OSG Operational Services

Monday, March 7, 2016

3rd Advancing Research Computing on Campuses (ARCC): Best Practices

3rd Advancing Research Computing on Campuses (ARCC): Best Practices Workshop 
University of Illinois, Champaign IL 
Tutorials: March 22, 2016
Workshop: March 23-24 2016

The 3rd Advancing Research Computing on Campuses (ARCC): Best Practices Workshop, will take place March 22-24, 2016 in Champaign, Illinois. March 22 will be a tutorial day and the plenary sessions will take place March 23-24. This workshop is presented in partnership with Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Research and Education Facilitators (ACI-REF) and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA). Professionals involved in operating and supporting campus shared research computing infrastructure are invited to join in this workshop event and share experiences and expertise. New this year will be tutorial sessions that will take place on March 22, 2016.

The tutorial sessions will include the following:
  • Morning Track 1: Facilitation: Best Practices on the Front-lines with Researchers
  • Morning Track 2: Cyberinfrastructure from Scratch 
  • Afternoon Track 1: High Throughput Computing: Value Added for Campus Research
  • Afternoon Track 2: A New Career Path: The Cyberinfrastructure Professional 
The workshop agenda topics will include:
  • Efforts/organizations that can be leveraged by campus providers 
  • Collaboration with researcher 
  • Challenges of managing condo-style resources 
  • Business models/Policies 
The keynote speaker for the workshop will be Rajiv Ramnath, from the National Science Foundation who will present on “NSF Software Programs and the Relationship with Campus Cyberinfrastructure”

To register or further details, please visit the ARCC website at http://www.ncsa.illinois.edu/Conferences/ARCC/index.html