OSG Operational Services

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, August 26th at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, August 26th, 2014 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

OSG Web Hosts (web1/2.grid.iu.edu)
- Adding campusgrid.opensciencegrid.org redirection (OIM-11)

OIM 3.34
- Reverting to OpenJDK JVM in order to correct issues such as invalid PKCS12 export.
- Fixed incorrect filename used for user cert CSR export
- Fixed incorrectly placed tooltip content for GridAdmin enrollment button
- Improved responsive handling of navbar.
- Added disable flag to project table (OIM-103)
- Updated VO / SC / CG and Project servlet to hide disabled (removed) record if the user is non admin, and if the user doesn't have edit access.
- Updated friendlyname attribute on PKCS12 to use user certificate DN (OIM-87)
- Increased the possible size of key for semi-static config table.

GOC Ticket 1.79
- Reimplemented ticket assignment logic administration page. Updated NextAssignee logic to use assignment table. (TICKET-17)
- Fixed an issue where solr autocomplete search is returning duplicate research result (TICKET-97)
- Pathed PHP notice for missing ticket_type.
- Added IP prefix for IPV6 (both eth0 and eth1) for GOC VLAN.
- Fixed the Security label issue on ticket viewer (it wasn't using the correct bootstrap class).
- Made the ticket ID displayed on "Successfully updated ticket XXX" to be a HTML link
- Added SUBMITTER metadata to BulkresourceController
- The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, August 26th, 2014 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

Blogs, GratiaWeb
- Moving host certificates to standard location

GratiaWeb 1.2-29
- Upgrading to osg-measurments-metrics-db/web 1.2-29
- Kernel updates at FNAL, outage expected to be brief.

MyOSG 2.25
- Improved responsiveness of navbar and simplified the homepage title (to make it handle responsive layout better)
- Fixed various issues on support center summary page. Index based query update wasn't working, active filter was still present, and active menu indicator wasn't working. Updated various URLs displayed on search result to use index based query.
- Removed unused css file.
- Removed legacyosgwebsiteview Action from scsummary; page that referenced it no longer exists.
- Added project table to myosg search.
- Added disable flag filtering on project model
- Added deprecation announcements for various perfsonar pages