OSG Operational Services

Monday, February 29, 2016

RSV Collector Service Impacted Over The Weekend

Over the weekend, the central RSV Collector at the GOC experienced a drive failure which impacted the service. The central RSV collector is currently back in service. The affected RAID array is running in "degraded" mode and will be restored to full functionality when a replacement drive arrives.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Dont forget to register! - All Hands Meeting 2016

Dont miss your opportunity to register for the All Hands Meeting of the Open Science Grid hosted by the Cyberinfrastructure Technology Integration group (CITI - http://citi.clemson.edu/) of Clemson University, March 14-18, 2016. 

Register now at http://citi.clemson.edu/osg-ahm-2016/registration/

Topics to be discussed will include:

* How high-throughput computing accelerates research, and how OSG can help users scale up.
* Usability challenges and solutions for distributed high-throughput computing applications.
* Connecting virtual organizations, campus researchers and XSEDE users to the OSG: command line, science gateways, and workflow frameworks. 
* Training and education: partnerships with ACI-REF and Software Carpentry.
* Serving more of the "long tail" of science with high-throughput parallel computing: incorporating multi-core, GPU and virtual cluster resources into science workflows using shared and allocated distributed infrastructure.
* Broadening participation and use of OSG from various disciplines, strategy for expanding use, potential areas of impact.
* Advanced network analytics services for national Science DMZ infrastructure.
* Cyberinfrastructure partnerships: university research computing HPC centers, XSEDE XD providers, DOE laboratories, NSF Large Facility computing organizations and commercial cloud providers. Technologies, strategies, ideas, and discussions on how OSG can foster partnerships across the widest possible range of CI.

The program this year has been expanded to include hands-on workshops for advanced cyberinfrastructure providers and scientific user communities accessing the shared resources connected by the OSG. As has been the custom, the 2016 OSG AHM will be co-located with the U.S. Large Hadron Collider (LHC at CERN) computing facility meetings.

Logistical information, registration and agenda are available at http://citi.clemson.edu/osg-ahm-2016/index.html

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, Feb 23, 2016 at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, February 23 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event unexpected problems are encountered.

Increase size of shared volume from 8 TB to 9 TB

Repair certificate revocation problem for VOs who have switched signers,  https://jira.opensciencegrid.org/browse/OIM-133

Upgrade check_mk, https://ticket.grid.iu.edu/28470 Bring psds to OSG 3.3, https://ticket.opensciencegrid.org/28461

Gratia Web
Fix 12 month per VO plots, https://ticket.opensciencegrid.org/28342

MyOSG 2.38
Exposing APEL Normalization Factor field under Resource Group summary (MYOSG-88)

All services
Operating system updates; reboots will be required. The usual HA mechanisms will be used, but some services will experience brief outages.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Announcing OSG Software versions 3.2.35 and 3.3.9

We are pleased to announce OSG Software versions 3.2.35 and 3.3.9. After this release, the 3.2 series will only receive security updates and critical bug fixes. Changes to OSG 3.2.35 and 3.3.9 include: * Update to GSI-OpenSSH 5.7 to address CVE-2016-0777 * Update to GlideinWMS * XRootD HDFS plugin support for non-world-readable files * Fix a memory leak in lcmaps-plugins-scas-client * CA certificates based on IGTF 1.71 * VO Package v63 - more CILogon transitions * VOMS admin updated to disable an unnecessary CA check * Better warnings and message handling in RSV-perfsonar * Support for HDFS on EL7 platforms In addition, OSG 3.3.9 includes: * CVMFS over StashCache, including CVMFS 2.2.0, in the Upcoming repository Also, OSG 3.2.35 includes: * Much smaller tarballs Note: The CHANGES file in the OSG CA certificate distribution labels the 1.52 changes under a 1.51 heading. This problem is merely cosmetic. Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at: https://www.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view/Documentation/Release3/Release3235 https://www.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view/Documentation/Release3/Release339 Need help? Let us know: https://www.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view/Documentation/Release3/HelpProcedure We welcome feedback on this release!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, Feb 9, 2016 at 14:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, Feb 9, 2016 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event unexpected problems are encountered.

* increase size of shared volume from 8 TB to 9 TB
* modify /etc/hosts to see the fileserver and shared volume

* remove wildcarding from id searches that causes too many matches - https://jira.opensciencegrid.org/browse/OIM-132

* add timestamp to file attachments - https://jira.opensciencegrid.org/browse/TICKET-113

* install monitoring components