OSG Operational Services

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Holidays from the OSG Operations Center

OSG Collaborators,

From everyone in Operations we would like to wish you a happy holiday season, and wish you good fortune and progress in all of your endeavors in 2011!

The GOC will continue to provide round the clock holiday coverage in case of emergencies over the holiday season. You can continue to open tickets at https://ticket.grid.iu.edu/goc/open, send us mail at goc@openscinecegrid.org, of call us at +1 (317)-274-9699. However, we will be operating on holiday procedures on Friday the 24th and Friday the 31st. During this time any reported non-emergency issues will be handled on the next business day.

Thanks to everyone for a very successful year! And here's to your continued growth and prosperity in 2011.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

UPDATE: Upcoming GGUS-GOC Ticket Exchange Outage - December 9, 2010


The schedule for the GGUS Certificate change has been moved. The change will now be made at 14:00 UTC on Thursday, December 9, 2010, which is 8:00am local time for the GOC. This will allow us to greatly shorten the ticket exchange outage. Please note that while no problems are expected, we will check to make sure that all tickets were exchanged correctly during the time it takes to switch our trusted certificate.

Again, during this time, all Alarm-level events will generate telephone calls.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

GOC Service Update - December 14th, 2010 at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning at Tuesday, December 14th, 2010 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves four hours (14:00 - 18:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered. We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

GOC Ticket 1.31 (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu

Added new metadata column for ticket list. [GOCTICKET-40]
Added metadata & similar ticket section for ticket viewer [GOCTICKET-49]

OSG Display (http://display.grid.iu.edu)

Updated backend script that generates data cache.
Added a new class definition for monthly delta
Added capability to cache the DB fetched records for daily and monthly transfers
Added a join to the JobUsageRecord to fetch the number of jobs for hourly transfers.
RSV Collector (rsv.grid.iu.edu)

Major updates on the RSV report scripts. The script will no loner rely on t2.unl.edu web services and it will use rsvprocess.grid.iu.edu for RSV Metric data.
OSG TWiki (https://twiki.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://twiki-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

(Related to the last TWiki X509 authentication) Streamlined the Apache configuration files so that user can now access http:// URLs without being redirected to https:// Also, https:// will autologin if valid X509 certificate is provided.

Upcoming GGUS-GOC Ticket Exchange Outage - December 9, 2010

On December 9, 2010, at 8:00 UTC (2:00 AM EST) the GGUS certificate allowing exchange of tickets with the GOC will be updated. This will require an update to the trusted certificate list at the GOC which will occur during working hours in the eastern time one. Between these events, tickets will not propagate between the two systems. After the update at the GOC, any tickets created during the 2:00-8:00 interval will be manually propagated as appropriate. Alarm level events will generate telephone calls as usual during this period.

The GOC has requested that this change be delayed until working hours in the US but has not yet received a response to this request. We will update this notification if the situation changes.

Upcoming GGUS-GOC Ticket Exchange Outage - December 9, 2010

On December 9, 2010, at 8:00 UTC (2:00 AM EST) the GGUS certificate allowing exchange of tickets with the GOC will be updated. This will require an update to the trusted certificate list at the GOC which will occur during working hours in the eastern time one. Between these events, tickets will not propagate between the two systems. After the update at the GOC, any tickets created during the 2:00-8:00 interval will be manually propagated as appropriate. Alarm level events will generate telephone calls as usual during this period.

The GOC has requested that this change be delayed until working hours in the US but has not yet received a response to this request. We will update this notification if the situation changes.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

DocDB outage Wed. Dec. 1

Reminder: There will be a DocDB outage tomorrow morning around 7 a.m. CST. The outage should last no longer than one hour.

OSG 1.2.16 Release Notification

OSG Operations and Integration are pleased to announce the release of OSG version 1.2.16

The following components are affected:

* All OSG software installations

This release incorporates a variety of fixes and changes to various OSG software components. The CA cert scripts have been updated to support a new format for CA certs. The existing CA cert format is still supported but the new format will allow the security group to distribute certs that work with the hash names that OpenSSL 1.0 uses. A summary of the main changes are as follows:

* vdt-ca-manage and vdt-cert-update scripts have been updated to allow the CA certificates to be distributed in the new format
* Bestman and SRM-Client-LBNL have been updated to
* Bestman2, Bestman-Client, and SRM-Tester3-LBNL have been updated to 2.0.3
* Symlinks to various log files have been added to the $VDT_LOCATION/logs directory
* PHP has been updated to 5.2.14 to fix a small security issue
* UberFTP has been updated to 2.6

Update instructions can be found on the OSG Twiki under the OSG 1.2 update instructions ( https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/OSG12UpdateInstructions ).

The release notes for the VDT 2.0.0p23 release underlying this release can be found here ( http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/releases/2.0.0/release-p23.html ).

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Gratia outage 18 November - GOC Ticket # 9603

Fermilab has informed us that ongoing problems have led to a Gratia outage since approximately 3PM Central time. Please note that this will impact Gratia data in the various places where it is used, including the Gratia portions of MyOSG and OSG Display.

There is no estimated time of repair yet, but we will pass along updates as we receive them. Your patience is appreciated.

Please see ticket 9603 at:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Gratia and ReSS Planned Outage - Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Gratia and Resource Selection (ReSS) services operated
at Fermilab will be unavailable from 05:00 CST to 08:00 CST (1100-1400 UTC).
due to a repair of a circuit breaker in Fermilab's facility.
Gratia probes will automatically send all the data to the
Gratia collectors after they come back up so no action on the
part of site administrators is necessary.

Also OSG resources FNAL_FERMIGRID and FNAL_GPGRID_1 will
be unavailable from 04:00 CST until 12:00 CST.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

GOC Service Upgrade - Tuesday, November 23th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning at Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves four hours (14:00 - 18:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered. We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.
OIM 2.28 (https://oim.grid.iu.edu)
ITB version is now available for testing at https://oim-itb.grid.iu.edu

* Changed the logic used to determine which downtimes can be edited by users [OIM-59]
* Added AUP Confirmation check boxes to Resource / SC and VO forms. [OIM-57]
* Updated contact association view to add details for each items as to which contact type users are associated with [OIM-61]
* (Patched Already) Installed capacity report bug fix by Karthik.

OSG TWiki (https://twiki.grid.iu.edu)
ITB version is now available for testing at https://twiki-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

* Authentication method will be switched from username/password system to x509 system. [OIM-45]
* GOC Service monitor will be installed to monitor conditions of the TWiki service. [MISC-84]

MyOSG 1.29 (https://myosg.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu

* Made X509 authentiation more secure by adding check for SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY
* Updated Resource Group Summary/VO Ownership to include error messages from RSV Process consolidator [MYOSG-87]
* Minor CSS changes

Consolidator : RSVProcess 1.11

* Moved various error messages generated by VO ownership XML generator from stdout to part of a generated XML [MYOSG-87]
* Various Minor bug fixes / logging update.

GOC Ticket 1.30 (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu

* Made X509 authentiation more secure by adding check for SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY
* (Patched Already) HTML Escaped Assignee ID for GOC Ticket REST interface
* Updated resource specific form to include "Service Type" selector which assigns additional assignees for each service types. [GOCTICKET-79]
* (Patched Already) Fixed the broken formatting for ticket submitter annotation for new ticket.

BDII v5 [Test] (http://is3.grid.iu.edu)

* phpldapadmin was installed to allow user to browse current content of the BDII database. You can try this at http://is-itb.grid.iu.edu/phpldapadmin (login as anonymous) [BDII-14]

GOC Ticket Synchronizer 1.14 (GOC-TX)

* Now passing GGUS Type of problem CF for GGUS > FP, and FP > BNL
* Now passing ASSOCIATED_R_NAME for FP > BNL


* Added support for ticket exchange with VDT-RT


* Enabled GGUS title update and updated to the latest WSDL which for GGUS accessor
* Updated jssecacerts file for new iwrgustrain.fzk.de HTTP cert
* GGUS2GOC now sets ASSOCIATED_R_ID/NAME (if the selected site is a resource name)

Software Cache (https://software.grid.iu.edu)
ITB version is now available for testing at https://software-itb.grid.iu.edu

* VO Sponsor list is now loaded dynamically from MyOSG

All services

* Install RHEL updates, specifically a critical glibc security update that addresses a vulnerability described here: https://www.redhat.com/security/data/cve/CVE-2010-3856.html
* As the glibc update requires a reboot to take effect, we will be installing all other available updates at this time, excluding those known to adversely affect performance

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, November 9th, 2010 at 14:00 UTC.

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning at Tuesday, November 9th, 2010 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves four hours (14:00 - 18:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

BDII Service Upgrade Plan

The first step in the BDII Upgrade Plan will be implemented. This will consist of a BDII Version 5 machine being brought up at is3.grid.iu.edu. This instance will NOT be put into DNS Round Robin, but will be a production quality service available for testing of Version 5 of the BDII Software.

