OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, October 28th at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, October 28th, 2014 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

* Test repository blanking and removal of a misconfigured replicated repository. (OO-25)
* Add batch update capability. A new command will be created that will queue an update request rather than “try again later” response. (OO-28)

GratiaWeb 1.2-30
* Distinguish between transfers in and out (GRATIAWEB-53)
* Crush in /gratia/xml/user_quality query(GRATIAWEB-58)
* Gratia web disregard % of ownership listed in OIM (GRATIAWEB-64)
* Fix the reporting URL in configuration (GRATIAWEB-65)

Ticket 1.82
* Refactored chatjs out of GOC Ticket and made it a dedicated component hosted under nginx in order to solve frequent node https server crash (TICKET-103)
* Fixed an issue where closing parenthesis was considered part of highlighted URL

Upgrading from 6.2 to 6.3.8 to keep up with latest updates.
Please see release notes for

All Services
* Operating system updates; reboots will be required. The usual HA mechanisms will be used, but some services will experience brief outages.