OSG Operational Services

OSG Operational Services Listing


Provides a one-stop location for all kinds of OSG-related information based on user selections. MyOSG Home: http://myosg.grid.iu.edu/

OSG Information Management (OIM) system

OIM is the topology management system for the OSG. It holds information about people involved in the OSG, resources, facilities, support centers, so forth. OIM Home: https://oim.grid.iu.edu/


A collaboration tool and documentation repository housed at the GOC: https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/

Berkeley Database Information Index (BDII) LDAP-based Service

Allows users to query for dynamic information about OSG services - for example: number of free CPUs on a CE. There is an accopanying diagnostic tool for viewing the complete GLUE schema results that would be obtained from an LDAP query; the data is collected from several LDAP aggregators (commonly referred to as BDII). More information: http://is.grid.iu.edu/

RSV Monitoring and Status

RSV Collector

Collects metric test results from various RSV monitoring clients, and stores them for processing in the next annotated step.


Applies OIM topology and normalizes RSV metric records collected by Gratia-based collector; then periodically calculates current status for each resource/service, status history, availability/reliability metrics. This service does not have a direct web presence, its results are displayed by the MyOSG web site under the Resource Group menu.

RSV-SAM Interface

Forwards RSV results for resources/services that are part of the OSG WLCG Inteoperability agreement to the EGEE SAM system. More details here.


Sends daily email reports that consolidate the previous day's RSV results for various OSG services. These results are archived here.

OSG Ticketing System

Provides a convenient web interface for OSG users, admins, and everyone else to report various issues related to the OSG. Tickets are assigned to various parties, sometimes automatically, and some times manually by GOC_Support staff. GOCTicket Home: https://ticket.grid.iu.edu/goc

OSG Software Cache

Hosts OSG specific software components including the OSG Certificate Authority (CA) distribution. These components augment the VDT-based grid-agnostic middle-ware software stack. Software Cache Home: http://software.grid.iu.edu/

OSG Display

Provides a high-level view of OSG -- graphs of jobs and data transfer statistics from the last several hours. Display Home: http://display.grid.iu.edu/

VOMS Server for OSGEDU and MIS VOs

Provides VOMS authorization service for the MIS and OSGEDU VOs. GOC VOMS home: https://voms.grid.iu.edu:8443/.

OSG Gratia Accounting

Provides accounting information about OSG jobs. The Gratia reporting page can be found at http://gratia-osg-prod-reports.opensciencegrid.org/gratia-reporting/.

OSG Resource Selection Service (ReSS)

The Resource Selection Service (ReSS) project facilitates automated job/resource management components by publishing information about the OSG resources. The system integrates condor technology, for the core match making service, with the gLite CEMon component, for gathering and publishing resource information in the Glue Schema format. https://osg-ress-1.fnal.gov:8443/ReSS/.

Integration Test Bed (ITB) instances of GOC Services

Most of the above services are available at independent endpoints for Integration Testing.


ITB instance of OIM home page for registered users or users who'd like to register

Integration test bed Pacman software cache