The full BDII Upgrade document is available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sYZyZcPtWD3ZXp6-YQF7Wzty_9wJuQRbokDcSWgd7b4/edit?authkey=CJOH65UJ&hl=en#.
RSV-Client (GOC Internal Service)
Fixed an issue where the following probes were not passing HTTP error codes to the probe output.

* apache-responsive-probe
* myosg-rgsummary-probe
* rsv-collector-available-probe

OIM 2.28 (https://oim.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://oim-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

* Changed location selector on Site Editor to a required field [OIM-58]
* Updated installed capacity report scripts to generates HTML formatted report.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Indianapolis BDII (is2.grid.iu.edu) Instability

Data instability was seen today in the Indianapolis-based BDII (is2.grid.iu.edu) between the hours of 18:30 UTC and 21:45 UTC. During this time availability of OSG Sites Data was inconsistent.

The problem was traced back to a IP renumbering project which had unforeseen affects on our internal DNS and LDAP. As soon as the issue was identified, the maintenance was stopped and service was rolled back to the pre-maintenance configuration.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

OSG 1.2.15 Release Notification

OSG Operations and Integration are pleased to announce the release of OSG version 1.2.15

The following components are affected:

* CE installations
* Client installations
* Bestman installations

This release includes the following updates:

* The Gratia GridFTP probe will be properly configured to report results
* The Generic Information Provider has been updated
* The OSG Discovery Tools have been updated
* Other small changes, see the VDT release notes for full details:

Update instructions can be found on the OSG Twiki:


GOC Service Upgrade - Tuesday, October 26th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning at Tuesday, October 26th, 2010 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves four hours (14:00 - 18:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

Tuesday, October 26th at 14:00 UTC

OIM 2.26 (https://oim.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://oim-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Added features to store and allow editing of TWiki IDs.
Minor layout change on resource editor (indented wlcg_accounting_name field)

MyOSG 1.28 (https://myosg.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

[Misc / ServiceStatus] Reduced the number of services with UNKNOWN status
Minor CSS change for Status Map (for better integration with OSG Display)

GOC Ticket 1.29 (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Added submitter information when a ticket is initially created (similar to previous fix made on missing submitter when non-Footprint agent updates a ticket)
Moved the form explanations verbiage to each submission page
Minor CSS change for Filter box on ticket navigator (shorten it slightly)

Redhat Enterprise Linux Software Updates

We will be installing software updates that do not require system restarts, so no downtime is expected due to this. Since last month, the only software update Redhat has released that affects GOC systems and is marked Critical is a security update to the java-1.6.0-sun package. There are also a number of updates of lesser importance, which we will also install, with a few exceptions. Some of those noncritical updates are to the kernel, glibc, and related packages, which would require system restarts, so we will not be installing those at this time. The only packages we will update will be those that do not require system restarts.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

OSG CA Distribution Release 1.16

A new release of the CA certificates is available at

This is version 1.16 and uses IGTF 1.37 as the basis.

Changes to the OSG certificates package:

===== Version 1.16 =================
Built 28 Sep 2010
IGTF 1.37 - current hash format (openssl 0.9x)
Added in 1.16 relative to 1.15a
20ce830e - TERENA-eScience-SSL-CA
3c58f906 - AddTrust-External-CA-Root
ff783690 - UTN-USERFirst-Hardware

Removed in 1.16 relative to 1.15a
d1737728 - NGO-Netrust

Updated relative to 1.15a:
Minor changes in some metadata files.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Reminder: GOC Machine Room Maintenance - Tuesday, October 12th at 14:00 UTC

Due to a site-wide machine room reorganization the GOC will be moving its Indianapolis-based servers to a new rack beginning at 14:00 UTC on Tuesday, October 12, 2010.

The moving of each server will take only a short time, probably no more than 10 minutes, but we are reserving up to an hour in case of unexpected complications. We will be using the DNS round-robin to shift traffic to the Bloomington servers during this time where possible (CEMon/BDII, MyOSG, the OSG Software Cache, and the GOC Ticketing System).

Services that will be affected include:

BDII: Will remain online but may experience degraded service. We have seen ATLAS SAM test failures while doing similar maintenance.
OSG TWiki: Will experience a short downtime during this window.
OSG Information Management (OIM): Will experience a short downtime during this window.

The move to the new rack should result in improved cooling and power infrastructure for the GOC's Indianapolis-based servers. We appreciate everyone's patience during this transition.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

GOC Machine Room Maintenance - Tuesday, October 12th at 14:00 UTC

Due to a site-wide machine room reorganization the GOC will be moving its Indianapolis-based servers to a new rack beginning at 14:00 UTC on Tuesday, October 12, 2010.

The moving of each server will take only a short time, probably no more than 10 minutes, but we are reserving up to an hour in case of unexpected complications. We will be using the DNS round-robin to shift traffic to the Bloomington servers during this time where possible (CEMon/BDII, MyOSG, the OSG Software Cache, and the GOC Ticketing System).

Services that will be affected include:

BDII: Will remain online but may experience degraded service. We have seen ATLAS SAM test failures while doing similar maintenance.
OSG TWiki: Will experience a short downtime during this window.
OSG Information Management (OIM): Will experience a short downtime during this window.

The move to the new rack should result in improved cooling and power infrastructure for the GOC's Indianapolis-based servers. We appreciate everyone's patience during this transition.

GOC Service Upgrade - Tuesday, October 12th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning at Tuesday, October 12th, 2010 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves four hours (14:00 - 18:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

CEMon/BDII - *ITB Only* (http://is-itb.grid.iu.edu)

* Install-Capacitor filtering script / Storage capacity adjustments
o processing of storage capacity based on resource group and resource name
o adjustment of storage capacity based on OIM data
* Added new monitors & munin metrics.
* Increased the number of processors assigned to 2

Software Cache (https://software.grid.iu.edu)

* For the Certificate form, vo-sponsor file was updated.

OSG Display 1.0.7 (http://display.grid.iu.edu)

* Changed the data load frequency indicator to 10 minutes. 5 minutes update was causing too much load on source Gratia DB. It is now update every 10 minutes.

GOC Ticket 1.28 (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu)

Bug Fixes

* Fixed the bug where non-admin edit doesn't mark the generic submitter's name in the description and metadata [GOCTICKET-75]
* Fixed the mailto encoding issue for the ticket viewer

All Servers - Renumber Private VLAN IPs

This will not affect the public IPs of any servers; it will only affect the internal private VLAN that the GOC uses to allow servers to talk privately amongst themselves. There may be slight service irregularities, but nothing that is expected to last more than a few minutes as the various nameservice caches expire.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

OSG 1.2.14 Release Notification

OSG Operations and Integration are pleased to announce the release of OSG version 1.2.14.

The following components are affected:

* CE installations
* CEMon being used for reporting on larger sites
* OSG client and wn-client installation (due to updates to MyProxy, Fetch-CRL, Glexec, and OpenLDAP)
* Sites using Glexec

This release also incorporates smaller fixes to a variety of components distributed in the OSG stack. Although any given change is not very large, a large number of components have been updated.

Highlights of the changes include:

* setup.sh is no longer sourced by the Globus jobmanager, reducing the load and I/O on gatekeepers
* Tomcat's settings have been altered to use 512MB of memory, this helps to avoid out-of-memory error in CEMon seen by larger sites
* the vdt-updater script has been altered so that subsequent updates will not require a second backup
* Glexec has been updated and includes a fix for users that have run a grid-proxy-init instead of voms-proxy-init
* small security updates to MySQL, Apache httpd, and OpenLDAP
* LFC has been updated to 1.7.4-7

See the VDT release notice for more detailed information. Notable fixes include support for grid-proxy-init in Glexec and security fixes in MySQL, Apache, and OpenLDAP.

Update instructions can be found on the OSG Twiki under the OSG 1.2 update instructions:


The release notes for the VDT 2.0.0p21 release underlying this release can be found here:


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

New VO Package Available

A new VO package is now available. This package includes the new Belle and MicroBooNE VOs and an update for DZERO in the GUMS template.

A detailed list of changes is available at:

The GOC suggests backing up your installation before running any
update commands.

To pull the new VO Package for an OSG 1.0.x or 1.2.0 Resource please
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-package

Please remember a UNIX account for 'hcc' will need to be set up.

To pull the new VO Package for the OSG Client 1.0.x or 1.2.0 please use:
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-client

Monday, September 27, 2010

Operations Meeting Coordinates (please note phone number change)


Please note that the OSG Operations Meeting will be held in a different location this week. We will now be using the ReadyTalk system.

The coordinates are as follows:

Phone Number 866-740-1260
Access code 8266135

The time is still unchanged at 1pm Eastern time.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 1400 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning at Tuesday, September 28th, 2010 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves four hours (14:00 - 18:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

OIM 2.25 (https://oim.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://oim-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

* Resource / Added tape_capacity field for under WLCG information [OIM-51]
* Fixed the http/https mingling issue for topology slideshow.

