an issue where status map's anchor parameters aren’t sent to igoogle gadget
Added more CampusGrid markers [DISPLAY-11]

GOC Ticket 1.54

ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu

Updated BDII service detail to avoid user from submitting critical ticket by accident.


Updating cache-resource-list with the latest MyOSG URL. Removing condition to have CE service in order for BDII to process incoming data.


Installing Multi-SAN https certificate in order to support repo.opensciencegrid.org under HTTPS.

All services

All service hosts will have operating system updates. Reboots will be required and short outages should be expected.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

OSG CA Distribution 1.29 Release Notification

A new CA bundle v. 1.29 was released today (6/12/2012). OSG sites using the CA RPM packages must run yum update in order to install the latest package ( |e.g. yum update osg-ca-certs). Without this update, RSV probes will report your site in a "WARNING" status. If your site is currently in this status, you must apply the yum update manually ASAP. RSV probes are configured to switch from a warning status to a failure status in 48 hours. The failure status will cause WLCG sites appear unavailable to WLCG.

You can check the status of your site here:


If your site does not appear, it is not in warning status.

CORRECTION: OSG 3.1.4 Has Been Released

From the Software Team, a corrected release notice:


We're pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.4. This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for Scientific Linux 5 and 6, CentOS 5 and 6, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6. The changes in this release are:

Updated IGTF CA cert packages
Updated OSG CA cert packages
Updated globus gram gatekeeper packages to address memory leaks

Release notes and pointers to documentation can be found at: https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/Documentation/Release3/Release314

Need help? Let us know: https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/Documentation/Release3/HelpProcedure

We look forward to your feedback on this new release.

- Suchandra
Suchandra Thapa
Open Science Grid Software Team

OSG 3.1.4 Has Been Released


We're pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.4. This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for Scientific Linux 5 and 6, CentOS 5 and 6, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6. The changes in this release are:

Updated IGTF CA cert packages
Updated OSG CA cert packages
Updated globus gram gatekeeper packages to address memory leaks

Release notes and pointers to documentation can be found at: https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/Documentation/Release3/Release304

Need help? Let us know: https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/Documentation/Release3/HelpProcedure

We look forward to your feedback on this new release.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, June 12th, 2012 at 13:00 UTC.

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, June 12th, 2012 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours (13:00 - 21:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered. We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

ITB version is now available for testing at https://oim-itb.grid.iu.edu

Synchronizing with OIM-ITB on various PKI related tables, entities to assist PKI development.

ITB version is now available for testing at https://gratiaweb-itb.grid.iu.edu/gratia/

Bar graphs show 15 bins (days) rather than the claimed 14 [GRATIAWEB-17]

MyOSG 1.51
ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu

Adding CampusGrid markers on Status Map (experimental)
Fixed an issue on the tinyurl generator for Chrome on OSX.
Fixed StatusMap export issue with netvibses
Added FQDN on current status page and ticket submission links [MYOSG-47]
Added DN information for contact list, and grouped contacts by name

GOC Ticket 1.53
ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu

Added Campus Grid VO submission form [TICKET-52]
Added capability to insert ticket description template (used for CampusGrid)
Added email validator for Footprints model [TICKET-54]
Updated captcha to reCaptcha.

System Administration

DNS change for repo.grid.iu.edu
Rename repo.grid.iu.edu to vip-repo.grid.iu.edu (don’t change IP!)
Setup CNAME repo.grid.iu.edu which points to vip-repo.grid.iu.edu
(Soichi) Reconfigure LVS for repo to use vip-repo.grid.iu.edu
Install SAN https certificate (for both .grid.iu.edu & .opensciencegrid.org) on following services
