OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

GOC Service Update - Tuesday, October 25th at 13:00 UTC

The GOC will upgrade the following services beginning Tuesday, October 25th, 2011 at 13:00 UTC. The GOC reserves four hours (13:00 - 17:00 UTC) in the unlikely event that unexpected problems are encountered. We encourage users to test affected services before the production release.
OSG Display 1.0.9

(This is a re-release of Oct 11th release.) Please be aware the GOC makes reasonable effort to support all major browsers current versions but cannot guarantee proper behavior for all browsers and browser versions.

ITB version is now available for testing at http://display-itb.grid.iu.edu
Fixed grammatical errors
Reduced the flickering caused by content resizing
Added jQuery mobile skin for mobile access
MyOSG 1.42

ITB version is now available for testing at https://myosg-itb.grid.iu.edu
Added mechanism to pull metric detail from the complete source (MetricRecord_Xml) if the detail seems to be truncated at 255 by Gratia collector.
GOC Ticket 1.44

ITB version is now available for testing at https://ticket-itb.grid.iu.edu
Fixed a typo [Jira TICKET-28]

OS Updates

As is usual for the second update cycle in a month, the GOC will be updating the operating systems of all physical and virtual machines with the latest security and bugfix patches from the OS provider. In the case of BDII, we will be using the DNS round-robin to redirect traffic to the host not undergoing maintenance, but in all other cases expect a few minutes of downtime.