MyOSG 1.27 (https://myosg.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

* Removed long-depricated Gratia graph pages (wizardaccount, wizardsc, wizardce)
* Updated URLs for Resource Group/Gratia (SE/CE) pages with new graph URL.
* Added new field (tape_capacity) for Resource Group / Summary / WLCG information [OIM-51]

GOC Ticket 1.27 (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

* Added some verbiages to make it clear who will be able to see various security tickets
* Ress Form / Updated the assignment rule [GOCTICKET-26]
* Navigator / Downgraded to DataTables 1.6 from 1.7 (which was causing keyboard focus issue)
* Navigator / Added Submitter field pulled from metadata
* Added submitter metadata to be used to show ticket submitter [GOCTICKET-71] [GOCTICKET-74]
Ticket Synchronizer 1.13
* Added metadata information indicating ticket submitter (so that GOC Ticket can display this information) [GOCTICKET-71] [GOCTICKET-74]

CEMon/BDII - *ITB Only* (http://is-itb.grid.iu.edu)

We will be upgrading our ITB instances to the latest version of BDII version 5.7.1. This upgrade will *not* be applied to our production.

* Install-Capacitor filtering script / Bug fixes, and adjusted HEPSPEC values

In addition to this, all machines will receive any routine operating system updates, which may result in the need to reboot the machine.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Intermittent Network Issues

Between 9:10 and 9:45 EDT the machine room in Indianapolis (housing several GOC servers) experienced network problems.

Intermittent interruption of GOC services may have been encountered during this time.

Network engineers have restored service and GOC services are currently operating normally.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, September 14th at 14:00 UTC

GOC Service Update

Tuesday, September 14th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning at Tuesday, September 14th, 2010 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves four hours (14:00 - 18:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.
OIM 2.24 (https://oim.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://oim-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Added filter for submitter contact type so that submitters can't edit Resource / SC / VO records. Added submitter contact to Misc contact on all entities if necessary [OIM-43]
For Resource and Support Center form, added code to pre-populate required contacts with submitter's contact. [OIM-46]
Fix the way site is ordered inside resource group selector (and site selector) [OIM-45]
Improve "update confirmation date" feature [OIM-44]
Fixed the line-wrapping issue by moving application menu to the top.
Made the header to looks more similar to other applications.
Fixed the wrong access check for contact association.
MyOSG 1.26 (https://myosg.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Update bdii information table [MYOSG-86]
Fixed the issue where invalid timezone (invalid for PHP, but valid for Java) can cause invalid assignment of timezone. Added indicator of timezone next to the DN.
Fixed the issue where long URL caused by long time duration for google chart api can cause graph to not render [MYOSG-85]
Various Cosmetic Changes
GOC RSV clients / cacert-verify-igtf-central-probe will be updated to the latest version.
GOC Ticket 1.26 (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Fixed the footer line wrapping issue - move the application menu to top of the page
Added metadata information, and ticket type for rest/listopen action [GOCTICKET-72]
Hidden security ticket from rest/listopen action
(patched) fixed invalid timezone bug
added jquery.datatables 1.7.0 and upgraded on /navigator
Fixed the sort issues by removing timestamp for submit date & update date
Various cosmetic changes
OSG TWiki (https://twiki.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://twiki-test.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Installed Beautifier Plugin
Ticket Synchronizer 1.12

Change how GGUS ticket priority is handled. [TX-39]
Prevent GGUS ticket to be created in "in progress" status [TX-38]
Disabling EHLO and VRFY commands in Postfix for security reasons
CEMon/BDII - *ITB Only* (http://is-itb.grid.iu.edu)

We will be upgrading our ITB instances to the latest version of BDII version 5.7.1. This upgrade will *not* be applied to our production.

Software Cache (https://software.grid.iu.edu)

DOEGrid Certificate request & renewal pages will be installed on software.grid.iu.edu. You can test these forms at > http://software-itb.grid.iu.edu/cert/
All Services

Following system administrative updates will be made during this production update.

SSHD: Disabling GSSAPI authentication for SSH, as it is unused and is a security risk
Apache: Disabling mod_proxy_connect, as it is unused and is a security risk
Apache: Disabling HTTP TRACE method, as it is unused and is a security risk
Apache: Disabling ServerSignature, as it is a security risk
Apache: Reducing information available via ServerTokens, as it is a security risk
Apache: Disabling SSL on all servers that do not actually use SSL (servers that use SSL will be unaffected), as it is a security risk

Thursday, August 26, 2010

OSG 1.2.13 Release Announcement

OSG Operations and Integration are pleased to announce the release of OSG version 1.2.13.

The following components are affected:

* Gratia accounting on CE installations
* Xrootd installations
* OSG client and wn-client installations
* Systems using gratia rpms

This release has updates to three components. Xrootd, Gratia, and the Fermi SRM clients have been updated. The updates are fairly minor and do not necessitate an immediate update unless you are encountering an issue that is corrected in these updates.

Notable fixes include correct a syntax issue when specifying the redirector on a data server. Gratia has been updated to correct several bugs and has added accounting probes for Xrootd. Fermi SRM clients have been updated as well.

The release notes for the VDT 2.0.0p20 release underlying this release can be found here: http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/releases/2.0.0/release-p20.html

Update instructions can be found on the OSG twiki under the OSG 1.2.12: https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/OSG12UpdateInstructions

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

**UPDATE** - GOC Service Update - Tuesday, August 24th at 14:00 UTC

Earlier today, it was announced that the GOC would briefly bring the TWiki and OIM down today to perform maintenance. Unfortunately, that outage period has been pushed back. We anticipate these outages to be brief and to occur between 14:00 and 17:00 EDT.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, August 24th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC would like to clarify the service announcement for this week
by explicitly announcing the services to be effected by todays
release include TWiki and OIM. We anticipate these outages to be brief
and occur between 9:00 and noon EST.

Monday, August 23, 2010

SAM anomalies reported - **UPDATE** - GOC Ticket # 9120

The WLCG has confirmed with the GOC that Service Availability Monitoring messages are now arriving properly. We are currently re-sending the missed records after receiving the confirmation that the mechanism is fixed and will continue to track this issue to ensure there is no recurrence.

Please see ticket 9120 at:

SAM anomalies reported - GOC Ticket # 9120

This morning, Service Availability Monitoring problems were reported in which sites were showing in unknown status. The GOC is currently giving this issue top priority. Please be advised of this issue and expect another notification when we can confirm with our WLCG collaborators that this issue is fully resolved and we will additionally re-send any data that was not properly received during this time.

We apologize greatly for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Please see ticket 9120 at:

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, August 24th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning at Tuesday, August 24th, 2010 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves four hours (14:00 - 18:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.
GOC Ticket Synchronizer 1.11

* Updated MySQL Connector/J, and fixed load balancing issue with data1/2.
* Updated BNL production RT's default queue name to StorageManagement as requested by Jason
* Added GGUS > FP conversion for GGUS "Ticket Type" field, and FP > BNL converstion.
* (Patched) Fixed the build file issue for missing lib directory.
* (Patched) Added "loadbalance:" token for JDBC URL which was somehow missing.
* Added more logs during sync table connection.

MyOSG 1.25 (https://myosg.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

* Applied similar update I made for sc and vo page (for better error message when no resource is selected)
* Fixed the subnav style issue.
* Updated the error message displayed when no entity is selected or all entities are filtered out.
* Removed link for Google Wave widget subscription [MYOSG-84]
* Fixed the "expired status" issue which was displayed for resources with OK status. [MYOSG-78]
* Adjusted fontsize and paddings for status map bubble.
* (Patched) Hidden Misc. / OSG User page for non OIM registered users
* (Patched) Changed the VO summary item header so that it reflects the sort type
* Other minor Bug Fixes and cosmetic changes.

GOC Ticket 1.25 (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

* Navigator: Fixed the issue where column selector sometimes doesn't work.
* Navigator: Hidden security ticket for non OIM registered users.
* Admin: Added assignee override features and implemented GUI. [GOCTICKET-42]
* Other minor updates.

Redhat Software Updates

We will be installing Redhat software updates to all production services except for BDII. This will require reboots in most cases; however, in those cases where we have redundancy via DNS round-robin, we will be making use of this to reduce or eliminate service interruption. Only the updates that have already been installed on the ITB hosts will be installed on the production hosts. The production BDII servers will not be updated in this release.

We will be rebooting is1.grid.iu.edu, which has been responding sluggishly since an attempt to install a software update, which was rolled back. This is one of the two BDII servers, and we will be utilizing the DNS round robin to shift traffic to the other server, which is not being rebooted at this time, so we expect no interruption in service.

Power outage affecting VDT services on Wednesday, August 18

From: Alain Roy
Subject: Power outage affecting VDT services on Wednesday, August 18
Date-Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 3:08 PM -0500

Hi everyone,

There will be a power outage affecting VDT services on Wednesday, August 18 due to upgrades of utilities in our building.

