OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, October 11th at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, October 11th, 2011 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves four hours (13:00 - 17:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered. We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

RSV Client (GOC Internal Service)

Adding a new RSV probes to monitor a service under development.

MyOSG 1.41

ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu
Modify service status dashboard to display status of a service under development.
Hidden DN information from rgdowntime(&xml) page
Added DN information to vosummary / rgsummary / scsummary / miscuser (&XMLs) pages
Fixed the XML parser issue on vovomsstatus XML
Modified ResourceContact, VOContact, VOReportContact, SupportCenterContact, and Contact models to pull DN records for each contact
Improved mobile content view (added viewport meta element and fixed various CSS issues for mobile content)

OSG Jira

ITB version is now available for testing at http://jira-osg-itb.grid.iu.edu
Upgrading to version Jira 4.4

OSG Display

ITB version is now available for testing at http://display-itb.grid.iu.edu
Fixed grammatical errors
Reduced the flickering caused by content resizing
Added jQuery mobile skin for mobile access
VM Moves

The GOC will be moving the virtual machines “software2” and “rsvprocess2” from the IUPIU data center to the IUB data center. No service interruption is expected, but software.grid.iu.edu may experience somewhat slower performance. myosg1 and data1, both currently hosted at IUB will be moved to a new host also located at IUB. A brief outage for MyOSG should be expected.