OSG Operational Services

Monday, October 11, 2010

Reminder: GOC Machine Room Maintenance - Tuesday, October 12th at 14:00 UTC

Due to a site-wide machine room reorganization the GOC will be moving its Indianapolis-based servers to a new rack beginning at 14:00 UTC on Tuesday, October 12, 2010.

The moving of each server will take only a short time, probably no more than 10 minutes, but we are reserving up to an hour in case of unexpected complications. We will be using the DNS round-robin to shift traffic to the Bloomington servers during this time where possible (CEMon/BDII, MyOSG, the OSG Software Cache, and the GOC Ticketing System).

Services that will be affected include:

BDII: Will remain online but may experience degraded service. We have seen ATLAS SAM test failures while doing similar maintenance.
OSG TWiki: Will experience a short downtime during this window.
OSG Information Management (OIM): Will experience a short downtime during this window.

The move to the new rack should result in improved cooling and power infrastructure for the GOC's Indianapolis-based servers. We appreciate everyone's patience during this transition.