OSG Operational Services

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Announcing OSG Software version 3.4.0

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.4.0.

OSG 3.4.0 is the start of a new release series. In this series we have
streamlined and consolidated the set of packages. This release contains
all the updates of the recent OSG 3.3.25 release.

This release also contains:
- HTCondor 8.6.3 - see release notes for upgrade information
- Frontier-squid 3.5.24-3.1 - see release notes for upgrade information
- GlideinWMS 3.3.2 in the Upcoming repository

Temporarily unavailable in OSG 3.4:
- HDFS - 3.x to be included in OSG 3.4 at a later date

No longer available in OSG 3.4:
- edg-mkgridmap - replaced by LCMAPS VOMS plugin
- GUMS - replaced by LCMAPS VOMS plugin
- BeSTMan 2 - replaced by Load Balanced GridFTP
- GLExec - replaced by Singularity
- VOMS Admin Server - being retired
- Globus GRAM - available from EPEL
- GIP and OSG Info Services - BDII servers retired

In addition to the list of packages in OSG 3.4, the release notes also
contain a comprehensive list of packages not carried forward from OSG 3.3.

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!