OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

UPDATE: DOEGrids Certificate Service Problems

There are no problems with requesting new service and user certificates to the DOEgrids web interface.
The gridadmins who need new service certs: use the cert-request script to generate a new request. This works fine. Later the gridadmin or an RA Agent can log into the DOEGrids web interface and approve the request via the browser interface (https://pki1.doegrids.org:8100/).

For user certificates: request a new certificate for the end user. Fill out the form at https://software.grid.iu.edu/cert/certreg.php. Make sure to fill out the "Expired Certificate (Keeping your Old DN) (Optional) " field. You should put your existing DN in this field so that you can still get the same certificate. This will make sure VOMS registration and other registrations will work without a hitch.

We will continue to debug what is wrong with renewal interfaces.