OSG Operational Services

Friday, March 11, 2011

RSV Warnings for Japan Based CRLs

In light of the tragic events in Japan, the staff at the GOC hopes for the best for all of those affected by the earthquakes and tsunamis.

Specific to OSG Operations and Security we are, and will continue to see, RSV Warnings for the CRL Expiry Probe. This probe is non-critical and will not affect the resource status in OSG or WLCG. But, administrators should be aware that this warning may last until network connectivity is restored at the institutions serving Japanese CRLs. These CRLs include AIST and KEK.

We just learned that NAREGI CA has recovered connectivity. Therefore, this advisory only affects KEK CA and AIST CA.

We have around 80 users with certificates from KEK CA. We found no users
in OSG with a certificate issued by AIST CA. KEK CA CRL is scheduled to
expire on April 9, 2011 and AIST CRL is scheduled to expire on March 26,
2011. Both CA certificates have lifetimes through 2015. If connectivity
is not recovered by CRL expiration dates, our users with KEK and AIST
certificates will not be able to access grid resources due to expired
CRL files. We will give you more information once we understand how long
the recovery will take, and we will seek ways to restore access to
affected users.

Thank you,
OSG Operations