We expect it to begin around 4:00pm Central US time. It will affect:

* The VDT web site at vdt.cs.wisc.edu
This should return in a few hours.

* The VDT software caches (also hosted at vdt.cs.wisc.edu)
This should return in a few hours.

* The VDT ticket system (vdt-support@opensciencegrid.org and crt.cs.wisc.edu)
This may be down until Thursday morning.

We apologize for the downtime and hope it doesn't cause any serious inconveniences for you.

Alain Roy
Open Science Grid Software Coordinator roy@cs.wisc.edu
http://opensciencegrid.org http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu

Power outage affecting VDT services on Wednesday, August 18

From: Alain Roy
Subject: Power outage affecting VDT services on Wednesday, August 18
Date-Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 3:08 PM -0500

Hi everyone,

There will be a power outage affecting VDT services on Wednesday, August 18 due to upgrades of utilities in our building.

We expect it to begin around 4:00pm Central US time. It will affect:

* The VDT web site at vdt.cs.wisc.edu
This should return in a few hours.

* The VDT software caches (also hosted at vdt.cs.wisc.edu)
This should return in a few hours.

* The VDT ticket system (vdt-support@opensciencegrid.org and crt.cs.wisc.edu)
This may be down until Thursday morning.

We apologize for the downtime and hope it doesn't cause any serious inconveniences for you.

Alain Roy
Open Science Grid Software Coordinator roy@cs.wisc.edu
http://opensciencegrid.org http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

OSG 1.2.12 Release Announcement

OSG Operations and Integration are pleased to announce the release of OSG version 1.2.12.

This update affects all OSG CE installations and SE installations that would like to report to BDII without having a CE.

This release updates GIP to allow GIP to report SE information without having to rely on a CE to report information to the OSG BDII servers. There have also been several bug fixes to the GIP code.

The release notes for the VDT 2.0.0p19 release underlying this release can be found here: http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/releases/2.0.0/release-p19.html

Update instructions can be found on the OSG twiki under the OSG 1.2.12: https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/OSG12UpdateInstructions

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, August 10th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning at Tuesday, August 10th, 2010 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves four hours (14:00 - 18:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

OIM 2.23 (https://oim.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://oim-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:
Increased the maximum number of characters allowed for downtime editor's summary field, and added a more user friendly validation.
Added check for CLIENT_VERIFY_SSL flag for improved security
Minor cosmetic changes & improved logging.

MyOSG 1.24 (https://myosg.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

Added Resource Group / BDII information XML schema which was missing.
Added a new page under Misc. callled "OIM Users" which let user search / show OSG user profiles & contact information [MYOSG-42]
Set correct file name for KML output for Status Map page (for Google Earth)
Added "Promo View" for Status Map which masks unknown site as Greendots

GOC Ticket 1.24 (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

Viewer / Added a filter for guest user to hide email address on update "by" entries. [GOCTICKET-64]
Viewer / Fixed the layout issue for guest user
Submitter / Twiki / Added a new field to ask what type of TWiki issue user is having [GOCTICKET-68]
Navigator / Adjusted datatable css again.. and fixed the word-wrapping issue on Chrome for table headerNavigator / Added column specific filters.Added REST / "List Open Tickets" interface for programmatic query of GOC tickets
Home / Added ticket expectation note (GOCTICKET-44)
Patched a warning caused by incorrect query for quick description when null value is selected.
SOAP API / Fixed the issue where closed date information is not correctly set.
Cosmetic updates & improved logging.
Various bug fixesGOC Ticket Synchronizer 1.10Release Notes:Updated MySQL Connector/J, and fixed load balancing issue with data1/2.
Fixed the issue where notification suppression for assignee was disabled causing redundant email notifications sent on some circumstances.Stopping old GGUS ticket exchange script (no longer used by any tickets)

OSG TWiki (https://twiki.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://twiki-test.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:
Added new style for CEMon/BDII (http://is.grid.iu.edu)

There has been a security update to OpenLDAP; Redhat has backported a patch to OpenLDAP while maintaining the same major version, as is customary with Redhat Enterprise Linux. This is documented here: http://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2010-0542.html . At the same time, there are a number of other Redhat updates we would like to install on the two BDII servers, including this kernel update: http://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2010-0504.html . We will be
making use of our DNS round-robin setup between the two servers to ensure that one of them will always be up and responding to queries.

Timekeeping Improvements on Virtual Machines

The unreliability of the timekeeping on all GOC virtual machines has been a cause for concern for some time. We have followed VMware's best practices (http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1006427) in terms of ntpd parameters, but this has not been enough, despite VMware's assurances that the "divider=10" kernel parameter is no longer necessary as of RHEL 5.3. After extensive testing we have determined that certain kernel command-line parameters will greatly improve the timekeeping, but in order to make use of them a virtual machine must be rebooted. We will therefore be systematically rebooting GOC services that reside on VMs after altering the kernel parameters to improve the timekeeping. We will also be taking advantage of the maintenance window to apply all recent Redhat security updates. This will affect all GOC services other than BDII (which does not reside on virtual machines), but downtime will in all cases be limited to under 15 minutes, and very likely under 5 minutes.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

VDT ticket system downtime, Thursday July 22nd, 5:30pm Central Time

Hi everyone,

There will be a brief outage of the VDT support system on Thursday, July 22nd beginning at 5:30pm (Central US Timezone). It should last about 30 minutes.

During this time:

* email to vdt-support@opensciencegrid.org will be delayed (But should not be lost.)
* web access to our tickets on crt.cs.wisc.edu will be unavailable

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, July 27th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning at Tuesday, July 27th, 2010 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves four hours (14:00 - 18:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

Host relocation at Indianapolis site

GOC staff will be relocating the servers at the Indianapolis site to another rack and installing additional equipment. The following services will be down during the relocation:

The following services will be redirected to Bloomington and will remain up, although there may be a temporary decrease in performance during the maintenance:
GOC backend database cluster
GOC RSV client (monitors various GOC services)
GOC Ticket
MyOSG consolidater for RSV data
Software Cache/CA Certificate Repository

OIM 2.22 (https://oim.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://oim-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:
Added link to OSG homepage on OSG header logo.
Fixed a broken link on the home page.

MyOSG 1.23 (https://myosg.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

RSV Status Map / Changed the tooltip displayed for each status icon to site names
RSV Status Map / Fixed typo on RSV Status Map legent [MYOSG-72]
RSV Status Map / Adjusted z-index so that site selector won't get overwrapped by sub menu
RSV Status Map / Made warning icon displayed below critical
Resource Group / Status History / Fixed the lazy-loading of the graphs. Tested on FF and IE8
Resource Group / GIP Validation Status / Updated controller & views reflecting upgrade to GIP Validator.
Misc / Status Overview / Fixed a bug on resource group status calculation logic.
Misc / Status Overview / Various bug fixes and updated CA distribution and other services to use newly created OIM Resource Groups instead of showing "UNKNOWN" [MYOSG-60]
Updated application error page to show exception summary
Misc / Added a few check for missing parameter (for more user friendly error message)
Added a link to OSG homepage from OSG logo
Updated application banner to be more conspicuous.
Home Page / Updated full_header so that images under menu will be loaded after everything else is loaded on the page

GOC Ticket 1.23 (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

Added capability to show application banner like myosg
Added Gratia form. Updated assignment rule for ReSS & BDII & GOC Services forms based on Arvind's departure.
Updated menu page so that it can display different set of menu based on application ID (for /goc /itb, /storage) [GOCTICKET-63]
Implemented ticket viewer auto-refresh feature [GOCTICKET-51]
Added a checkbox where it allows user to close the window when it's successfully submitted a ticket update (default - off) [GOCTICKET-52]
Added link to OSG homepage from OSG logo
Various minor bug fixes & cosmetic changes

OSG Display 1.0.6 (http://display.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at http://display-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

Added link to a PDF file titled "Gratia Buffering Points" [DISPLAY-4]
Added various new tabs and controller for Graph periods.
Updated side content with new set of data
Added Google Analytics tracker
GOC Ticket Synchronizer 1.9

Release Notes:
GGUS Accesser / Added "Diary of Steps" field used when user update a ticket via Email to the list of fields which will be used to construct ticket history.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

GOC Services Restored

Today, shortly before 3pm EDT, the GOC experienced an intermittent outage that affected our services. That outage has been resolved.

This intermittent outage caused connectivity issues and included, but wasn't limited to, the following services:

* GOCTicket
* TWiki

System administrators restored service at approximately 6:45pm EDT and are currently monitoring services to insure that they are fully functional.

Let us know if you see any outstanding issues with these services after the outage.

GOC Service Outage - July 15, 2010

Today, shortly before 3pm EDT, the GOC began experiencing an intermittent service outage that is affecting our services.

This intermittent outage is causing connectivity issues and included, but isn't limited to, the following services:

* GOCTicket
* TWiki

No time estimate is available, but system engineers are currently investigating and we will provide another update when service is restored.

