OSG Operational Services

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

ESNet Root CA Service Issue

As some of you may have noticed, the ESNet-Root-CA has had service problems since yesterday (April 18, 2011). The CRL file published by the ESNet Root CA (not the DOEGrids CA) was not available at it's expected coordinates. The ESnet Operations Team has notified us that they put a fix in place to redirect to the new location. OSG Security along with a few OSG Site Administrators have tested the fix successfully. Please let us know if you still have any connection problems to the CRL server.

Please also remember that even if you receive (or had already received) error/failure messages, this situation will NOT affect your site's availability. The CRL file has a lifetime of a year and if you ever have downloaded a copy previously, you will continue your operations as usual. The error messages on RSV probes also does not affect your site availability metrics.

We are also aware that this problem may have affected WLCG users access to CERN Single-Sign-On service via their certificates. We believe the fix in place may take care of this problem. However, we have not verified this with CERN IT staff. We will inform you when we hear from them.