OSG Operational Services

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Announcing OSG Software version 3.4.1

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.4.1.

Changes to OSG 3.4.1 include:
- Bug fix in LCMAPS plugin that could cause the HTCondor-CE schedd to crash
- osg-configure uses the new GUMS JSON interface
- The BLAHP properly requests multi-core resources for Slurm batch systems
- HTCondor-CE: send memory requirements to batch systems, whole node jobs
- Gratia probes: support whole node jobs, can include ClassAd attributes
- Bug fix to CVMFS client to able to mount when large groups exist
- GridFTP server now correctly uses plugin configuration
- gridftp-dsi-posix replaces the xrootd-dsi plugin, see release notes
- Enhanced gridftp-dsi-posix: MD5 checksum, support XRootD space tokens
- HTCondor 8.6.4: BOSCO now works without CA certificates on remote cluster
- HTCondor 8.7.2: introducing the 8.7 series in the upcoming repository

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:

Need help? Let us know:

We welcome feedback on this release!