Gratia Upgrade status update 15:40 UTC

At 10:40 CDT (11:40 EDT, 15:40 UTC) on 2010/07/15, the status of the Gratia upgrades was as follows:

The OSG-PROD service completed its table upgrade at 18:24 CDT 2010/07/14 (19:24 EDT, 23:24 UTC) and started receiving data shortly thereafter.
At 19:08 CDT (20:08 EDT, 00:08 UTC on 2010/07/15) the reporting DB IP was switched over to the collector DB, meaning that the reporting, "snapped forward" in time and continues to catch up as data come in from remote probes. As of this time, the downtime for all services except OSG-TRANSFER is considered complete.

At 21:51 CDT (22:51 EDT, 02:51 UTC on 2010/07/15) the OSG-TRANSFER table upgrade was completed. The service had to be restarted due to a possible timed out connection, meaning that there is a small possibility that some older probes, "froze" and may have to be restarted. As of this time however, the downtime for OSG-TRANSFER is considered complete.

At 10:13 CDT on 2010/07/15 (11:13 EDT, 15:13 UTC) the reporting DB was observed to have caught up to the collector DB and the IP was switched back and backups enabled. Reporter URLs are now pulling their data from the reporting DB.
At this time, the Gratia upgrade is complete and no more disruptions are anticipated.

If anyone believes their probe has become stuck (this should be only a rare occurrence), they should check for processes with "gratia" in the command string (ps auwwx | grep gratia) and kill any that were started yesterday. All probes except dCache-transfer will recover automatically; dCache-transfer probe should be restarted using:

service gratia-dcache-transfer stop
service gratia-dcache-transfer start

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Gratia Upgrade status update 20:00 UTC

A little after 15:00 CDT (16:00 EDT, 20:00 UTC), the status of the gratia upgrades was as follows:

1) The legacy redirector service was deactivated at 09:00 CDT (10:00 EDT, 14:00 UTC) as previously announced.

2) OSG-DAILY and OSG-ITB services have been upgraded successfully and are receiving incoming probe data.

3) Based on a very rough estimate of progress (the relative sizes of the upgrading table file and its temporary counterpart on disk), OSG-PROD is expected to come online around 18:30 CDT (19:30 EDT, 23:30 UTC) this evening.

4) At the time OSG-PROD comes back online, we will swap the reporting-DB IP over to the collector DB and the reporting will start to catch up. Meanwhile the upgrades will be replicated to the reporting DB. All service downtimes except OSG-TRANSFER will be considered complete at this time.

5)OSG-TRANSFER is expected to complete by the same token around or before 23:30 CDT (00:30 EDT, 04:30 UTC), at which time it will quietly start receiving data without human intervention.

6)The reporting-DB IP will be switched back to the reporting DB at such time as the replication has caught up, which is likely to be a day or two from now. This will be transparent and will not affect user-visible service.

One particular note: please do not try to kill / restart probes until such time as that service has been marked available in OIM: A hang is expected until that time.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Gratia Scheduled Maintenance 7/14

All FNAL-based Gratia services will be down on 2010/07/14 for OS and service
upgrades. In addition, the previously announced decommissioning of the legacy
redirector service will also take place at this time.

Gratia release notes for v1.06.16:

* Principal improvement is to the housekeeping feature: this is expected to greatly reduce and hopefully eliminate the instances of significant data lag in reporting.

Outage details:

* At about 09:00 CDT (14:00 UTC), incoming data to the GRATIA-OSG-PROD, GRATIA-OSG-ITB, GRATIA-OSG-TRANSFER and GRATIA-OSG-DAILY services will be stopped in such a way as to hopefully eliminate the possibility of probes becoming "stuck" as has happened in the past (note: probe release currently in VDT test cycle will eliminate this completely).

* There will be one data-collection outage of about 20 minutes, with a shorter
outage in reporting as services are shuffled between highly-available servers and the reporting services are upgraded.

* There will be another outage in data collection of much longer duration as
collector services are upgraded. Because a DB schema upgrade is involved, this could be several hours in duration. During this period, reporting services will be available but data will of course be stale.

* When all collectors upgrades are complete, data collection will resume. This is not expected to be later than 16:00 CDT (21:00 UTC), but given the uncertainty in the time required to upgrade each schema service may be resumed in actuality some time earlier or later than this estimate. In any event, the MyOSG downtime page will have the latest details.

* During any data collection outage, data are retained on probes and re-sent when collector service resumes.

* At some point during this period, the legacy redirector service which has up to now redirected probe data sent to obsolete addresses and port numbers, will be deactivated. The upcoming demise of this service has been announced previously.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Scheduled Outage for Gratia services 2010/07/14

All FNAL-based Gratia services will be down on 2010/07/14 for OS and service
upgrades. In addition, the previously announced decommissioning of the legacy
redirector service will also take place at this time.

Gratia release notes for v1.06.16:

* Principal improvement is to the housekeeping feature: this is expected to greatly reduce and hopefully eliminate the instances of significant data lag in reporting.

Outage details:

* At about 9am, incoming data to the GRATIA-OSG-PROD, GRATIA-OSG-ITB, GRATIA-OSG-TRANSFER and GRATIA-OSG-DAILY services will be stopped in such a way as to hopefully eliminate the possibility of probes becoming "stuck" as has happened in the past (note: probe release currently in VDT test cycle will eliminate this completely).

* There will be one data-collection outage of about 20 minutes, with a shorter
outage in reporting as services are shuffled between highly-available servers and the reporting services are upgraded.

* There will be another outage in data collection of much longer duration as
collector services are upgraded. Because a DB schema upgrade is involved, this could be several hours in duration. During this period, reporting services will be available but data will of course be stale.

* When all collectors upgrades are complete, data collection will resume.

* During any data collection outage, data are retained on probes and re-sent when collector service resumes.

* At some point during this period, the legacy redirector service which has up to now redirected probe data sent to obsolete addresses and port numbers, will be deactivated. The upcoming demise of this service has been announced previously.

Thanks for your help and time,

Chris Green

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, July 13th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning at Tuesday, July 13th, 2010 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves four hours (14:00 - 18:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

MyOSG 1.22 (https://myosg.grid.iu.edu)
ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu ; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

* Updated the way expired status was displayed on RSV status map.
* Made a native iGoogle wrapper in order to fix iGoogle UWA issue [MyOSG-64]
* Fixed the style issues for mobile content [MyOSG-65]
* On resource group / summary XML and for OIM Hierarchy information, fixed the issue where facility / site information was not output correctly. Also added ID elements (No registered XML)
* Minor cosmetic changes & bug fixes

GOC Ticket 1.22 (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu)
ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu ; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

* Fixed the bug where Footprints encoded VO names weren't correctly handled by resource issue submitter.
* (For GIP validator) Added SAM-BDII to top level BDII testing [MyOSG-70]
* Minor cosmetic changes

GOC Ticket Synchronizer 1.8

Release Notes:

* Added capability to receive test trigger (for GOC service monitoring)
* Added more debug logs.

OSG CA Distribution Release 1.15a

A new release of the CA certificates is available at

This is version 1.15a and uses IGTF 1.36 as the basis.

Tarball Version: 1.15a
RPM Version: 1.15a-0

===== Version 1.15a =================
Built 29 Jun 2010
IGTF 1.36 - current hash format (openssl 0.9x)
Updated relative to 1.13:
8a661490 root certificate for PLGrid with corrected SAN extension (PL)
ff94d436 root certificate for SRCE with new extensions and life time (HR)
1f3834d0 root certificate for ROSA with new AKI extension and serial (RO)

Removed relative to 1.13:
e1fce4e9 FNAL_KCA obsolete CA from experimental area (US)

Updated format of INDEX.txt and INDEX.html files to be consistent
with the format with the new IGTF layout coming in a future release.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

OSG 1.2.11 Update Notification

OSG 1.2.11 Update Notification

Date: July 1, 2010

Affected Components
This update affects all OSG installations.


This update replaces Java 5 with Java 6 because Java 5 is past its end of life and no longer has security updates. This affects all software in the OSG software stack that uses Java. In addition, we have updated to the latest version of Java 6, 1.6.0_20.

This release updates several software components to new versions, see the complete list below.

* Java
* Java software has been altered to use Java 6 instead of Java 5
* osg-version

Issues Fixed
The default for Java software has been altered to use the Java 6 VM. In addition, Java 6 has been updated to the latest Sun Java release which has some bug and security fixes.

Update Instructions
Update instructions can be found on the OSG TWiki under the OSG 1.2.11 update instructions: https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/OSG12UpdateInstructions.

Additional Information
The release notes for the VDT 2.0.0p18 release underlying this release can be found here: http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/releases/2.0.0/release-p18.html.

