OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, April 28th at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

- The oasis CVMFS Stratum 0 will be upgraded to the latest versions of cvmfs and oasis rpms; the repository will be replaced by one that was rebuilt from scratch. The httpd configuration will be updated to better handle heavy load from sending large updates to many Stratum 1s.
- The oasis-login user access machine will be rebuilt and upgraded to the latest oasis rpm.
- The oasis-replica Stratum 1 will have a rebuilt replica of the oasis repository and be upgraded to the latest oasis rpm. The httpd configuration will be updated to better separate the traffic to clients and other Stratum 1s, and to limit the rate data is sent to other Stratum 1s.

- regexp bug fix
- query timeout implementation for MySQL connections
- JQuery UI support for XML pages input
- Incorrect title replacement in some plots (bug)
- Distinguish empty result set from timeout and exception in sql query
osg-measurements-metrics-db-1.2-34 / osg-measurements-metrics-web-1.2-34
- new fnal tape queries group
- cron job bug fix
- modifications to include VO in FOS queries
- modifications to include FOS filters for FOS queries

Upgrading service monitor with the latest version (MYOSG-81)

GOC Ticket 1.89
Fixed a bug where invalid ticket ID will not generate 401 page.

All Services
Operating system updates; reboots will be required. The usual HA mechanisms will be used, but some services will experience brief outages.
All systems with IPv6 addresses defined in DNS will become dual-stacked IPv4/IPv6 on both public and private networks. Some individual services may not necessarily accept IPv6 connections, depending on the software.