OSG Operational Services

Friday, May 29, 2009

MyOSG 1.2 Released!

MyOSG 1.2 has been released with some bug fixes and minor cosmetic changes.

Following are the detailed list of changes:

  • Updated the content of the home page.
  • Fixed jQuery related bugs.
  • Added initial sets of filters / sites selectors to Status Map page
  • Added more links to URL, Email address etc.
  • Added code to remember scroll position via cookie.
  • Added DN filter for contact / phone, email so that sensitive information won't get indexed by search engines.
  • Fixed the datepicker issue where it goes out of the browser window.
  • Added hidden flag display for service and re-formatted to match the style of contact_info
  • Added site name for site map bubble (to show that it's grouped for site and not resource group)
  • Fixed the service filter bug on resource page
  • Added miscellaneous menu, and added RSV metric and CPU info pages.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

OIMv2 released!

The OSG GOC is pleased to announce the release of OIM version 2.0 (to production status) at https://oim.grid.iu.edu.

This is a complete re-write of the OIM application with an updated database backend. Major changes include:
  1. WLCG Installed Capacity: Coordinators of VO that are part of the WLCG interoperability (and/or resource contacts) can enter/modify Installed Capacity information for resources their VO owns
  2. VO Reporting and Subscription; VO contacts can add/modify VO reporting names, associated FQAN and report subscribers
  3. Fields of Science: VOs can associate with field(s) of science(s)
  4. VO Ownership of Resources: Resource contacts can set VO ownership of their resource
  5. Hidden and/or Central Service Registration: Resources can be mapped to multiple services, and tagged hidden if applicable. For example, if the service is a hidden CE.
  6. Over-riding serviceUri: A resource-service's URI can be overridden if applicable. For example, if an SRM runs on foo.grid.iu.edu:60443
  7. Ability to Edit Resource Groups, Sites, Facilities: Registered OIM users are allowed to modify administrative facility and site information as well as resource group information
  8. Multiple Auth-Levels for Users: Registered users can be associated with more than one authorization level; This allows us to provide granular authorization capabilities for various other services like the ticket system, MyOSG, etc.
  9. Comprehensive Audit Capabilities: Changes to various entities are logged, and easily made available to GOC staff and other authorized users. This will help with security as well as various contacts of a resource or a VO knowing what was changed in their registration by who, and when.
  10. New UI: Brand new look for the user interface!


Public views that used to be available at http://oim.grid.iu.edu/pub have mostly been removed from the OIM web interface; these pieces of information are available via MyOSG (http://myosg.grid.iu.edu); Legacy public views, chosen based on past usage, have still been made available at the above link with a warning that they will be phased out as we follow usage or lack of usage. We will be contacting users of the legacy public OIM views to help them towards migrating to MyOSG-provided data.

OIM maintenance complete, and GOC ticket interface restored

OIM service was restored at approximately 18:15 UTC today. (We will send a follow up release notification shortly!)

The OSG GOC apologizes for the inconvenience, but during the OIM maintenance today, GOCTicket had to be taken down for a short period of time time. The ticket interface at https://oim.grid.iu.edu/gocticket was restored at approximately 18:50 UTC.

Again, we apologize for any inconvenience the unexpected ticket interface outage may have caused.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

OIM Maintenance Wednesday, May 27 2009 18:00 UTC

OIM will be under maintenance on Wednesday, May 27 2009 18:00 UTC - 19:00 UTC as the Open Science Grid Operations Center releases OIM version 2. The GOC will work to ensure as little downtime as possible, but reserves the entire window for maintenance. We will send a followup announcement when this maintenance has completed.

While OIM will be affected, the following related services will NOT be affected by this maintenance:
* GOCticket

The GOC will also send out an announcement with information about new features in version 2, migration that may be necessary, legacy links and how long they will be available, etc.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

OSG TWiki Maintenence Completed

The OSG Operations Center has finished its maintenance of the OSG TWiki. Editing capabilities have been restored. If, for some reason, you cannot access the TWiki or edit, you may need to clear your DNS cache. Please alert the GOC if you notice any other odd behaviors.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

MyOSG 1.1 released!

The OSG GOC is pleased to announce the release of MyOSG 1.1 (to production status) at http://myosg.grid.iu.edu/

Major changes include:

  1. Resource summary page (Resource -> Resource Summary) now provides:
    • ServiceURIs for OSG services like CE, SRM, GridFtp
    • Environment Parameter values for OSG resources
    • WLCG Interoperability information including Interop LDAP list as applicable
    • Contact Information (such as report contact, admin contact, etc.). NOTE: Email address might be removed from a future release.
    • Deprecated feature: A legacy CSV URL link for users who wish to continue to use a CSV listing of resources similar to what is shown on VORS' text listing. NOTE: This link will be removed on Nov 30 2009, and is provided to ease transition from VORS to MyOSG.