Monday, June 21, 2010

REMINDER: GOC Service Update - Tuesday, June 22nd at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning at Tuesday, June 22nd 2010 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves four hours (14:00 - 18:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

OSG TWiki (https://twiki.grid.iu.edu)
ITB version is now available for testing at https://twiki-test.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

* Added PDF Generator plugin (GenPDFAddOn)

OIM 2.21 (https://oim.grid.iu.edu)
ITB version is now available for testing at https://oim-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

* Removed indentation for vo form / science vo info section
* Split the field of science list into 3 columns
* Patched bug that caused null URL to be displayed on VO form

MyOSG 1.21 (https://myosg.grid.iu.edu)
ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

* Fixed hidden service filter bug
* Implemented initial version of Misc/Operational Status Page.
* Updated OIM hierarchy indicator for resource group
* RSV Status Map: Updated logic so that non-reporting site, or site that has the latest resource status change older than N days will be treated as "Non Reporting". Added new information to display to display such sites with "NR" icons.
* RSV Status Map: Updated the map bubble style to be more inline with rest of MyOSG. Also added some verbiages to make it easier to understand why no resource status is displayed
* RSV Status Map: Updated the default URLs related to RSV status map so that "show non reporting site" check mark is checked by default.
* RSV Status Map: Set the default configuration parameter for "expired status change" to be 30 days.
* RSV Status Map: Added legend and link to a page explaining status calculation method.
* Made it easier to understand resource group / resource, site entities since this view is not exposed via display.grid.
* Other minor cosmetic changes and minor bug fixes.

Release Notes:

* Moving internal synchronization table to data1/2.grid.iu.edu

GOC Ticket 1.21 (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu)
ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

* Released new version of ticket navigator (switched /navigator2 to /navigator and renamed original /navigator to /navigatorold)
* Updated the application icon and favicon (from tea cup to an orange tag)
* Fixed the bug where phone number didn't get populated (patched on production)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, June 22nd at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning at Tuesday, June 22nd 2010 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves four hours (14:00 - 18:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

OSG TWiki (https://twiki.grid.iu.edu)
ITB version is now available for testing at https://twiki-test.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

* Added PDF Generator plugin (GenPDFAddOn)

OIM 2.21 (https://oim.grid.iu.edu)
ITB version is now available for testing at https://oim-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

* Removed indentation for vo form / science vo info section
* Split the field of science list into 3 columns
* Patched bug that caused null URL to be displayed on VO form

MyOSG 1.21 (https://myosg.grid.iu.edu)
ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

* Fixed hidden service filter bug
* Implemented initial version of Misc/Operational Status Page.
* Updated OIM hierarchy indicator for resource group
* RSV Status Map: Updated logic so that non-reporting site, or site that has the latest resource status change older than N days will be treated as "Non Reporting". Added new information to display to display such sites with "NR" icons.
* RSV Status Map: Updated the map bubble style to be more inline with rest of MyOSG. Also added some verbiages to make it easier to understand why no resource status is displayed
* RSV Status Map: Updated the default URLs related to RSV status map so that "show non reporting site" check mark is checked by default.
* RSV Status Map: Set the default configuration parameter for "expired status change" to be 30 days.
* RSV Status Map: Added legend and link to a page explaining status calculation method.
* Made it easier to understand resource group / resource, site entities since this view is not exposed via display.grid.
* Other minor cosmetic changes and minor bug fixes.

Release Notes:

* Moving internal synchronization table to data1/2.grid.iu.edu

GOC Ticket 1.21 (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu)
ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

* Released new version of ticket navigator (switched /navigator2 to /navigator and renamed original /navigator to /navigatorold)
* Updated the application icon and favicon (from tea cup to an orange tag)
* Fixed the bug where phone number didn't get populated (patched on production)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Power outage affecting VDT services on Saturday, June 12th

From the VDT Team:

There will be a power outage affecting VDT services on Saturday, June 12th due to upgrades of utilities in our building.

We expect it to begin around 8:30am Central US time and last until mid-afternoon on Saturday. It will affect:

* The VDT web site at vdt.cs.wisc.edu
* The VDT software caches (also hosted at vdt.cs.wisc.edu)
* The VDT ticket system (vdt-support@opensciencegrid.org and crt.cs.wisc.edu)

We apologize for the downtime and hope it doesn't cause any serious inconveniences for you.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

OSG 1.2.10 Release Announcement

OSG Operations and Integration are pleased to announce the release of OSG version 1.2.10.

This update fixes several minor bugs in software found in the OSG software stack and adds some new functionality to xrootd to support ATLAS and Tier3 requirements.

This is an update for several of the components in the OSG software stack. The changes are primarily to provide xrootd changes requested by ATLAS and as well as to correct a few minor issues. This update is recommended mainly for admins interested in the new features present in the xrootd update.
Components updated
This release updates several software components to new versions, see the complete list below.
* Xrootd
* Bestman, SRM-Client-LBNL, and SRM-Tester-LBNL
* MyProxy and GSIOpenSSH 5.1
* vdt-ca-manage
* Apache
* osg-version

Please see the VDT release notes for more details: http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/releases/2.0.0/release-p17.html

Update instructions can be found on the OSG twiki under the OSG 1.2. update instructions: https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/OSG12UpdateInstructions

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, June 8th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning at Tuesday, June 8th 2010 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves four hours (14:00 - 18:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.
BDII (ldap://is.grid.iu.edu:{2170,2180})

ITB servers are running the latest CEMon collector; the BDIIs on the ITB servers are now available for testing at ldap://is-itb.grid.iu.edu:2170 (OSG BDII) and ldap://is-itb.grid.iu.edu:2180 (WLCG Interop BDII); we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

* Upgrade CEMon collector to latest available production release version.

OIM 2.20 (https://oim.grid.iu.edu)
ITB version is now available for testing at https://oim-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

* Modified VO registration/edit forms to allow pure resource provider VOs to be registered; number of required fields for such VOs is smaller. (Related: https://ticket.grid.iu.edu/goc/viewer?id=8417)
* Modified ordering of type of contacts shown on resource, VO, SC display pages to be more intuitive
* Added filters to prevent OIM registrations from sending notifications to various contacts in debug mode.
* Updated jQuery/jQuery-UI libraries to the latest version.

MyOSG 1.20 (https://myosg.grid.iu.edu)
ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

* Added resource id / group id to various XMLs that were missing those values [JIRA ticket MYOSG-58] - GOC will notify registered XML users separately.

* Updated the main menu so that it will show the information to display as hover menu with screenshots [MYOSG-59]
* Changed the formatting for enumerated items like rgsummary / supported vo, vosummary / member resource
* Added SC summary / supported sites (No registered XML users at this time)
* Upgraded to jquery-ui 1.8.1 (which comes with jquery 1.4.2)

GOC-TX Ticket Exchange/Sync System 1.7 (tx.grid.iu.edu)
The ITB TX server has been functioning properly.

Release Notes:

* Updated cacerts file due to apache host certificate update on ticket.grid.iu.edu
* Minor code clean up & further troubleshooting code added to the initial Remedy SOAP interface.

GOC Ticket 1.20 (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu)
ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

* Implemented /navigator2 - this will replace /navigator and /mytickets in the coming weeks.
* Reorganized ticket viewer for non-editors and added description update field along with current CC editor. [GOCTICKET-39]
* Updated to the latest jQuery / jQuery-UI libs.
* Other internal code changes.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

OSG DocDB Outage Resolved

Access via certificate to the OSG DocDB has been restored. We are
working on diagnosing the problem and apologize for the inconvenience as
the service was unavailable.

OSG DocDB Administrators

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, May 25th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning at Tuesday, May 25 2010 at 14:00 UTC.

Special Note about short expected intermittent outages

A short intermittent outage of (~10 minutes) is expected for all the services listed below while the GOC adjusts the virtual machine settings one VM host at a time; For example, myosg2 might be down for 10 minutes while myosg1 is still available for anyone trying to access myosg.grid.iu.edu. Additionally, the GOC reserves four hours (14:00 - 18:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

Update 2010-05-24: The GOC will also restart the NSCD daemon with an updated configuration on the BDII servers is1 and is2 during this maintenance. This is expected to be completely transparent to the outside world, and users of the BDII should not experience any problems.

OIM  2.19 (https://oim.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://oim-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:
* Added direct link to register a new vo, sc, or resource on the home page.
* Converted descriptive text to tooltips on homepage.
* Added tooltips on VO page (Expect more of this in the future!)

Patched since last release:
* Fixed an issue which caused a null pointer exception when an empty Log ID was parsed by a specific Log function.
* Fixed authorization bug in Contact and ProfileEdit Servlets.

MyOSG 1.19 (https://myosg.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:
* Added Resource ID to ResourceGroup / Current RSV Status XML (URL that starts with /rgcurrentstatus); NOTE: Registered XML users have been notified.

GOC-TX Ticket Exchange/Sync System 1.6 (tx.grid.iu.edu)

The ITB TX server has been functioning properly.

