OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Announcing OSG Software versions 3.2.10 and 3.1.34

We are pleased to announce OSG Software versions 3.2.10 and 3.1.34.

This high priority release addresses urgent problems that sites are
currently experiencing.

OSG 3.2.10 and 3.1.34 contain:
- VO Package v54
-- Updated information for 2 new CERN VOMS servers
-- Now contains LSC files for those 2 new servers
- Updated Gratia probes
-- Now removes certinfo files as appropriate
-- Fixes this problem which was introduced in 3.2.6 / 3.1.31

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, May 27th at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, May 27th, 2014 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

OIM 3.31
OIM will be upgraded to run on RHEL6 / tomcat6 / MySQL 5.1 (previously on RHEL5/tomcat5). During the upgrade, OIM might be down for a few hours for reconfiguration.
PKI / Updated the serial ID search field to accept OpenSSL format (OSGPKI-392)
Fixed the missing remove icon issue by replacing all DivRepDialog instance with Bootstrap Dialog (OIM-89)
Updated jquery-ui and jquery libs.

GOC Ticket 1.76
Another attempt to reduce false alerts from Search controller.
(patched) Fixed an issue where attachment/list on ticket without attachment will return empty document

MyOSG 2.22
(patched) Fixed an issue where unescaped newline character crashes rsvmap script
Removed improper active site filter on rsvmap script (MYOSG-73)
Updated jquery/jqueryui/bootstrap and various javascript libraries to match ones used by GOC ticket.
Installed lib/select2 and lib/jquery-scrollstop and replaced fblist with select2
Replaced various references made to .grid.iu.edu with .opensciencegrid.org
Removed obsoleted reference to fermi gratia reporting service.
Made changes to the way list parameters (facility_123=on, facility_234=on) are handled in order for select2 to work. This change should be backward compatible.
Fixed some css issue on chrome with bdii browser

All Services
There will be OS updates; reboots will be required. Downtime should be minimal, and the usual high-availability mechanisms will be used to reduce service downtime even further and eliminate it in most cases. However, services may experience degraded performance, and the services without HA mechanisms (OIM and Twiki) will still experience brief downtimes.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Announcing OSG Software versions 3.2.9 and 3.1.33

We are pleased to announce OSG Software versions 3.2.9 and 3.1.33.

Announcing HTCondor CE 1.0:
-HTCondor CE is suitable for all sites running HTCondor, PBS or SLURM.

OSG 3.2.9 contains:
- HTCondor CE 1.0
-- Improved osg-configure to better support HTCondor CE
-- Improved RSV to better support HTCondor CE
- GridFTP now supports UDT (use the -udt flag)

OSG 3.1.33 and 3.2.9 contain:
- VOMS Admin no longer passes expired and suspended users to GUMS
- Update to cctools 4.1.3
- Update to UberFTP 2.8
- osg-configure more robust when fetch-crl reports problems
- VO Package v53
- Updated Gratia probes (PBS)
- Update to javascriptrrd (used by GlideWMS)
- Various bug fixes

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Introducing the OSG puppet-contrib repository

Introducing the OSG puppet-contrib repository

Do you manage a site with Puppet? Do you write your own modules because the right ones are not available elsewhere? Or do you wish to share the fruits of your labor?

We have created a new repository where you and others from the OSG community will be able to contribute and obtain Puppet modules for grid software.
The repository is on Github at https://github.com/opensciencegrid/puppet-contrib.

Anyone in OSG can contribute via pull requests; the OSG-Software team will (lightly) curate the modules. We have guidelines and advice at .

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, May 13th at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, May 13th, 2014 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.

OSG Wordpress Instances (Bosco / OSG Homepage)
* Upgrading to Wordpress version 3.9.
* Upgrading all plugins.

GOC Ticket 1.75
* Security patch (TICKET-95)
* Removed long deprecated attachment handlers
* Patched overly verbose error message generated by SearchController.

GOC-TX 1.38
* Fixed an issue where GOC accessor was still using old attachment handler (updated to use new interface).

OIM 3.30
* Fixed a bug where service certificate request with CN that consists with only the GridAdmin domain name will not be accepted (OIM-86)
* Added “Provide Feedback” button on PKI pages.
* (patched) Added Digicert grid_approve_request call immediately after calling grid_request_host_revoke call.
* Added a capability to configure certificate signer class.

GratiaWeb (tentative)
* Doubling CPU count and memory size (to 2 CPUs and 2G) to reduce occurrence of GratiaWeb service hanging