OSG Operational Services

Monday, September 19, 2011

GOC Production Glidein Factory service is up


We are pleased to announce that the GOC hosted Glidein Factory is up and ready to go. Any VOs interested in using it can contact us at osg-gfactory-support@physics.ucsd.edu and we will register your frontend to use it.

The new production instance uses glideinWMS 2.5.2 and condor 7.6.3. We will follow standard GOC change management procedures for any major upgrades or software updates for this instance. Major updates will happen under the usual maintenance windows on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month and any changes will be tested the week prior on our ITB Factory instance.

As usual if you have any questions please contact us at osg-gfactory-support@physics.ucsd.edu.

Jeff Dost
OSG Glidein Factory Operations