Release Notes:
* Switched the order of metadata / comment update on RT accessor so that when RT sends an update, the metadata shown on it has the latest information.
* Added logic for BNL so that it will use comment action instead of correspondence if ticket status is going to be resolved in order to avoid re-opening of the ticket due to ticket update (a necessary change due to metadata / comment reorder)
* Update GOC-TX so that if GGUS's ticket status is currently "verified" and if the new status is "solved", then GOC-TX will not do the update. We do something similar thing for RT already - we need to have this logic because the concept of "verified" status currently exist only in GGUS.
* Added code to append custom field information for RT during ticket update.
* Added CF.{VO Name} for GOC > RT conversion.
* Updating Associate RG name to "Resource Group Name" for GOC>BNL converter

GOC Ticket 1.19 (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:
* Made Ticket Viewer to show priority tags when ticket has higher priority
* [For GOC Staff only] On Myticket page, changed the table header to reflect that fact that it includes CC-ed ticket

Friday, May 14, 2010

OSG TWiki - Brief Outage

The OSG TWiki experienced a second brief outage while administrators were
investigating reported service slowness. The TWiki was restarted as
soon as alarms were received and the recorded downtime was approximately
30 minutes.

OSG TWiki - Brief Outage

The OSG TWiki experienced a brief outage while administrators were
investigating reported service slowness. The TWiki was restarted as
soon as alarms were received and the recorded downtime was less than
10 minutes.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Scheduled Maintenance is2.grid.iu.edu - GOC Ticket # 8530

The GOC has scheduled removal of is2.grid.iu.edu from round-robin for is.grid.iu.edu on Monday, May 10, 2010 11:00 EST (15:00 UTC), to enable work on resolving potential operating system and/or hardware issues. We do not have an ETA for when is2 will be added back into the BDII round-robin, we expect it to be out of commission for at least 2 weeks. We will announce via a follow up notification when we have a clear idea. During the time is2 is offline, the is1 server is expected to handle all the BDII traffic without any issues - the GOC will monitor the situation.

Please see ticket 8530 at:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Some OSG CEs Facing Intermittent CEMon Reporting Problems - GOC Ticket # 8530

OSG Operations was made aware of an issue of some CEMon clients on production CEs not reporting to the OSG CEMon collector; consequently, those CEs did not show up on the BDII.

GOC staff and USCMS admins have started troubleshooting this issue, and have found a temporary work around by removing one of the two CEMon collectors (on is2) from activity. The raw LDIF data is still being rsynced between the two servers. At this point all information is available in the OSG BDII and being sent properly to the WLCG. Investigations of the cause and work toward a fix will continue when business hours resume tomorrow.

Please see ticket 8530 at:

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, May 11th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning at Tuesday, May 11 2010 at 14:00 UTC. No outages are expected for any of the services listed but the GOC reserves four hours (14:00 - 18:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

OIM 2.18 (https://oim.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://oim-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

* Added (back) Remove button to resource downtime editor.
* Modified authentication check to show an elegant error message if user is not authorized (for any reason) to view the following pages: Admin, AuthorizationMatrix, Contact, Log, ProfileEdit
* Added Tooltips to replace help text on certain pages

Patched since last release:

* Further bug fix related to JIRA ticket OIM-28 - personal info checkbox and showing/hiding of section was messed up - fixed.

MyOSG 1.18 (https://myosg.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

* Updated how db connections are handled to allow failover to secondary server
* Added link to submit goc ticket from rg summary page
* Added WLCG status information to GIP validation status page. (Note: No XSD yet) [MYOSG-48]
* Added tooltips on certain pages

* Added "sort by" section for VO [Jira ticket MYOSG-32]
* Cleaned up verbiage on Query editor
* Updated formatting of service name display (to use smaller font)
* [Experimental Feature]: Added BDII Information page under Resource Group - shows selected information from BDII like version numbers, and some other statistics. Note that this feature is still in experimental mode, and may be modified further in future releases.

GOC-TX Ticket Exchange/Sync System 1.5 (tx.grid.iu.edu)

The ITB TX server has been functioning properly.

Release Notes:

* Added capability to access GOC's metadata server
* Replaced GGUS internal field that was added to ticket update with metadata.
* Added new FP>RT custom field conversion using newly available metadata

* Now set ggus origin ticket id to GOC metadata.
* Patched code to handle case where GGUS' diary may be null (for unknown reasons) more elegantly
* [Relevant to Developers]: Modified custom conversion logic; Renamed FP2BNLTicketConverter to GOC2BNLTicketConverter (more appropriate); Added "generate JIRA soap script" script

Issues patched on production

* Removed erroneous conversion code for ticket type field from GGUS to FP

GOC Ticket 1.18 (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:

* Updated how db connections are handled to allow failover to secondary server
* Made the resource form to be able to preselect resource names (per MyOSG ticket submitter change)
* Updated various menu/sub-menu links - based on recent changes to the location of various forms
* [GOC Staff and Ticket Editors]Updated ticket URL for ticket cluster view
* [GOC Staff and Ticket Editors]: Added new "My Tickets" page
* Added more error logs in case TX assignee can not be found

Issues patched on production

* Fixed undefined contact search box issue

Monday, April 26, 2010

Reminder: GOC Service Update - Tuesday, April 27th at 14:00 UTC

A gentle reminder that the GOC will upgrade the following services beginning at Tuesday, April 27th at 14:00 UTC. More details here: http://osggoc.blogspot.com/2010/04/goc-service-update-tuesday-april-27th.html

Thursday, April 22, 2010

OSG 1.2.9 Release Announcement

OSG Operations and Integration are pleased to announce the release of OSG version 1.2.9.

This is an update for several of the components in the OSG software stack. The changes are primarily to fix minor bugs or add some new functionality. Upgrading is not needed unless you are affected by one of these bugs or you need the new functionality provided in an update.

This release updates several software components to new versions, see the complete list below.
• Bestman
• Xrootd 20100315-1007
• XrootdFS 3.0rc4
• glExec
• PRIMA 0.8.7
• vdt-ca-manage
• CEMon 1.12.1-14
• Gratia 1.06.15i-1
• Pegasus 2.4.1
• Java 1.6
• configure-osg
• osg-version
• wn-client (now includes gLite-FTS-Client and EDG-GridFTP-Client)
The following packages are now available in the VDT cache

• gLite-FTS-Client
• EDG-GridFTP-Client

Please see the VDT release notes for more details: http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/releases/2.0.0/release-p16.html

Update instructions can be found on the OSG twiki under the OSG 1.2.9 update instructions: https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/OSG129UpdateInstructions

The release notes for the VDT 2.0.0p16 release underlying this release can be found here: http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/releases/2.0.0/release-p16.html

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, April 27th at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning at Tuesday, April 27th at 14:00 UTC.

Special Note about short expected intermittent outages
A short intermittent outage of (~5 minutes) is expected for all the services listed below while the GOC adjusts the virtual machine settings one VM host at a time; For example, myosg2 might be down for 5 minutes while myosg1 will still available be for anyone trying to access myosg.grid.iu.edu; Additionally, the GOC reserves four hours (14:00 - 18:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered. Services impacted include:
  • GOCTicket (Round-robined between two service endpoints)
  • GOC-TX
  • MyOSG (Round-robined between two service endpoints)
  • OIM
  • OSG Display
  • Secmon RA Agent (For security team)
  • Software Cache (Round-robined between two service endpoints)
  • Twiki

OIM 2.17 (https://oim.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://oim-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:
  • Update MySQL Connector and patched various connection related issues (some of the critical fixes are already installed on the current production instance)
  • Various minor bug fixes 

MyOSG 2.17 (https://myosg.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:
  • Added status change XML that can be optionally pulled from RGstatusHistory XML
  • Updated logic on RSV status map to remove resource groups that do not have any resources reporting RSV status data
  • RSV status map will now honer disabled field on site table
  • Added HEPSPEC XML tag to misccpuinfo per Brian's request
  • Under Resource Group / GIP validation status page
  • Updated the way LDIF URLs to match resource name, and not resource_group name; Placed LDIF URL links under resource
    • Added "Show LDIF URLs" check box under "Show Resource" as parent item.
    • Updated HTML/XML views so that LDIF URLs are now displayed under each resource
  • Various other minor bug fixes

GOC-TX Ticket Exchange/Sync System 1.4 (tx.grid.iu.edu)

The ITB TX server has been functioning properly.

Release Notes:
  • Improved the way ticket origin note was handled
  • Added ticket origin note for GGUS / RT tickets
  • Updated ticket origin information on custom field for RT
Issues patched on production

  • Patched the GGUS null values to be handled elegantly
  • Fixed the duplicate solution issue with GGUS by using history information for detailed solution just as it does for other diaries
GOC Ticket 1.17 (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:
  • Added capability for all registered OIM users to update CC list on the ticket.
  • Fixed the issue when guest user try to submit a form, the full name will be reset to "Guest".
  • Added email mailto link for email address for OIM users (previously displayed as static text)
  • Adjusted layout of ticket viewer for OIM users
  • (For Ticket Editors ONLY) Added notification suppression check boxes
  • Upgraded Zend Framework
  • Various minor bug fixes
Issues patched on production
  • Fixed the issue where next assignee rule didn't honer local time zone
  • Fixed the issue where resource issue was not routed to a correct TX target
  • Patched the issue when guest user try to submit a form, the full name will be reset to "Guest".

