OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

OSG Connect downtime (Dec 19 - Dec 26)

To prepare for the upcoming year, we will be taking a one week downtime of OSG Connect starting Monday, December 19th through Monday, December 26th.

We aim to accomplish two major service upgrades:
- Update of Stash to the latest long-term support release of Ceph (0.94.x -> 10.2.x)
- Migration of all home directories to a newer, faster array (40TB)

In addition to the service upgrades above, we will use the downtime to test and benchmark all Connect services and update system software. During this time, all Connect services will be down and users will not be able to log in.

Most importantly, please backup any critical data on Stash. We recommend using Globus to manage this, see help desk documentation at bit.ly/globus-xfer. Once the downtime has been completed or needs to be extended, we will let you know.  As always, please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

The OSG User Support Team