OSG Operational Services

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

OSG All Hands Meeting - Registration

Dear Colleagues,

We are just a few weeks away from the OSG All Hands Meeting! We encourage you to register and participate in this important annual event for the Consortium. We have a very full and interesting agenda – the details of which are being built out at https://indico.fnal.gov/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=7207

If you plan on attending please register and make your lodging arrangements soon.

The SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory is hosting this event to reflect its increasing activity as a member of OSG Communities and the OSG Consortium itself, and we are using the opportunity to invite and include more of our local researchers and scientists from Standard University as well as SLAC itself. The scheduled topics include:
* Monday: US ATLAS and US CMS computing workshops
* Tuesday: The OSG Campus Infrastructures Community: campus distributed computing infrastructures and the national cyber ecosystem
* Wednesday: Plenary presentations from Scientists benefiting from the OSG as well as the OSG Project Leads giving the status and future plans
* Thursday:
OSG New Technologies
Federated Storage Workshop (USA and Europe)
* Friday:
Federated Storage Workshop (USA and Europe)

We invite you to visit the 2014 OSG AHM site at http://app.certain.com/profile/web/index.cfm?PKwebID=0x5948342f2c&varPage=home soon and register.

Amber Boehnlein, SLAC Division Director, Scientific Computing Applications
Lothar Bauerdick, OSG Executive Director
Ruth Pordes, OSG Council Chair