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010 ticket system maintenance

There will be a disaster recovery exercise performed by the IU GRNOC
between Saturday, April 10, 2010, 12:00 UTC until Sunday, April 11, 2010,
12:00 UTC which includes the server that houses the Footprints ticket
system. The GOC does not anticipate an outage of its ticket system, but
please be advised that there may be some unanticipated irregularities
or intermittent problems during the specified window.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

OSG 1.0.6 Update Announcement

OSG Operations and Integration are pleased to announce the release of OSG version 1.0.6

This is a security update for all OSG installations using Gratia probes to report accounting information. The urgency of this update depends on the following factors:

* If your resource is using Gratia probes to report accounting information and are using Condor or Managed Fork, you should apply this update to prevent authorized local users from gaining elevated privileges
* Other resources using Gratia probes for accounting can treat this as a low priority security update that may prevent authorized local users from being able to run a DOS attack on Gratia reporting
* Resources not using Gratia do not need to apply this update since it does not apply in this case

This release updates two software components, see the complete list below.

* Gratia probes
* osg-version

Please see the VDT release notes for more details: http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/releases/1.10.1/release-p25.html

Update instructions can be found on the OSG twiki under the OSG 1.0.6: https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/OSG106UpdateInstructions

Sites using rpms to install Gratia probes should update their rpms to the latest versions in accordance with the guidelines given in the summary.

Friday, March 26, 2010

GOC Footprints Mail Anomaly

During a test of the Footprints server redundancy this afternoon, the GRNOC at IU mistakenly re-sent some old ticket emails as a part of the sendmail turn up on the second server. The duplicate sendmail queue was halted and emptied. We are investigating all ticket exchanges to ensure that there are no further issues. We apologize to any OSG collaborator that may have been inconvenienced by these emails and are here to answer any questions.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

New VO Package Available

A new VO package is now available. This package includes the new HCC VO and an address change for the DOSAR VOMS.

A detailed list of changes is available at

The GOC suggests backing up your installation before running any
update commands.

To pull the new VO Package for an OSG 1.0.x or 1.2.0 Resource please
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-package

Please remember a UNIX account for 'hcc' will need to be set up.

To pull the new VO Package for the OSG Client 1.0.x or 1.2.0 please use:
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-client

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, March 30th 2010 at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning at Tuesday, March 30th at 14:00 UTC. No outages are expected for any of the services listed but the GOC reserves the hours of 14:00 - 18:00 UTC in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

OIM 2.15 (https://oim.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://oim-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:
  • Added warnings if user removes a service from a resource or removes a VOReportName or VOReportName-FQAN or VOResourceOwner from a VO but navigates away from the edit page without hitting the update button. (Related ticket: https://ticket.grid.iu.edu/goc/viewer?id=8115).
  • Cleaned up profile edit and contact edit pages to (a) disallow altering person flag if contact is mapped to a registered DN (b) show associated DN in person section.
  • Modified registration page so its fields are consistent with contact edit or profile edit pages.
  • Authorization module to deal with unregistered and disabled-registered DNs more elegantly; Also modified home page to print more useful warnings if either case or no-DN case is hit.
  • Modified top menu to ensure unregistered and disabled-registered DN cases are taken into account.
  • About and Legend sideviews for contact edit and profile edit pages
  • Updates to DB connection module that will hopefully prevent "Ran out of Active Connection" error from recurring.
  • Updated submenu style to make it consistent with other GOC applications.
  • Removed active field from resource_group view and DB table since it was never used. In the future active field will be removed from facility, site, and support center fields to make the status of those entities clearer and easier to understand.
  • Added capability to display help tooltip. Added tooltip for active/disable column with some description.
  • [For OIM Admin/GOC staff only]
    • Modified UserEdit servlet's form to allow new DN addition via web interface
    • Greyed out active flag check box for SC, Facility, Site edit forms; additionally set active flag to true/false for those forms based on disable value (false/true).
    • Added new sub section for Disabled contacts in Contacts page
  • Other minor internal updates, bug fixes, cosmetic changes

MyOSG Consolidators

  • RSVProcess 1.5 -
    • Fixed the problem that was sometimes causing resource and service status to not be consistent with each other
    • Metric Details will be stored on RSVProcess serer using MySQL Archive engine - this data will not be used by MyOSG yet but it will in the near future.
  • VOMS Monitoring
    • New consolidator that periodically monitors all OSG VOMS servers using current vomses file downloaded from the software cache.
  • GIP Validator - No changes
  • (Experimental) BDII Information Gatherer
    • New consolidator that periodically fetches certain pieces of information from the BDII (LDAP server), and publishes tree maps, etc.

MyOSG 1.16 (https://myosg.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:
  • In Virtual Organization menu, new VOMS monitoring page added (Related Ticket: https://ticket.grid.iu.edu/goc/viewer?id=7983).
  • In resource group summary (rgsummary) view, disable flag is not exposed including its XML view (Related Ticket: https://ticket.grid.iu.edu/goc/viewer?id=8169).
  • In rgdowntime view, fixed bug so that, if user selects "none" for "show past downtime for" field, "Past Downtime" section is not displayed. In XML view, an empty "" element to keep our current XML schema unchanged is still presented to retain backward compatibility.
  • In support center legacy view, fixed issue so when contact inforamation can not be found it displays information from previous row.
  • In status map, added check to see if a facility actually has any sites under it (and warn if there isn't any); Set a default camera angle / locations etc to show for Google Earth display.
  • Updated submenu style to make it consistent with other GOC applications.
  • Minor changes to JavaScript, and display styles.
  • (Experimental) BDII Information Gatherer: In Resource Group menu, provide an experimental information to display drop down item that shows treemaps of number of jobs, number of CPUs, etc. based on information collected from the BDII.

GOC-TX Ticket Exchange/Sync System1.2 (tx.grid.iu.edu)

The ITB TX server has been functioning properly.

Release Notes:
  • Updates to allow ticket exchange with BNL RT (Used by USATLAS support center). This setup will replace existing email-based ticket exchange sometime in April assuming production level tests succeed.
  • Updates to allow GGUS ticket submission form to pass along resource_group (or resource_name) as a parameter instead of resource_name (used in previous version); Destination VO on GOC ticket should be set if automatic resource_name or resource_group_name or concerned_VO based SC mapping is performed.

GOC Ticket 1.15 (https://ticket.grid.iu.edu)

ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu; we encourage users to test this service before the production release.

Release Notes:
  • Added functionality that allows OIM-authorized users, including management and security team members, to be able to update tickets on the web interface.
  • Updated code to suppress email notification if there is no description. GOC-TX triggers will still be sent if applicable.
  • Added sort function for update descriptions on viewer.
  • Updated ticket creation response page to show more details.
  • Added links to any GOC-TX based ticket exchanges including remote ticket id, if available.
  • Made the default description lines to show per description to 30 lines (from previous value of 15 lines); Increased viewer page width.
  • Added prefetch request (will likely work on Firefox browsers) to decrease description selection flicker.
  • Added capability to show the real time when indicator for "X minutes/days ago" is hovered upon.
  • Updated google previously invalid site verify code for google webmaster tool.
  • Fixed minor issue which was causing missing last name to be converted to numeric "0".
  • [For GOC and Security Staff]
    • Moved notification and security staff tasks to their own menu items.
    • Added "GOC Support Assignee" web service that provides the most applicable GOC-support team member at any given time based on their availability and number of tickets they already are handling.
    • Updated code to use tick.globalnoc instead of tick-indy.globalnoc as Footprints server name.
    • Improved monitoring and alerts to GOC staff on failure conditions.
  • Several other internal modifications to improve performance, and avoid display style issues on Internet Explorer, etc.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

OSG 1.2.8 Release Announcement

OSG Operations and Integration are pleased to announce the release of OSG version 1.2.8.

This is a security update for all OSG installations using Gratia probes to report accounting information. The urgency of this update depends on the following factors:

  • If your resource is using Gratia probes to report accounting information and are using Condor or Managed Fork, you should apply this update to prevent authorized local users from gaining elevated privileges
  • Other resources using Gratia probes for accounting can treat this as a low priority security update that may prevent authorized local users from being able to run a DOS attack on Gratia reporting
  • Resources not using Gratia do not need to apply this update since it does not apply in this case

This release also updates several software components, see the complete list below.

  • Gratia probes
  • osg-version

This update corrects a bug in the Gratia probes that may pose a security risk to resources in certain instances. Please see the VDT release notes for more details: http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/releases/2.0.0/release-p15.html

Complete update instructions can be found at https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/OSG128UpdateInstructions

Sites using rpms to install Gratia probes should update their rpms to the latest versions in accordance with the guidelines given in the summary.

If you are updating from a version prior to 1.2.0 or installing the OSG stack for the first time see the full installation instructions at https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/