OSG Operational Services

Friday, March 13, 2015

2015 OSG All-Hands Meeting: Final chance to register for OSG AHM!

Still not registered for the OSG AHM?

We have extended registration until this Monday, March 16 but no further! Don’t lose your spot, register today! http://sites.northwestern.edu/osg-ahm2015/register/

The OSG AHM will be held Monday, March 23 – Friday, March 27 at Northwestern University’s Evanston Campus, Illinois. Click here to see the agenda: https://indico.fnal.gov/conferenceTimeTable.py?confId=8580#20150323

Please also take a moment to check the list of those currently registered http://sites.northwestern.edu/osg-ahm2015/attendees/. If you believe you have signed up, but you do not see your name, please contact Pamela Villalovoz (pmv@northwestern.edu) to confirm your registration.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us (osg-contact@opensciencegrid.org).