OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, April 14 at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, April 14 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.


* The oasis CVMFS Stratum 0 will be upgraded to the latest versions of cvmfs and oasis rpms; the repository will be replaced by one that was rebuilt from scratch. The httpd configuration will be updated to better handle heavy load from sending large updates to many Stratum 1s.
* The oasis-login user access machine will be rebuilt and upgraded to the latest oasis rpm.
* The oasis-replica Stratum 1 will have a rebuilt replica of the oasis repository and be upgraded to the latest oasis rpm. The httpd configuration will be updated to better separate the traffic to clients and other Stratum 1s, and to limit the rate data is sent to other Stratum 1s.


* Install robots.txt to block indexing

GOC Ticket 1.88

* Implemented capability to link tickets (TICKET-79)
* Updated software(other) issue to go to support team
* Removed references for oim/contact.timezone (ex. OIM-46)

OIM 3.43

* Added APEL factor field for Resource (OIM-122)
* Fixed the potential SQL-injection vulnerability for user/host certificate request search form.
* Updated host certificate request form to use CertificateAUPDE.
* Reverted the change I made in Footprints access model which prevents notifications under debug mode.
* Added capability to open detail / log tab via the t= option.
* Fixed the issue where error servlet reports incorrect port number if port is not set
* (patched) Fix for vo registration issue due to null certificate_signer.