OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

CORRECTION: OSG 3.1.4 Has Been Released

From the Software Team, a corrected release notice:


We're pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.4. This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for Scientific Linux 5 and 6, CentOS 5 and 6, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6. The changes in this release are:

Updated IGTF CA cert packages
Updated OSG CA cert packages
Updated globus gram gatekeeper packages to address memory leaks

Release notes and pointers to documentation can be found at: https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/Documentation/Release3/Release314

Need help? Let us know: https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/Documentation/Release3/HelpProcedure

We look forward to your feedback on this new release.

- Suchandra
Suchandra Thapa
Open Science Grid Software Team