OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Announcing OSG Software version 3.3.22

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.3.22.

Changes to OSG 3.3.22 include:
- HTCondor: Patched to avoid Job Router crash when submit requirements fail
- New default configuration: GUMS uses proper TLS version(s) with VOMS admin
- BLAHP 1.18.29: Better Slurm integration, fixed problem with proxy refresh
- HTCondor-CE 2.1.4: Respect 'RequestCpus', Added JSON attributes for AGIS
- Gratia probe 1.17.4: Now picks up 'RequestCpus' with HTCondor-CE
- Update to CVMFS 2.3.3
- Update to GlideinWMS 3.2.18
- Update to XRootD 4.6.0
- HDFS: GridFTP prints proper error message when HDFS quota is exhausted
- VOMS 2.0.14-1.3: Now validates top-level group of proxy

Changes to the Upcoming Repository include:
- HTCondor 8.6.1: New stable series of HTCondor in Upcoming
- Update to frontier-squid 3.5.24

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


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We welcome feedback on this release!