OSG Operational Services

Thursday, March 28, 2013

New VO Package - New VOs and VOMS Cert Updates

A new VO package is now available. This package includes new VOs UC3, MCDRD, and LQCD. It also includes updates to the OSG, GlueX, Engage, CSIU, MIS, Dream, Suragrid, and OSGEDU VOs.

A detailed list of changes is available at:

This will be part of the OSG 3.1.16 Software Release, which is scheduled to be released on 4/2/2013. Instructions will be available at:

OSG Operations suggests backing up your installation before running any update commands.

To pull the new VO Package for an OSG 1.0.x or 1.2.0 Resource please use:
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-package

To pull the new VO Package for the OSG Client 1.0.x or 1.2.0 please use:
# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-client

Thursday, March 21, 2013

*IMPORTANT REMINDER on DOE GRIDS CA Service Transition and OSG PKI Availability*

*IMPORTANT REMINDER on DOE GRIDS CA Service Transition and OSG PKI Availability*

As previously announced the DOEGrids CA will cease providing certificate services on March 23rd, 2013 and is now in the final stages of transitioning services to the new CA managed by the Open Science Grid (OSG). Most DOEGrids CA communities have already transitioned to the new OSG service and many users have begun using the OSG CA. As of the March 23rd date it will no longer be an option to renew your DEOGrids certificate and all OSG issued certificates will use the OSG PKI located at https://idmanager.opensciencegrid.org. 

Please contact your RA soon with any questions or concerns you may have to ensure continuation of your certificate services after March 2013. Please review the transition website for comprehensive information on the service transition it is located at http://www.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view/Security/OSGCATransition2012. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

GOC Services Update - Tuesday, March 26th at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, March 26th, 2013 at 14:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours (13:00 - 21:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered.  We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

* Updating osg-measurements-metrics-db/web to version 1.1-10
* Updating graphtool to version 0.6.6-16
* Installing gratia-bdii-probe ( bdii_cese_record component only)
* Installing new GOC soft-backup script

OIM 3.14 (Tentative)
* Allow VO contacts to edit VO sponsors
* Allow user to specify sponsor while submitting user certificate request
* Splitting sponsor from RA contact types.

* Adding http to https forwarding

All Services
* There will be OS updates; reboots will be required.  Downtime should be minimal, and the usual high-availability mechanisms will be used to reduce service downtime even further and eliminate it in most cases.  However, services may experience degraded performance, and the services without HA mechanisms (OIM and Twiki) will still experience brief downtimes.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Upcoming changes to OSG PKI interface regarding RA sponsors

We are planning to make an update to the OSG PKI interface in regards to how sponsor information is stored in OIM, and how it is used during a user certificate request. Currently, sponsors can be edited only by OSG PKI staff, and OSG users are asked but not required to enter a name of sponsor inside a comment section while submitting a user certificate request. We'd like to make following changes.

1) Allow any contacts listed as VO contacts to add/remove sponsors for that VO.
2) Require a user to specify a sponsor from the VO sponsor list, or manually enter name/email address of a sponsor if not listed.
3) Notification ticket template will be updated to indicate if user has selected an existing sponsor from VO's sponsor list, or if user has manually entered name/email.

More details about this change can be found in following document.

> https://confluence.grid.iu.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=7897105

The prototype of these changes can be tested in OIM-ITB instance, and we plan to release these updates on 3/26 unless we hear objections, or encounter any issues.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

AHM Poster Session Voting


If you are currently attending the OSG All Hands Meeting, please stop by the Poster session. Attendees should vote for their favorite posters by emailing steige@iu.edu

Thank You,
OSG Grid Operations Center (GOC)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


If you could access thousands, maybe millions, of hours of computing, how
would it transform your research? What discoveries would you make?

We are looking for qualified students to attend the 2013 Open Science Grid
(OSG) User School, where they will learn how to use high-throughput
computing to harness vast amounts of computing power for research.

Using lectures, discussions, roleplays, and lots of hands-on work with OSG
experts in high-throughput computing, students will learn how HTC systems
work, how to run and manage many jobs and huge datasets to implement a full
scientific computing workflow, and where to turn for help and more info.

Worried about costs? Successful applicants will get financial support to
attend the OSG School (June 24-27) at the beautiful University of Wisconsin
in Madison. Plus, some students will receive financial support to attend
XSEDE13 (July 22-25) in San Diego, California.

Ideal candidates are science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
(STEM) graduate students whose research demands large-scale computing.
Also, advanced undergraduates are encouraged to apply. Others may apply
too; funding is tight this year, but we consider all great candidates!


Application Period: March 4-29
OSG User School: June 24-27
XSEDE13 Conference: July 22-25


Web: https://www.opensciencegrid.org/bin/view/Education/OSGUserSchool2013
Email: osg-school-2013-info@opensciencegrid.org

Please forward this announcement to help us reach potential students. And
consider posting our flyer where appropriate:


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

CORRECTION: Announcing OSG Software version 3.1.15

The text of the last message was truncated and the correct text follows. We apologize for the inconvenience.

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.15!

This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

This release affects a variety of systems, especially ones running services. Changes include:

* Switch to Fetch CRL v3 (by default) on EL5 systems (see below)
* Added "Upcoming" software repository for disruptive updates (see below)
* Upgrade GridFTP to 6.14
* Upgrade gLExec and LCMAPS to current versions
* Reworked LCMAPS configuration in the gatekeeper, GridFTP, GSI-OpenSSH, etc.
* Upgrade to very latest Java 1.6 release (6u43)

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Note that there are two larger changes with this release that have separate documentation:

* Fetch CRL: With this release, we recommend that users on Enterprise Linux 5 systems (SL5, CentOS 5, and RHEL 5) switch from Fetch CRL version 2 to version 3. We have documentation on the change, including the reasons for doing so, here:


* Upcoming repositories: We are adding a new set of optional repositories to supplement our existing ones. They will be used in the future to provide software updates that could cause disruptions if added to the normal repositories. More information is available here:


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

Announcing OSG Software version 3.1.15

We are pleased to announce OSG Software version 3.1.15!

This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for:

* Scientific Linux 5 and 6
* CentOS 5 and 6
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and 6

This release affects a variety of systems, especially ones running services. Changes include:

* Switch to Fetch CRL v3 (by default) on EL5 systems (see below)
* Added "Upcoming" software repository for disruptive updates (see below)
* Upgrade GridFTP to 6.14
* Upgrade gLExec and LCMAPS to current versions
* Reworked LCMAPS configuration in the gatekeeper, GridFTP, GSI-OpenSSH, etc.
* Upgrade to very latest Java 1.6 release (6u43)

Release notes and pointers to more documentation can be found at:


Note that there are two larger changes with this release that have separate documentation:

* Fetch CRL: With this release, we recommend that users on Enterprise Linux 5 systems (SL5, CentOS 5, and RHEL 5) switch from Fetch CRL version 2 to $


* Upcoming repositories: We are adding a new set of optional repositories to supplement our existing ones. They will be used in the future to provide$


Need help? Let us know:


We welcome feedback on this release!

OSG 1.2.32 Update Notification

OSG 1.2.32 Update Notification

Date: March 5, 2013

Affected Components

The following components are affected:

* Java (affects all OSG installs)


This release contains the following updates to address security

* Java 1.6.0_43

Update instructions can be found on the OSG Twiki under the OSG
1.2 update instructions ( https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/OSG12UpdateInstructions ).

Additional Information
The release notes for the VDT 2.0.0p39 release underlying this
release can be found here ( http://vdt.cs.wisc.edu/releases/2.0.0/release-p39.html ).