  2. New filters for resource pages: Active Status, WLCG Information availability
  3. Allows display of permanently deactivated (for anyone who does any kind of reporting against resources including removed ones)
  4. Support Center summary is now available (via link on top menu)
  5. Virtual organization summary is now available (via link on top menu). This page includes ability to additionally:
    • Show member resources
    • Show field(s) of science
    • Show reporting group information. FQANs and contacts. NOTE: Email address might be removed from this display in the future.
  6. Additional explanation at the top of each XML page, and a URL back to original (HTML) MyOSG page at the bottom of each XML page
This version of MyOSG uses updated OIM (v2) database. Until the production release of OIMv2, the data will be synchronized from OIMv1's database on a daily basis.

Sample Pages
  1. ATLAS VO users who are interested in using CEs and SRMs(v2) can go to following link http://tinyurl.com/okvpkg. This page shows ATLAS resources that are under OK status, with service URIs, and environment variables.
  2. Fermilab VO users in VO Reporting Groups information can go to http://tinyurl.com/rbdaud . This page shows information about groups that are stored in OIM (v2). NOTE: The VO registrations on OIM will need to go through a round of clean up (when OIMv2 is released) before this information can be said to be useful.
As usual, any page you see on MyOSG can be exported to XML by clicking the XML link under the Subscription section. On the other hand, if you already have XML, as stated previously, comments at the end of each XML page contains link back to a human readable MyOSG view with the exact query settings that you used to generate the XML so that you can modify or update the query.

New VO Package - NEBioGrid VO Added - GOC Ticket # 6848

A new VO package is now available. This package includes the new VO NEBioGrid.

The GOC suggests backing up your installation before running any update commands.

To pull the new VO Package for an OSG 0.8 or 1.0.x Resource please use:

# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-package

To pull the new VO Package for the OSG Client 0.8 or 1.0.x please use:

# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-client

Also remember a 'nebiogrid' local account mapping will be necessary, so please set up NEBioGrid using your local procedures.

Operations Webpage Maintenance- May 19 - Complete

The OSG Operations Center has completed maintenance on the Operations web page. All pages are working as expected. If you notice any problems, please notify us as soon as possible.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Operations Webpage Maintenance- May 19

The Open Science Grid Operations Center will be performing routine maintenance on the www.grid.iu.edu server on Tuesday, May 19 2009 19:00 UTC. The maintenance will only affect the operations web pages on www.grid.iu.edu and not any other services such as yum.grid.iu.edu or is.grid.iu.edu. The maintenance is expected to last less than one hour, and we will let you know when it is complete.

OSG TWiki Maintenance - Wednesday, May 20

The Open Science Grid Operations Center will be performing maintenance on the OSG TWiki (twiki.grid.iu.edu) server on Wednesday, May 20 2009 from 12:00 to 15:00 UTC. The TWiki will become read-only at 12:00 in an effort to ensure no outages occur during editing. The TWiki may experience intermittent connectivity starting at 13:00 UTC while a DNS change propagates. Once the change is done, we will reactivate editing on the TWiki and announce the end of maintenance to the OSG Community.

Monday, May 11, 2009

OSG BDII Maintenance, Thursday, May 14, 2009

The OSG Operations Center will be performing maintenance on the BDII on Thursday, May 14th from 1:00 PM EDT to 2:00 PM EDT. During this time BDII traffic will be rerouted by DNS to another BDII Server which will remain active and functional. Users using the is.grid.iu.edu address should see no interruption in service.

OSG BDII Maintenance, Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The OSG Operations Center will be performing maintenance on the BDII on Wednesday, May 13th from 10:00 AM EDT to 11:00 AM EDT. During this time BDII traffic will be rerouted by DNS to another BDII Server which will remain active and functional. Users using the is.grid.iu.edu address should see no interruption in service.

Friday, May 8, 2009

BDII Instability

An instance of BDII at the GOC is experiencing an outage. BDII information remains available from the other instance of BDII. We will alert the community when service has been restored.

OSG CA Certificates Version 1.6

Version 1.6 of the OSG CA certificates distribution is
available from <http://software.grid.iu.edu/pacman/cadist/>.

===== Version 1.6 ====================
Released 5-May-2009
Updated to IGTF 1.29:
* Restored NGO-Netrust CA with hash d1737728 (SG)
* Updated AIST Grid (CRL) URL metadata (JP)
* Added accredited MD-Grid CA with hash 9ff26ea4 (MD)
* Added accredited HKU Grid CA with hash 4798da47 (HK)
* Updated signing policy file of APAC Grid CA (AU)
* Added accredited classic BYGCA (Belarus) with hash 709bed08 (BY)
* Updated namespace for the APAC CA (AU, NZ)

Changes to this and past releases can also be found at this link:


Monday, May 4, 2009

New VO-Package Released - Updated CDF, GROW, Fermilab, and CompBioGrid Information

A new VO package is now available. This package includes the new updates and changes to the CDF, GROW, Fermilab, and CompBioGrid VOs.

The GOC suggests backing up your installation before running any update commands.

To pull the new VO Package for an OSG 0.8 or 1.0.x Resource please use:

# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-package

To pull the new VO Package for the OSG Client 0.8 or 1.0.x please use:

# source setup.sh
# pacman -update vo-client