OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Scheduled FermiLab Power Outage

This weekend, Fermilab will have a scheduled power outage in the Feynman Computer Center to repair an automatic power transfer switch. The transfer switch ensures that the lab’s computing services have redundant power. This scheduled outage will cause many services at the laboratory to be unavailable.

The outage date is Saturday, Sept. 17, the same day as a scheduled Wilson Hall cooling outage, and is expected to last more than 8 hours. Services may be affected starting Friday, September 16 at 4:00 PM and are estimated to be restored by Saturday at 6:00 PM, though the outage could last longer. (All times US central) At this time we expect Fermilab email, listserv and analog telephones to be operational.

The Open Science Grid services expected to be affected include the OSG VOMS, Gratia, Indico and Docdb. One (of three) oasis replica will be out of service and replaced temporarily by another elsewhere. Details provided by FNAL can be found here:  https://fermi.service-now.com/kb_view_customer.do?sysparm_article=KB0012205

Updates will be provided via Twitter throughout the outage, so follow the Service Desk at https://twitter.com/FNALServiceDesk to stay informed.