OSG Operational Services

Monday, June 9, 2014

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, June 10th at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, June 10th, 2014 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

OIM 3.32
VO / Made VO name to look for duplicate VO name case-insensitively. host_certs_request REST interface will now look up VO names case-insensitively (OSGPKI-329)
Split CN validation rule for user/host certificate CNs, and made host certificate CN’s hostname to not able to start with .(dot) (OIM-82)

GOC Ticket 1.77
Added error checking for search controller to prevent GOC alert in case no autocomplete search results are found. Also added checks for invalid priority label (with a bit more log message) to monitor future occurrence of this issue
Replaced various instances of htmlspecialchars usage with view->escape function (we still have a few more to go..)
Added code to automatically focus & expand description area when user select quick desc
Updated jquery/jquery ui libs
Added RSS export capability for open tickets (still an early prototype) User can subscribe to ticket update via RSS feeder via URLs such as http://ticket.grid.iu.edu/rss?cc=hayashis@iu.edu See Jira ticket for more detail. (patched) added a cron task to remove old posts made to solr indexer (TICKET-68)
Made quick description to sort case insensitively. (TICKET-23)

Applying createrepo patch to ensure repo1 and repo2 will produce identical metadata checksum (SOFTWARE-1490)

RSVProcess 1.20
Minor cleanup of the code. Switching from IU SVN to github for SCM / release management
New CA distribution, version 1.39

GOC-TX 1.38
GGUS / Updated goctx.jar which include functionality to base64 decode if the content is encoded. (GOCTX-29)
Updated build.xml to include all jar files under lib
(patched) added to suppress and issue reported here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7615645/ssl-handshake-alert-unrecognized-name-error-since-upgrade-to-java-1-7-0
Updated GOC-TX attachment functions to use the new GOC-TX attachment handlers as requested by Guenter.