OSG Operational Services

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

FNAL Planned Power Outage - Saturday, October 15

Fermilab will have an outage of its Feynman Computing Center on Saturday, October 15. Services will begin going off at 03:00 AM Central. Power to the Feynman Computing Center building and computer rooms will be off from 06:00-14:00 Central. All services are expected to be restored by 17:00 Central at the latest.

OSG Gratia accounting reporting services, OSG VO VOMS/VOMRS service, and OSG ReSS services will remain available due to redundant facilities in another building.

The gatekeepers FNAL_FERMIGRID and FNAL_GPGRID_1 will be unavailable during the above time frame. The main www.opensciencegrid.org web page and OSG DOCDB will be unavailable during the above time frame. All LISTSERV lists for OSG will also be unavailable. Gratia Accounting collection services will be unavailable but the Gratia system is configured to recover automatically after the outage so there will be no data loss.