OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

OSG Software Version 3.0.5 Has Been Released


We have reached a major milestone: RPMs are now the recommended way to install most of the OSG Software.

Today we have released OSG Software version 3.0.5. As of this release, the following components are now considered production-ready:

* The Compute Element
* The Storage Elements (Bestman, Xrootd, HDFS)

See the release notes for details.

We encourage you to try out this new RPM-based OSG Software because we believe that it is ready to work in production. As previously announced, we will only be providing critical updates to the older Pacman-based software releases. Therefore all new features will be delivered via this new RPM-based release.

You can ask support via the usual channels. If you need any help with the transition from Pacman to RPM, please feel free to ask for help.

We look forward to your feedback on this new release.

Monday, December 12, 2011

DOEGrids CA Maintenance - GOC Ticket # 11270

Start Time: Wednesday Dec 14, 12 Noon Pacific
End Time: Wednesday Dec 14, 4 PM Pacific
Description:- DOEGrids CA operators will be updating the DOEGrids CA service with the new signing certificate. This change does require CA service restart. During this maintenance window CA Operators will be restarting the service multiple times, which means the access to the CA services (Certificate Enrollment and Approval interface for Agents) will be affected. This Change to the DOEGrids CA should not have any impact for the user community, because the key material for the new Signing Certificate is the same as the current one. No certificate request approvals will be processed during the entire maintenance window.

Please see ticket 11270 at:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

DocDB Outage Wednesday, Dec. 14

The central DocDB server will be patched and restarted next Wednesday, Dec. 14 between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. The outage is expected to last only five to ten minutes.

If you have any questions or if you experience any problems following the outage, please contact the Fermilab Service Desk.

Fermilab Service Desk
(630) 840-2345

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

OSG Software 3.0.4 release


I'm pleased to announced OSG Software version 3.0.4. This is the new OSG Software distributed via RPMs for Scientific Linux 5, CentOS 5, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5. The changes in this release include changes that affect the existing general production release of VOMS, the Client, the Worker Node Client, and glexec. In particular:

* We've updated Globus to a new version that will be compatible with Globus 5.2 when it moves into EPEL in 2012. This required us to rebuild all the packages that link against Globus. There are few functional changes in Globus, but there are bug fixes.

* The CA certificates have been updated to fix a minor packaging problem, but not their content. We expect the IGTF 1.24 update to be released in early January after further testing in our internal OSG integration testbed.

* We have also released some new software as a "limited production release"--details are in the release notes.

Release notes and pointers to documentation can be found at:

You can ask support via the usual channels. We look forward to your feedback on this new release.

Alain Roy
Open Science Grid Software Coordinator

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, December 13th, 2011 at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, December 13th, 2011 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves 8 hours (13:00 - 21:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered. We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.

MyOSG / OIM / GOC Ticket / Software Cache / TWiki
The footer will be modified to include a link to the Indiana University privacy policy [GOCADMIN-75]
MyOSG 1.44

ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu
Disabling BDII information gatherer used by BDII GridMap which is deprecated long ago.
Fixed the Mac EOD (end of line) issue discovered in GOC ticket application
Removed GOC BDII ITB service from Status Overview page. Updated BDII raw data link from is-itb.grid to is.grid
RSV Process 1.16
Removed alert forwarder that sends error messages directly to goc@
GOC Ticket 1.47

ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu
Made definition for json_decode optional and replaced split() with explode() (prepearing for php53)
Fixed the timing of setting default timezone to deal with boot time false alarm.
Added GGUS Ticket ID to metadata column on the ticket navigator
Defined the column that are displayed by default (when there is no cookie set) for navigator.
Added ability to sign email content sent from security notification form and added vulnerability mailing list address to destination list. [TICKET-31]

is3 and is5 will be added to DNS RR (LVS interface for is3 and is5 is available at vip-is.grid.iu.edu)
OIM.grid.iu.edu 2.40

ITB version is now available for testing at https://oim-itb.grid.iu.edu
Updating Installed Capacity Report Script
Deprecated /pub pages will no longer serviced via httpd (http://oim.grid.iu.edu/pub/) [OIM-11]

Monday, December 5, 2011

OSG BDII is2.grid.iu.edu update

The water leak in the Indianapolis machine room has been repaired and second instance of BDII returned to DNS round robin. Another shutdown will be required to replace all power sockets that were submerged. The schedule for this replacement has not been announced but the GOC has been assured prior notice will be given.

Friday, December 2, 2011

OSG BDII at is2.grid.iu.edu Offline this Weekend

Due to a water pipe burst at the Indianapolis Campus the BDII instance at is2.grid.iu.edu will be removed from DNS Round Robin at 5pm EST today and remain inactive until at least Monday. This should be transparent to all OSG BDII users as the BDII instance located in the Bloomington machine room will pick up all traffic.

All other Production OSG Services are fully homed in Bloomington and will not be affected.

A note on glexec from OSG Software 3.0.3

On Tuesday, we announced the general release of the RPM-based client, worker node client, and glexec (OSG Software 3.0.3). For those of you installing glexec, we recommend that you wait until our 3.0.4 release (currently scheduled for next Tuesday, December 6th) to install it. The installation in 3.0.3 works well on 64-bit platforms, but 32-bit platforms requires extra undocumented editing of the glexec/lcmaps configuration. In addition, updating from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4 will require additional editing of the glexec/lcmaps configuration on all platforms. This suggestion does not apply to the non-glexec portion of the clients: while we will update them, the updates will be transparent.

We hope this doesn't cause any inconvenience.

Alain Roy
Open Science Grid Software Coordinator