OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, September 9th at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, September 9th at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

MyOSG 2.26
Modifications to the operations status page (tentative). An internal modification to a display of OSG-COG services status.
Updated the responsiveness of rgstatushistory graphs.
Updated pfmesh to use perfsonar_mas and other meshconfig related tables introduced by OIM 3.35.

GOC Ticket 1.80
Added gsiftp/srm to list of url-linked target that are converted to on ticket viewer. Added dedup for replace email/url so that same replacement won't corrupt the page.
Fixed issue where filename containing &ampersand will break the attachment interface (TICKET-99)
Updated dlog to use the mysql style static output file.
Fixed issue where assignee list in ticket list are displaying empty lines. Other minor style adjustments; made "security" label to be red, etc..
Fixed: ticket exchange foreign ID is not displayed nicely for non-anchor id

Rebuilding one of the lvs instance (lvs2) to run on CentOS 6. We’d like to make sure lvs2 will function properly before switching lvs1 to CentOS6 also, probably during the next-next release.

OIM 3.35
Updated DomainNameValidator to prevent entering invalid GridAdmin domain (OSGPKI-89)
Updated CN validation rule to prevent double space (OIM-105)
Added a module which crawls all perfsonar endpoints and collect available MA endpoints and store them on perfsonar_mas table to be used by MyOSG/mesh config publisher.
Added a bit more debug log to help troubleshoot the staling Digicert certificate issuing problem.
Made FOS list accessible by guest as readonly view. Organized primary/secondary VO and project into different columns. Also added CERT only label.
Added a module called wlcgloader which downloads wlcg sites/endpoints from GOCDB and synchronize them in OIM periodically.
Implemented mesh config admin page.

VM Host Upgrade
Updating vm06.grid.iu.edu, one of our remaining RHEL5/VMware Server 1.10 hosts, to RHEL6/KVM (which most of our VM hosts use)
Converting guest disk images, not rebuilding
Will affect software2, data2, repo2, and rsvprocess2 – will use LVS to shunt traffic to the other instance in the case of software1 and repo1, so users will notice no downtime, only possibly some degradation of service, but rsvprocess2 and data2 will be down
This will leave only two RHEL5/VMware Server 1.10 hosts to upgrade (vm02 and vm04)

monitor.grid.iu.edu will be rebuilt with RHEL6 GOC stemcell. monitor.grid.iu.edu is GOC’s internal service used to monitor our services and provide various other internal services like gocbot.